Open-access Estimates correlation and repeatability for characters of the bacurizeiro fruit

This work had as aim to estimate the repeatability and correlation coefficients involving twelve characters of the bacurizeiro fruit: length of the fruit (CF), diameter of the fruit (DF), thickness of the rind (EC), weight of the rind (PC), weight of the seeds (PS), number of seeds (NS), volume of internal cavity (VCI), weight of the fruit (PF), total weight of pulp (PTP), percentages of rind (%C), seeds (%S) and total pulp (%PTP). The estimates of the coefficients of repeatability of characteristics CF, DF, EC, PC, PS, VCI, PTP, %C and %PTP demonstrated high regularity in the individuals and four to twelve measurements are necessary to get predictions with around 95% of reliability. With exception of character EC, had not been observed great differences between the estimates of the coefficients of repeatability obtained by the ANOVA method and the methods of multivaried analysis. The increase in the precision in terms of prediction of the real value of the individuals beyond 95%, will imply to excessive increase, in the number of measurements adding little in precision terms, being then unjustifiable its use. Total weight of pulp presented positive associations with the diameter of fruit, volume of the internal cavity and weight of the fruit.

Platonia insignis; heritability; fruit crop; characterization; access

Editora da Universidade Federal de Lavras Editora da UFLA, Caixa Postal 3037 - 37200-900 - Lavras - MG - Brasil, Telefone: 35 3829-1115 - Lavras - MG - Brazil
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