The beneficial effects of the Mo foliar application on bean crop (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are already known in relation to periods, sources and rates, but persists the doubt about the simultaneous application with some agrochemicals. With the purpose to verify this possibility, three field experiments were carried out on a typical Red Latossol of the experimental area of Departamento de Agricultura at Universidade Federal de Lavras, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, in the Winter-Spring 98, Spring-Summer 98/99 and Summer-Fall 99 seasons. The experiments were set in a randomized complete block design with eight replications and five treatments: 1- Control, 2 Foliar molybdenum (80 g ha-1 of Mo, as ammonium molibdate), 3 Foliar molybdenum + monocrotofós insecticide (0,75 L ha-1 of Nuvacron 400), 4 Foliar molybdenum + benomyl fungicide (0,5 kg ha-1 of Benlate 500) and 5 Foliar molybdenum + fomesafen (1,0 L ha-1 of Flex) and fluazifop-butil (1,0 L ha-1 of Fusilade) post-emergency herbicides. The bean cultivar was the ‘Carioca'. It was evaluated the grain yield and its primary components (pods number per plant, grains number per pod and the hundred grain weight). The joint analysis showed that, when compared to the control treatment, the grain yield and the pods number per plant of the treatments with Mo applications surpassed it in at least 50%, indicating positive effect of the micronutrient and no interference of the Mo mixtures.
Foliar fertilization; micronutrient; plant protection; Phaseolus vulgaris