This study was carried out from March to September of 1995, in the Experimental Field of EPAMIG, Lavras-MG, Brazil, with the objective of determining the physico-chemical and chemical composition of onions from different cultivars (Allium cepa L.). The experimental design was completely randomized blocks with four repetitions and six cultivars as follow: Baia Periforme, Crioula, Granex 33, Pira Ouro, Jubileu and Texas Grano 502. After the cure it was evaluated the pH, soluble and total solids (%), titrate acidity (%), pyruvic acid (µmol/g), total sugar, reducers and non reducers (%) and industrial index. The cultivars Crioula, Baia Periforme, Pira Ouro and Jubileu showed the largest concentrations of total and soluble solids. The highest acidity indexes were observed in the cultivars Crioula (0.370%) and Pira Ouro (0.315%). The largest industrial indexes were found in the cultivars Crioula (0.87) and Baia Periforme (0.75), and the smallest ones in the cultivars Texas Grano 502 (0.51) and Granex 33 (0.32).
Allium cepa; soluble solids content; total solids content; pH; industrial index