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Structural evolution of forsterite film obtained on grain oriented silicon steel

In this work the formation on grain oriented silicon steel of a ceramic film obtained using MgO and TiO2 and SrSO4 additives is described . The material was heat treated at 900 0C, 1000 0C and 1200 0C and for 15 hours at 1200 0C. The coating was evaluated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron microprobe (EDS), X-ray diffraction and glow discharge spectroscopy (GDS). The observed morphological evolution occurs with the formation of a continuous oxide layer on the outermost surface of the sheet. As the temperature is raised, the outermost surface layer becomes thicker while the particles formed underneath becomes richer in Mg. Beyond 1000 0C the formation of crystalline forsterite on the surface of the sheet was observed. The penetration depth of Mg in the material increases as the heat treatment temperature is raised, going from 75 nm at 900 0C to approximately 1.9 mum at 1200 0C.

structure; ceramic coating; forsterite

Associação Brasileira de Cerâmica Av. Prof. Almeida Prado, 532 - IPT - Prédio 36 - 2º Andar - Sala 03 , Cidade Universitária - 05508-901 - São Paulo/SP -Brazil, Tel./Fax: +55 (11) 3768-7101 / +55 (11) 3768-4284 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil