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New political scenarios for information

We could say today, in the global scenario, that Knowledge Economy is being proposed, without any further intention, as the new contents and reference for Information Policy or, under another aspect, as the totality of the policy itself. We consider that a third term contributes to this change in meaning, which would be ' 'information infrastructure'' for some, and ' 'information society'' for others. The ' modus operandi' of this strategic turn was the transposition of the informational from the social-semiotics field to the economic field, through technology and market. In this paper, we consider some changes in the State's role as a modus cognoscendi of these transformations, which deeply affect what has been called, so far, ' 'Information Policy''. By this context we reworded some questions according to the conditions and structures of information, capable of supporting the power's making, circulation and institutionalization processes, within a democratic horizon.

Information Policy; Information Society; Internet; Information Institutionalization; State

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