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Governability, governance and informal power: A central problem of political sociology


The article is a theoretical work and seeks to relate the concept of governance with the structural problems of governability that affect the modern state. The crisis of governability, considered in its broader sociological significance as structural dependence of the state of social dynamics that cannot be controlled by formal political power, is taken as the social reference from which the notion of governance will be developed. The central thesis is that this notion, as well as the various meanings associated with it, is constitutively bound to the pretensions and attempts to regulate the informal power relationships that are established between the state and civil society.

Governance; Governability; Formal power; Informal power

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul Av. Ipiranga, 6681 - Partenon, Cep: 90619-900, Tel: +55 51 3320 3681 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil