The aim of this article is to compare the covers of printed newspapers O Globo and Extra about the beginning of the police occupation of the favela Santa Marta. The aim is to show a general similarity and some differences in the approach of these vehicles. The line of reasoning and argument is the relationship between the discourses of media in vogue and social pressures which contribute to conform such speeches. Therefore, it is postulated that the differences in coverage of the newspapers can be dimensioned starting from the link between the discourses of each newspaper and expectations that these media have in relation to perceptions of their readers. As a general similarity, the investigation has identified the military occupation of the favela as the preponderant framework of the news. To explain this similarity between both vehicles, the text invokes the link between the discourses of the press and the general representations of society about the connection of Rio's favelas with the language of urban violence. Thus, it is argued that the media offers a specific characteristic to that language by uncritically incorporating information, data, explanations and representations from the government officials.
Keywords: Press; Rio's favelas; Language of urban violence; Sociology and press; Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora (UPP)