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Reflections on policies to requalify the Zeis with inhabitants’ participation: limits and challenges to metropolitan areas in Brazil


Segregation is a structural problem of the formation of Brazilian cities that depends on historical reasons and global economic dynamics. The management of informal settlements is one of the biggest challenges facing the contemporary metropolis. After presenting some critical analyses about the production of the informal city in Brazil, the article describes the results of the preparation of the Plan for the Neighbourhood of Nova Constituinte, in the city of Salvador, State of Bahia. This pilot program aimed to contribute to the experimental process of determination of public policies for the management and requalification of the Zeis (areas delimited in a city for the settlement of low-income population): the reflections on limits and challenges are interesting to Latin America as a whole.

informal settlements; participatory planning; Zeis; Brazil

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo Rua Ministro de Godói, 969 - 4° andar - sala 4E20 - Perdizes, 05015-001 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil , Telefone: (55-11) 94148.9100 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil