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Vygotsky and Leontiev: resonances of a past

This article addresses the relationship between Lev Semionovitch Vygotsky and Aleksei Nikolaievitch Leontiev. The two authors are known to have worked together throughout the 1920's and are considered the founders of the historical and cultural theory of Soviet psychology, along with Aleksandr Romanovitch Luria. Initially, information on the biography and scientific trajectory of L. S. Vygotsky is provided based on facts obtained from different sources. The main subject addressed, the supposed breach between Vygotsky and Leontiev, is examined in the article written by descendants of A. N. Leontiev, where original letters written by Leontiev and Vygotsky were published. Finally, there is an interview with Leontiev's grandson, professor Dimitri Leontiev.


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