This research was carried out to study the interaction between the corn and Urochloa spp. cultivars in association, as well as the interference of weeds in this cropping system. A randomized experiment in three blocks with split-plots design was conducted. The plots consisted of seven cropping systems (Urochloa brizantha cv. 'Marandu' and cv. 'Piatã' and U. decumbens cv. 'Basilisk' a sole culture and in association with corn as well as the sole culture of corn) and the split-plots by weed control (with and without weeding). It was found that the establishment of corn-Urochloa spp. cultivars association does not affect yield components such as height and grain yield, nor reduces the weed community, but interferes in the density, mass of dry matter per plant and per area of Urochloa spp. cultivars. There were similar levels of interference of weeds between cropping systems without weeding due to the similarity between the weed communities, showing the predominance of species considered as highly competitive such as Panicum maximum and also due to the low infestation with predominance of species such as Richardia brasiliensis and Ageratum conyzoides, associated with weed control.
Brachiaria brizantha; Brachiaria decumbens; integrated crop-livestock system