The aim of this work was to evaluate the use of green manure nitrogen (Crotalaria juncea L.)-15N and urea-15N, in conjugated and separate fertilization. The experiment was carried out in pots with 5kg of a Rhodic Hapludox (sample collected in 0-20cm depth), using wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), cv. IAC-24. The completely randomized design was used with 5 treatments and 4 replicates: T1 - urea-15N (45mg kg-1 of N-urea); T2 - Crotalaria juncea-15N (100mg kg-1 of N-crotalária); T3 - Crotalaria juncea-14N (100mg kg-1 of N-crotalária) and urea-15N ( of N-urea); T4 - urea-14N ( of N-urea) and Crotalaria juncea-15N ( of N-crotalária); T5 - treatment control (without source with N). The harvest of plants was realized 50 days after emergency (DAE), at flowering stage, separating the shoot of the root, being also sampled the soil of each pot. The parameter evaluated were the dry weight, height of plants, content of N and 15N abundance, being calculated the recovery of nitrogen from the sources. The N-urea recovery in wheat was larger, compared to N-crotalária that stayed immobilized in the soil. In the soil-plant system, the N-crotalária recovery was higher then N-urea. The soil fertilization with urea conjugated with crotalária or applied separately resulted in larger dry weight and content of N in wheat. The use of Crotalaria juncea as green manure provided conservation of nitrogen, promoting larger recovery of the nutrient in the soil-plant system.
mineral fertilization; organic amendment; legume; 15N; isotope technique