Calodium hepaticum has been reported as a parasite of the hepatic parenchyma of many mammal species, but it is not frequent in dogs. The present article aimed to describe two cases of hepatic capillariasis in dogs, diagnosed in a period of one month, in e Santa Maria city, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil . The first dog presented clinical sintomathology of cardiac insufficiency and Calodium hepaticum eggs were occasionally found by histopathological examination of the liver. The second animal presented icteric mucous membranes and ascites. The hemogram revealed non-regenerative anaemia and in the biochemistry serum were observed elevation of alkaline phosphatase, alanina aminotransferase and hypoalbuminemia. The cavitary liquid analysis was compatible with modified transudate. In the histopathological examination, numerous bioperculated eggs of Calodium hepaticum were observed aleatorily distributed in the hepatic parenchyma, with granulomatous and fibrous reaction adjacent to the eggs. The occurrence of two cases in a short period of time suggests that other dogs may be infected and requires a rodent population control.
capillariasis; parasites; hepatic insufficiency; dog