This article presents the analysis of relations and social representations from professionals, leaderships and families about the rights of children and teenagers with disability and violence against them. It is part of a major study which occurred in three Rio de Janeiro's institutions for that population. Its merit is to show up the logic of institutions, professionals and families involved in the special care as an essential part of quality's attention. This study is based on narratives of different actors about the specificity of their work and in group´s discussion of difficulty faced in the care they offer, in the interaction among them and with society, and in the view they project into the themes rights of disabled person and the manifestations of violence against them. We took into account a theoretical revision up-to-date related to different visions and perspectives about people with disability, their support and the care they need. We concluded for the need of giving more attention not only for the disabled people, but mainly to families and professionals which take care of them, in order to empower people and programs.
Rights; Violence; Disability; Family; Professional; Social representation