Within the baseline studies of the PROESF, this article aims to compare the assistance modalities PSF and the traditional UBS per stratum of socially excluded users in São Paulo. The study is considering the opinions of users, health professionals and managers. The tool used for this comparison was the Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT), which contemplates eight dimensions of primary care. The questionnaire was answered by several professionals of the 384 primary care units. The best evaluated PSF and UBS units (Basic Care Index BCI) were selected from each of the three groups and socially excluded stratums. An opinion survey was carried out in each one of these units. The study resulted in scores of perception of users, managers and health professionals in each modality, focusing the eight dimensions of primary care. With exception to one stratum, the opinions of managers and health professionals were found very similar with regard to all studied dimensions and, compared with the opinion of users, they were always better, especially as refers to orientation towards the family and the community. The comparison of PSF and UBS with regard to the different socially excluded stratums shows no differences between the opinions of managers and professionals. The BCI found based on the opinion of users however was higher for the PSF than for the traditional UBS units.
Primary health care; PSF; Assessment of primary care