Open-access Factors associated with alterations in lung function among workers in the ceramics industry

This article seeks to assess lung function in workers of ceramic industries in the municipality of Várzea Grande - Mato Grosso. A cross-sectional study of 183 workers was conducted in the ceramics town of Várzea Grande (MT). A structured questionnaire was used to identify socio-demographic factors, environmental factors and smoking. and spirometry was performed to evaluatie the pulmonary function. Descriptive analysis and bivariate and multiple Poisson regression were performed. The workers are mostly male (94%) with a predominance of individuals aged 39 years (74.9%). The prevalence of respiratory symptoms was 44.9%, 14.8 patients with symptoms considered serious and 30.1% with non-serious symptoms. Associations were found of abnormal pulmonary function with the variables of exposure time and substance inhaled. Employees with four or more years of exposure had 1.99 times more lung function alterations than individuals with exposure time of up to 3 years; individuals who had inhaled dust and mold release had 2.97 times higher alteration in lung function. The change in lung function in workers assessed is related to longer exposure and inhalation of dust and mold release.

Occupational health; Spirometry; Ceramics

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