Open-access Purpose in life in adulthood and older adulthood: integrative review


Purpose in life (PiL) is defined as the sense that life has meaning and intentionality, and plays a guiding role in life goals and decision making regarding the use of personal resources. Objectives: to recognize and analyze data on PiL and conditions associated with good aging or with positive adaptation in aging. Method: an integrative review of articles in peer-reviewed journals published in the PubMed/Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, PsycInfo and Scielo/BVS/Lilacs databases was performed using the terms “purpose in life” and “aging” in the title, without temporal restriction. Results: twenty-seven articles were selected, 22 of which were conducted under large prospective longitudinal studies, 3 were cross-sectional studies and 2 were experimental studies. The studies revealed robust associations between high PiL scores and lower risk of death, Alzheimer’s disease, coronary and cerebrovascular diseases, disability, and sleep disorders; high PiL and positive outcomes in health, cognition, emotional regulation, subjective well-being, and sense of adjustment; PiL as a moderator or resilience resource between risks and adversities and good adaptation. These data are useful for research and intervention involving long-lived and vulnerable older persons.

Key words Goals; Personal satisfaction; Longevity; Aging

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