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Labor market and regulatory processes – Nursing in Brazil


The present article analyzes the job market of nursing professionals, based on data obtained through the survey “Nursing Profile in Brazil” (Cofen – Fiocruz), showing that a significant portion of these workers, mostly nursing aides and technicians, live in increasingly precarious conditions of survival, with low wages, multi-employment and insecurity in the work environment, which prevents them from performing their work activities with dignity. It also analyzes the Nursing regulation process, having as reference the sociology of professions, from the creation of the Federal Nursing Council/Regional Nursing Councils System, in the 1970s, when the category started to have self-regulation autonomy, and currently, the profession shows a robust and highly regulatory legal milestone, considering the number of resolutions issued by Cofen, which have an impact on professional practice. The article points out that it is essential for the government to develop and improve job management and regulation policies, in order to contribute to overcome the problems faced by nursing professionals.

Key words
Job Market; Professional Regulation; Nursing Profile in Brazil


O presente artigo faz uma análise do mercado de trabalho dos profissionais da Enfermagem, a partir dos dados obtidos através da Pesquisa Perfil da Enfermagem no Brasil (Cofen - Fiocruz), evidenciando que uma parcela significativa desses trabalhadores, a maioria auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem, vivem em condições precárias de sobrevivência, com precarização, multiempregos e a insegurança no ambiente de trabalho cada vez mais frequentes, o que os impede de exercerem com dignidade suas atividades laborais. Analisa também o processo de regulação da Enfermagem, tendo como referencial a sociologia das profissões, a partir da criação do Sistema Conselho Federal/Conselhos Regionais de Enfermagem, na década de 1970, quando a categoria passa a ter autonomia da autorregulação, sendo que na atualidade, a profissão demonstra possuir um marco legal robusto e altamente regulador, considerando o quantitativo de resoluções emitidas pelo Cofen, que impactam sobre o exercício profissional. O artigo aponta como sendo essencial que o Estado desenvolva e aprimore as políticas de gestão do trabalho e de regulação, de modo a contribuir para a superação dos problemas enfrentados pela Enfermagem.

Mercado de trabalho; Regulação profissional; Perfil da Enfermagem no Brasil


The modern society has increasingly become a professionalized society, making a large part of human activities developed in it seek recognition and professional status, gaining social privileges and (almost always legal) labor market monopoly. Most of our actions and activities are based on or referenced by acts, criteria and professional standards. Contemporary society is characterized by the division of labor into different activities and specialized areas. Andrew Abbott's statement11 Abbott A. The system of professions. An Essay on the division of expert labor. London, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press; 1988. that professions dominate our world, our bodies, measure our profits and save our souls, summarizes how much we experience the myth of professionalism.

The domain and monopoly of knowledge constitute the core of the autonomy of the professions and their social prestige. They, in general, also appeal to the ideal of service in the pursuit of social credit and autonomy, which means that the patient's interest must take precedence over corporate interests. For Larson22 Larson MS. The rise of professionalism. A sociological analysis. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press; 1977., the ideal of service and the code of ethics, different versions of the same idea of moral obligation to society, are the main ideological response of the professions to the contradiction between socially produced knowledge on the one hand, and its private appropriation in the form of expertise, on the other. Both are the justification and assurance that this knowledge will be returned to society as qualified services; which, however, present themselves as pre-capitalist or anti-market elements, which gives them an ideological connotation. These are elements that were incorporated into the organization of the professions because they support both social credit and public belief in the ethical character of the professions33 Machado MH. Os médicos e sua prática profissional: as metamorfoses de uma profissão [tese]. Rio de Janeiro: IUPERJ; 1996..

A phenomenon that has been increasingly growing refers to a large number of legal suits by several technical activities seeking their recognition as a profession. And this is not restricted to the Brazilian reality, as it has a universal presentation, in a movement of increasing professionalization of these occupations. This demand reflects the “social need” that the services a given technical area offers to society comprise differentiated, specialized and good quality products. These professionals need to undergo specific training, be constantly peer-reviewed, and have norms and rules that guide them in their practice. Additionally, this activity requires government regulation to ensure the monopoly and exclusivity of the labor market.

Overall, there is a consensus among theorists of the area regarding the existence of two unquestionable attributes, namely, the existence of a specific body of knowledge and the orientation towards an ideal of services.

Saying it more clearly, we can say that profession is an occupation of which obligations systematically create and use the accumulated overall knowledge to solve problems posed by a client, either individual or collective.44 Machado MH. Sociologia das profissões: uma contribuição ao debate teórico. In: Machado MH, organizadora. Profissões de saúde: uma abordagem sociológica. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Fiocruz; 1995. p. 13-31.(p.18).

According to Freidson55 Freidson E. Renascimento do profissionalismo. Trad. CM Paciornik. São Paulo: Ed. USP; 1998.:

the market design of the modern professions looks outwards to the broader market, seeking to establish a secure jurisdiction in the social division of labor, a shelter in the labor market, that is, in Max Weber's terms 'a social enclosure', that excludes potential competitors that are outside the profession.55 Freidson E. Renascimento do profissionalismo. Trad. CM Paciornik. São Paulo: Ed. USP; 1998.(p.249).

This author also shows that the:

Reasonably firm and stable jurisdictional boundaries that minimize competition from other occupations and the rules that control competition between coworkers create sufficiently secure (although not necessarily wealthy) economic conditions to make a lasting commitment possible. (...) the market design lines permeate all this to obtain collective economic protection against external competition and from the maintenance design to preserve the solidarity between members, protecting the public image of the profession and avoiding the attempts of customers, employers and others to exercise control over their members' work.55 Freidson E. Renascimento do profissionalismo. Trad. CM Paciornik. São Paulo: Ed. USP; 1998.(p.252).

It is important to emphasize that the professionalized markets that exist today in the world emerged in the midst of the transformations arising from the Industrial Revolution and the consolidation of the capitalist system. These facts allowed the emergence of practices and new social functions, increasing the need for professionalism in all industrialized society22 Larson MS. The rise of professionalism. A sociological analysis. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press; 1977..

On the other hand, as it occurred with several other professions, in nursing, the regulatory aspects required complex actions involving various actors.

For Moran & Wood66 Moran M, Wood B. States, regulation and the medical profession. Buckingham: Open University Press; 1993., professional regulation scholars, there are three regulatory models. The first refers to Self-regulation, that is, the professionals themselves define the mechanisms of market entry and technical competency. The second is the Government-sanctioned Regulation, characterized by institutions in charge of formulating and implementing regulatory mechanisms with the government's consent and support. Finally, the Direct Government Regulation, exercised by specialized public institutions. For these authors, the regulatory model consists of the following elements: a) market entry mechanisms, including licensing and certification; b) control of professional competition; c) the structure of the labor market and; d) the payment mechanism.

This is the central topic of this article: the labor market and the regulatory process of the nursing profession in the light of the empirical findings of the Nursing Profile Survey in Brazil – PPEB (2017), which makes an accurate and detailed diagnosis of the situation of nurses, nursing technicians and aides, with nearly two million workers in the country's health system. The survey listened to these professionals in more than 50% of the municipalities, in the 27 units of the Federation and in the 5 regions of the country. Therefore, we have now the radiography of this profession, allowing a more accurate and reliable understanding of the local and national realities.

Professional regulation

The first regulatory measures of nursing were in the field of training, with the emergence of schools and vocational courses. However, even after the establishment of the National Department of Public Health in 1923, the supervision of Nursing activities was subordinated to Medicine77 Kletemberg DF, Siqueira MTD, Mantovani MF, Padilha MI, Amante LN, Anders JC. O Processo de Enfermagem e a Lei do Exercício Profissional. Rev Bras Enferm 2010; 63(1):26-32.. Only with the creation of the Federal Council/Regional Councils of Nursing System, through Law N. 5.905/7388 Brasil. Lei nº 5.905, de 12 julho de 1973. Dispõe sobre a criação dos Conselhos Federal e Regionais de Enfermagem e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial da União 1973; 13 jul., the profession became self-regulating, gaining autonomy.

This “rational-legal bureaucracy structure aims an efficient division of labor, forms of supervision that can effectively control and coordinate a complex variety of specialized tasks, and channels that can freely and fully pass orders, requests, and information up and down the hierarchy. (...) The organization personnel are chosen solely based on their competency to perform a particular type of work and are required to perform this work on their own. Their rights, duties and responsibilities are very precisely defined, as is their authority over others and their subordination to them”55 Freidson E. Renascimento do profissionalismo. Trad. CM Paciornik. São Paulo: Ed. USP; 1998.(p.254).


the regulation on the control of entering the profession is carried out by the Regional Councils, taking into account the competencies described in the sections of article 15: I) to decide on the registration in the Council and its cancellation and VII) to issue the Employment Record Card indispensable to exercise the profession, which will be valid throughout the national territory and can be used as an ID document. The supervision of the professional activity is carried out according to the guidelines issued by the Federal Council and the Regional Councils are responsible for its implementation according to the competencies related to the provisions of article 15: II) to discipline and supervise the professional practice, following the general guidelines of COFEN; IV) keep the records of professionals working in their respective jurisdiction; V) to know and decide on matters related to professional ethics, applying the appropriate penalties99 Koster I. O exercício profissional da enfermagem no âmbito da atenção primária à saúde no Brasil [tese]. Rio de Janeiro: Ensp/Fiocruz; 2019..

The inspection by the Councils is the main action to ensure the effectiveness of Law N. 7,498/19861010 Brasil. Presidência da República. Casa Civil. Subchefia para Assuntos Jurídicos. Lei nº 7.498, de 25 de junho de 1986. Dispõe sobre a regulamentação do exercício da Enfermagem e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial da União 1986; 26 jun., which regulates the activity. In Brazil, Nursing accounts for most health care activities, totaling more than 2.2 million workers, represented by the Nurse, Nursing Technician and Nursing Aide. It is the nurse's responsibility to lead the care process, working in the management of nursing care, establishing the interrelationship between care and administering this care.

Based on the Law of professional practice, it is possible to observe that two types of Nurses are acknowledged: the generalist and the obstetric nurse, (Cofen Res. N. 581/20181111 Conselho Federal de Enfermagem (COFEN). Resolução COFEN nº 581, de 11 de julho de 2018. Atualiza no âmbito do Sistema Cofen/Conselhos Regionais de Enfermagem, os procedimentos para Registro de Títulos de Pós-Graduação Lato e Stricto Sensu concedido a Enfermeiros e aprova a lista das especialidades. Diário Oficial da União 2018; 18 jul., which regulates the specialties and N. 516/20161212 Conselho Federal de Enfermagem (COFEN). Resolução COFEN nº 516, de 23 de junho de 2016. Normatiza a atuação e a responsabilidade do Enfermeiro, Enfermeiro Obstetra e Obstetriz na assistência às gestantes, parturientes, puérperas e recém-nascidos nos Serviços de Obstetrícia, Centros de Parto Normal e/ou Casas de Parto e outros locais onde ocorra essa assistência; estabelece critérios para registro de títulos de Enfermeiro Obstetra e Obstetriz no âmbito do Sistema Cofen/Conselhos Regionais de Enfermagem, e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial da União 2016; 27 jun., which establishes the competencies for working in the field of obstetrics)1010 Brasil. Presidência da República. Casa Civil. Subchefia para Assuntos Jurídicos. Lei nº 7.498, de 25 de junho de 1986. Dispõe sobre a regulamentação do exercício da Enfermagem e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial da União 1986; 26 jun.. Another measure arising from the law is the institutionalization of its activities, with the inclusion of the planning and scheduling of care in organizational structures, as well as the obligatory position of the Nursing Service Direction and Supervision as the nurse's exclusive actions. Another important regulatory element is the consultation and prescription of nursing care. In this sense, the Cofen determines the institution of the Nursing Process and Nursing Care Systematization (Cofen Res. N. 358/20091313 Conselho Federal de Enfermagem (COFEN). Resolução COFEN nº 358, de 15 de outubro de 2009. Dispõe sobre a Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem e a implementação do Processo de Enfermagem em ambientes, públicos ou privados, em que ocorre o cuidado profissional de Enfermagem, e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial da União 2009; 23 out.), in all health units.

Regarding the expansion of the scope of practices, the law established prerogatives for nurses in the prescription of medications (Cofen Res. N. 195/1997), also guaranteeing the request for examinations established in the Public Health Programs and institutional routines1414 Conselho Federal de Enfermagem (COFEN). Resolução COFEN nº 195, de 18 de fevereiro de 1997. Autoriza a solicitação de exames de rotina e complementares pelos enfermeiros quando no exercício de suas atividades profissionais. Diário Oficial da União; 1997.. Therefore, the regulation of this practice complied with the care model based on the highly relevant activity of nurses in the public health context.

In the case of Brazil, other entities are also responsible for the regulation of nursing activity, especially the Ministry of Health (MOH), which establishes the main clinical guidelines for the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS – Sistema Único de Saúde), through protocols. However, David et al.1515 David HMSL, Acioli S, Seidl HM, Brandão PS. O enfermeiro na Atenção Básica: processo de trabalho, práticas de saúde e desafios contemporâneos. In: Mendonça MHM, Matta GC, Gondim R, Giovanella L, organizadores. Atenção Primária à Saúde no Brasil: conceitos, práticas e pesquisa. Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz; 2018. p. 337-367. mention that “nurses perform what is allowed in the field of political negotiations between categories, according to the needs and contractualization of local interests by the power management and micromanagement”. Therefore, these practices are under constant jurisdictional disputes with other health professions. In this sense, Cofen affirms and delimits, through resolutions and opinions, the jurisdictional questions related to clinical practice. It is noteworthy that these resolutions embody, in addition to self-regulation, responses to the jurisdictional attacks of other health corporations. This responsive capacity of Cofen is analyzed by Koster99 Koster I. O exercício profissional da enfermagem no âmbito da atenção primária à saúde no Brasil [tese]. Rio de Janeiro: Ensp/Fiocruz; 2019., who highlights the exponential growth in the number of resolutions following the promulgation of SUS in 1988, with the expansion of health policies of the MOH from the 1990s and continuing to the present day. (Graph 1).

Graph 1
Distribution of the number of Resolutions per year available on the site of the Federal Nursing Council – Brazil.

Among the set of resolutions, three stand out: a) the Code of Professional Ethics; b) the inspection system operation; c) the standardization of the Technical Responsibility, as a capillarization of the supervision of the professional practice as indicated in Chart 1.

Chart 1
Resolutions on professional regulation of nursing - Brazil.

According to Koster99 Koster I. O exercício profissional da enfermagem no âmbito da atenção primária à saúde no Brasil [tese]. Rio de Janeiro: Ensp/Fiocruz; 2019.:

After the first version of the Code of Ethics, there were three other reformulations. The first, in 1993, where in addition to the change of the title to Code of Professional Ethics of Nursing, there were structural changes with the exclusion of the preamble, considerable increase of articles, inclusion of all Nursing professionals, and inclusion of a chapter on infractions and penalties, with Cofen Resolution 51/1979 being revoked. The second, in the year 2000, with few changes, only removed the article dealing with drug advertising, indicating extensions in the professional field of nursing. And the third occurred in 2007, with a great expansion of its structure into 132 articles, divided into seven chapters, with four sections each, which concern, respectively, relationships with the person, the family and the community; with nursing workers; with professional organizations and, finally, with employers' organizations99 Koster I. O exercício profissional da enfermagem no âmbito da atenção primária à saúde no Brasil [tese]. Rio de Janeiro: Ensp/Fiocruz; 2019..

According to Koster's analysis99 Koster I. O exercício profissional da enfermagem no âmbito da atenção primária à saúde no Brasil [tese]. Rio de Janeiro: Ensp/Fiocruz; 2019., the text of the current Code of Ethics, instituted by Cofen Res N. 564/20171616 Conselho Federal de Enfermagem (COFEN). Resolução COFEN nº 564, de 6 de novembro de 2017. Aprova a reformulação do Código de Ética dos profissionais de enfermagem. Diário Oficial da União 2017; 6 dez.:

considers in its scope a set of documents and legislations aimed at defending earned human rights, individual ones or of priority groups, involving bioethics, research with human beings, violence against women, children, adolescents and the elderly, and individuals with mental disorders. Therefore, Nursing updates one of its self-regulation instruments, establishing its standards of conduct and relationships between its peers, its competitors and its clientele99 Koster I. O exercício profissional da enfermagem no âmbito da atenção primária à saúde no Brasil [tese]. Rio de Janeiro: Ensp/Fiocruz; 2019..

As for the phenomenon of specialization in nursing, the analysis points to issues related to the regulation of professional practice and the labor market. Some, involving public policies and models of health care, such as: Collective Health and hospital areas. Others meet the requirements of areas that are already regulated, such as worker's health and hemodialysis services.

As a result of technological evolution, Nursing specializes in areas of expertise. The first resolution on the subject is from 1998, regulating 8 specialties. In 2001, it increased to 37; in 2004, to 42, reaching 60 specialties in the year 2018, which represents an increase of 750% (Figure 1), as pointed out by Koster99 Koster I. O exercício profissional da enfermagem no âmbito da atenção primária à saúde no Brasil [tese]. Rio de Janeiro: Ensp/Fiocruz; 2019..

Figure 1
Distribution of the number of specializations recognized by the Federal Nursing Council according to the Resolutions.

On the other hand, data from PPEB (2017) indicate that:

Although 70% of nurses have taken a specialization course, that is not reflected when the question concerns whether or not one has a Specialist Title. In this case, 51% claim they have a title, which makes it possible to infer that a significant part of the courses offered and taken by nurses are not recognized by the category/job market, not giving them the status of specialist1919 Machado MH, Wermelinger M, Vieira M, Oliveira E, Lemos W, Aguiar Filho W, Lacerda WF, Santos MR, Souza Junior PB, Justino E, Barbosa C. Aspectos gerais da formação da enfermagem: o perfil da formação dos enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem. Enferm Foco 2016; 7(n. esp.):15-34.(p.21).

The authors also analyze that this “specialization” of the activity reflects something new in the nursing labor market, since “of the 211,000 nurses who reported having a title of specialist, 47% obtained the title 5 years ago or less. Adding up the group of 6-10 years, the percentage rises to 65.7%1919 Machado MH, Wermelinger M, Vieira M, Oliveira E, Lemos W, Aguiar Filho W, Lacerda WF, Santos MR, Souza Junior PB, Justino E, Barbosa C. Aspectos gerais da formação da enfermagem: o perfil da formação dos enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem. Enferm Foco 2016; 7(n. esp.):15-34.. Similarly, and following the same process, 18 specialties have been registered for the Nursing technician, contained in Cofen Res. N. 609/20192020 Conselho Federal de Enfermagem (COFEN). Resolução COFEN nº 609, de 1º de julho de 2019. Atualiza, no âmbito do Sistema Cofen/Conselhos Regionais de Enfermagem, os procedimentos para registro de especialização técnica de nível médio em Enfermagem concedida aos Técnicos de Enfermagem e aos Auxiliares de Enfermagem. Diário Oficial da União 2019; 3 jul..

Regarding the regulation of care practice, Cofen has issued a series of norms that meets the needs and challenges in the category's daily life. The case of the autonomy for insertion of the Peripheral Intravenous Catheter (PIC); suturing/episiorrhaphy by the obstetric nurse; the collection of material for oncotic colpocytology as an exclusive activity of the nurse; authorization to perform the insertion of Intrauterine Device by nurses; the definition of the competencies of the team in the treatment of injuries, giving them the autonomy to open Nursing Offices, among others, have been defied, attained through judicial intervention by the Council, such as the recognition of the autonomy of nurses in the practice of acupuncture.

As an example, Cofen recently standardized the opening of nursing clinics and offices, through Res. N. 568/20182121 Conselho Federal de Enfermagem (COFEN). Resolução COFEN nº 568, de 9 de fevereiro de 2018. Aprova o Regulamento dos Consultórios de Enfermagem e Clínicas de Enfermagem. Diário Oficial da União 2018; 20 fev. and N. 606/20192222 Conselho Federal de Enfermagem (COFEN). Resolução COFEN nº 606, de 5 de abril de 2019. Inclui na Resolução Cofen n° 568, de 9 de fevereiro de 2018, Anexos contendo modelo de Requerimento de Cadastro de Consultório e de Clínicas de Enfermagem e modelo de Registro de Consultório e de Clínicas de Enfermagem, no âmbito dos Conselhos Regionais de Enfermagem. Diário Oficial da União 2019; 9 abr., providing legal support to professionals for autonomous work; as well as resolutions on the regulation of the fees and the Technical Responsibility of the nurse.

Therefore, it can be observed that the profession establishes a regulatory legal framework of impact on its daily practice observed not only by the number of resolutions issued by Cofen, but also by the scope and amplitude of covered areas.

The Job Market

The Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS, Sistema Único de Saúde) , established in the Brazilian Constitution in 1988, is one of the largest public health systems in the world and has produced, in its 30 years of existence, major transformations in the health system, representing

[...]a new way of thinking, structuring, developing and producing health services and care, since the principles of universal access, comprehensive health care, equity, community participation, people autonomy and decentralization constitute the paradigms of SUS. Some trends are identified in this process: [...]1) expansion of the established capacity; 2) municipalization of jobs; 3) ambulatory care; 4) higher qualification of the team; 5) feminization of the workforce; 6) flexibility of the bonds, among others2323 Machado MH, Oliveira ES, Moysés, NMN. Tendências do mercado de trabalho em saúde no Brasil. In: Pierantoni C, Dal Poz MR, França T, organizadores. O trabalho em saúde: abordagens quantitativas e qualitativas. Rio de Janeiro: CEPESC, UERJ; 2011. p. 103-116(p.105).

However, as stated by Machado et al.2424 Machado MH, Oliveira ES, Lemos WR, Lacerda WF, Justino E. Mercado de trabalho em enfermagem no âmbito do SUS: uma abordagem a partir da Pesquisa Perfil da Enfermagem no Brasil. Divulg Saude Debate 2016; 56:52-69.:

the way in which the health care model has been historically structured in Brazil has reinforced regional inequalities and the division of 'service markets' between the public and private sectors. While on the one hand there is a predominantly public outpatient network, consisting of health centers and health care units, intended for the provision of services in basic clinics, on the other, we see that the private sector has the hegemony regarding establishments with hospitalization (hospitals), being responsible for half of the existing beds in the country2424 Machado MH, Oliveira ES, Lemos WR, Lacerda WF, Justino E. Mercado de trabalho em enfermagem no âmbito do SUS: uma abordagem a partir da Pesquisa Perfil da Enfermagem no Brasil. Divulg Saude Debate 2016; 56:52-69.(p.54).

On the other hand, the labor market (LM) of the health sector will experience a strong expansion, which will have an impact on the dynamics of the sector. Machado and Ximenes Neto2525 Machado MH, Ximenes Neto FRG. Gestão, da Educação e do Trabalho em Saúde no SUS: trinta anos de avanços e desafios. Cien Saude Colet 2018; 23(6):1971-1980. analyze that:

Thirty years after the implementation of SUS, Brazil has the following health reality (CNES, 2017): 200,049 health facilities; 3,594,596 health jobs. In 2017, the municipal public sector had 1,649,074 health jobs; the state had 463,720; and the federal had 96,491 jobs. The health team becomes multidisciplinary: nurses, dentists, doctors, pharmacists, dietitians, physical therapists, social workers, psychologists, among others; in addition to nursing technicians and aides, for the most part. The health sector now has: 1,104,340 higher level jobs; 889,630 technicians and aides; and 317,056 jobs at the elementary level2626 Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios: síntese de indicadores 2009. Rio de Janeiro: IBGE; 2010.. Currently, Brazil has 453,428 doctors2727 Conselho Federal de Medicina (CFM). Estatística: médicos em atividade no país [página na Internet]. [acessado 2018 Fev 11]. Disponível em:
, 484,530 nurses2828 Conselho Federal de Enfermagem (COFEN). Enfermagem em números [página na Internet]. [acessado 2018 Fev 11]. Disponível em:
, 300,000 dentists2929 Conselho Federal de Odontologia (CFO). [página na Internet]. [acessado 2016 Dez 31]. Disponível em:
and 203,600 pharmacists3030 Conselho Federal de Farmácia (CFF). Número total registrado[página na Internet]. [acessado 2018 Fev 11]. Disponível em:
.2525 Machado MH, Ximenes Neto FRG. Gestão, da Educação e do Trabalho em Saúde no SUS: trinta anos de avanços e desafios. Cien Saude Colet 2018; 23(6):1971-1980.(p.1976-1977).

The structuring of LM is one of the bases of the Nursing professional project. Over the past few decades a solid market for complex services with social credibility has been built.

From the demographic point of view, we highlight the growth and aging of the population as the explanation for this demand. From a socioeconomic point of view, the recovery of the labor market and the social ascension of a significant part of the population, which stimulated the consumption of health care plans, generating strong pressures for the production of more diversified and qualified health goods, services and technologies. From the political point of view, the consolidation of SUS itself and the advance of public policies in this area stand out, especially the Family Health Strategy (FHS), the main responsible for decentralizing and expanding the nursing labor market and changing the focus from hospital care to outpatient, home and community care2424 Machado MH, Oliveira ES, Lemos WR, Lacerda WF, Justino E. Mercado de trabalho em enfermagem no âmbito do SUS: uma abordagem a partir da Pesquisa Perfil da Enfermagem no Brasil. Divulg Saude Debate 2016; 56:52-69.(p.55-56).

According to data from PPEB3131 Machado MH, coordenadora. Pesquisa Perfil da Enfermagem no Brasil: Relatório Final. Rio de Janeiro: Nerhus-Daps-Ensp/Fiocruz; 2017., there were 1,804,535 professionals, of which 414,712 were nurses and 1,389,823 were nursing technicians and aides. In 2019, the number reached 2,169,402 professionals, of which 527,842 were nurses and 1,641,560 were mid-level professionals, of which 1,230,182 are technicians and 411,378 are nursing aides3232 Conselho Federal de Enfermagem (COFEN). Enfermagem em números[página na Internet]. [acessado 2019 Jul 15]. Disponível em:

Table 1 shows data from the Nursing LM, in which the public and private sectors (for-profit and nonprofit – philanthropic subsectors) are the major employers, with the public sector accounting for 55.6% of jobs and the private for 44.4% of the total.

Table 1
Nursing Team according to the performance in the public and private sectors - Brazil.

Public sector

This sector has continental dimensions, consisting of more than 75,000 health facilities, incorporating more than 1 million Nursing workers, which is equivalent to more than half of the employability of the category, whether at the municipal, state or federal level (Table 1).

Their insertion in the market has different types of employment bonds. The statutory workers, ruled by the Single Legal Regime, comprise half of the workers (49.9%), while the CLT-type constitute17.7%, service providers, 8.5% and temporary workers, 8.4%. The OSCIPs, OS and Co-ops amount to 15.6%.

Regarding the types of institutions in the sector, it has been recorded that 68.7% of the professionals work in Hospitals and Urgency/Emergency Units, amounting to more than 976,000 professionals. Basic Health Units (BHUs) and similar health services concentrate the second largest number of workers, with 18.4%, or more than 261,000. The outpatient units and polyclinics nits employ 6.2%, about 88,000. And the SADTs employ more than 19,000 professionals (1.4%). As for the teaching, research and management activities, they are performed by more than 75,000professionals (mostly nurses), equivalent to 5.3%.

On the other hand, working shifts is the most often used work regime in this sector, with 57.1% (more than 593,000, with daily work showing 42.9%, which totals over 445,000 professionals.

As for the working hours in this public sector, the majority (63.8%) work between 21-40 hours a week and 34%, more than 41 hours. A total of 2.2% of workers has a “sub-number of working hours” (equal to or less than 20 hours a week), that is, almost 21,000 professionals.

In practice, the working hours of nursing professionals are not regulated by law, and a free negotiation is allowed. In general, the federal government, most states, and large municipalities adopt the 30-hour /week system, while the private sector, 40-44 hours/week.

Income distribution in this sector shows the following pattern: 1) 55.7% have a monthly income of up to 2,000 reais; 2) 39.4% receive salaries between 2,001-5,000 reais; 3) only 4.8 have income above 5,001 reais (in August/2019, 1 dollar = 3.96 reais).

The private sector

This sector comprises more than 60,000 health facilities, with more than 840,000 professionals, which corresponds to 44.4% of the total number of workers (Table 1).

Regarding the types of employment bonds, the private for-profit sector has more than 571,000 professionals, or 29.9% of the total number. Two types of bonds predominate: CLT with almost 299,000, or 56.1% and service providers, with 30.5%. Private non-profit has 278,000 professionals, 14.5% of the total, of which 61.3% are CLT workers and 30.3%, service providers. The private non-profit sector employs 278,000 professionals, 14.5% of the total, of which 61.3% are CLT workers and 30.3% are service providers.

Regarding the types of institutions where they work, the private for-profit, the Hospitals and Urgency/Emergency Units concentrate the absolute majority, i.e., 70.1%, which is equivalent to more than 533,000 professionals. Outpatient services comprise 10.3%; Diagnosis and Therapy Support Units – SADTs, 8.8%; BHUs only 2.5%; and in the Teaching, Research and Management activities, 8.3% (the absolute majority performed by nurses).In the non-profit private sector, the Hospitals and Urgency/Emergency Units also concentrate the majority, with 73.6%, almost 260,000. SADTs comprise 13.3%; Outpatient Units, 12.2% and in the Teaching, Research and Management activities, the participation is minimal, only 0.9%. There is no record of nursing activities in BHUs.

The most common work regime in the for-profit private sector is the shift work, used by 56.2% of the staff, whereas daily work accounts for 43.8%. As for the working hours, half of the professionals (50%) work 21-40 hours a week and 45.4% work more than 41 hours. On the other hand, 4.6% work 20 hours or less a week, that is, more than 21,000 professionals, which characterizes the existence of a “sub-number of working hours” in the sector.

As for the private non-profit sector, the shift work is also the predominant work regimen, with 54.8%; daily work represents 45.2%. More than 50% of the workers (52.6%) work 21-40 hours a week and 44.4%, more than 41 hours. And 3% of the workers declare they work 20 hours or less a week, which characterizes a “sub-number of working hours” in the sector.

The distribution of income in the private for-profit sector shows that: 1) 69.4% have a monthly income of up to 2,000 reais; 2) 28.3% receive a salary between 2,001-5,000 reais; 3) and only 2.3% have incomes > 5,001 reais. In turn, the nonprofit private sector has the worst income distribution compared to the others, considering that: 1) 73% of the staff have a monthly income of up to 2,000 reais; 2) 25.8% receive a salary between 2,001-5,000 reais; 3) and only 1.2% of them have an income > 5,001 reais3333 Machado MH, Oliveira E, Lemos W, Lacerda WF, Aguiar Filho W, Wermelinger M, Vieira M, Santos MR, Souza Junior PB, Justino E, Barbosa C. Mercado de trabalho da Enfermagem: aspectos gerais. Enferm Foco 2016; 7(n. esp.):35-53..

Considering data from the PPEB it is possible to state that:

the condition of the Brazilian nursing team in relation to the labor market reflects an economically active professional category, which represents 91.8% of the total workers. However, this group of workers shows signs of problems with full employability, with almost 5% of open unemployment and 1.9% declaring temporary leave from work, which corresponds to more than 100,000 workers. It is also relevant to note that more than 6,000 of these workers, or 0.4%, have definitely left the profession3131 Machado MH, coordenadora. Pesquisa Perfil da Enfermagem no Brasil: Relatório Final. Rio de Janeiro: Nerhus-Daps-Ensp/Fiocruz; 2017.(p.325).

Still considering information from Table 1, it can be observed that 10.7% of the nursing staff experienced unemployment in the last 12 months and 70% reported difficulties in finding a new job. What is noteworthy is the team's occupational accident rate of 11% in the public sector and 10.9% (average) in the private sector, which is equivalent to more than 199,000 injured workers in the health work environment. On the other hand, even more serious is the rate of 22.5% of sick leave among the nursing staff working in the public sector and 15.6% (average) in the private sector.

Final considerations

Traditional professions, such as lawyers, doctors, nurses, engineers, priests, have experienced transformations regarding their technical and scientific aspects, as well as the designing of a political-ideological reordering of the “ideal of service”. Corporate interests increasingly seek to meet economic demands and respond to technological needs. It can be said that these professions undergo a process of radical changes altering their essence, with ruptures in self-perception and their professional project.

In the last two decades, nursing professionals in Brazil have experienced important changes in the world of work. The job market has shown clear signs of wage earning, with the wages being linked to several different types of work regime: by shift, by hour worked, short and temporary contracts, lack of institutional bonds, generating precariousness and multi-employment, with insecurity at the work environment becoming increasingly more frequent. The discussion about decent work has become a recurring theme among trade unions representing workers.

The International Labor Organization (ILO) lists seven interrelated dimensions of precariousness, as opposed to decent work, namely: 1) labor market insecurity due to the absence of job opportunities; 2) job insecurity generated by inadequate protection in the event of dismissal; 3) job insecurity generated by the absence of activity delimitations or even job qualification; 4) physical and health integrity insecurity due to the poor conditions of the premises and the work environment; 5) income insecurity, due to the low wages and lack of expectation of salary raises; 6) representation insecurity, when the worker does not feel protected and represented by a union2525 Machado MH, Ximenes Neto FRG. Gestão, da Educação e do Trabalho em Saúde no SUS: trinta anos de avanços e desafios. Cien Saude Colet 2018; 23(6):1971-1980.(p.1977-1978).

The technological advances registered in the last decades have required the nursing profession to obtain more prestige, status and a great capacity to demonstrate its resolutive capacity regarding the population's health problems. However, these advances also have negative effects, generating competition, jurisdictional disputes in the field of professional regulation, jeopardizing achievements and even loss of space in the labor market.

The managerial bureaucratic control implemented in health organizations (public or private) has been pointed as a sign of new times regarding the types of health work regulation, which represents the imbalance of government regulation among the professions. It is a fact that the Brazilian health system has not responded to these new demands from both health professionals and users. Both feel dissatisfied with the results of these advances and the ways in which the state has responded to them.

If, on the one hand, the pressures of the professions on the government to achieve their autonomy and market control are definitely legitimate, on the other hand, the government should seek to promote a balance between them, to guarantee the constitutional principles and guidelines for health and develop health policies for its workers.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    20 Dec 2019
  • Date of issue
    Jan 2020


  • Received
    07 Apr 2019
  • Accepted
    20 Aug 2019
  • Published
    20 Sept 2019
ABRASCO - Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva Av. Brasil, 4036 - sala 700 Manguinhos, 21040-361 Rio de Janeiro RJ - Brazil, Tel.: +55 21 3882-9153 / 3882-9151 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil