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Matrixing support as an instrument of primary healthcare in mental health: multiple views and devices for resolution

The scope of this paper is to analyze the articulation of the mental health services between the teams of the Family Health Strategy and Psychosocial Care Center by the matrixing process with emphasis on comprehensive care and case resolution. The subjects included 32 users and 22 family members attended in the matrixing in mental health, 46 health professionals from the Family Health Strategy and 15 from the Psychosocial Care Centers in two cities in the state of Ceara. It is a study of a qualitative nature based on critical hermeneutics. As dictated by the results, the integration of mental health services in Primary Healthcare establishes innovative approaches for shared psychosocial care between staff, family members and users. The matrixing activities in mental health ensure broadened access and diversification of healthcare to achieve comprehensive care. Case resolution is defined by the acknowledgement of the social conditions of demand by the teams and overcoming medication-based health practices.

Mental health; Primary Healthcare; Matrixing support; Unified Health System

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