Open-access Quality of life assessment in laryngectomized patients: a systematic review

Laryngectomy is the main sequela in patients with cancer of the larynx. The authors conducted a systematic review to evaluate the relationship between quality of life and laryngectomy. Ninety-six articles published in scientific journals were identified, and 35 were selected whose main focus was laryngectomy and quality of life in laryngectomized patients. Each article was evaluated by way of systematic review. Evaluation of the qualitative attributes of articles used the Qualitative Assessment Questionnaire (QAQ), a validated and tested instrument. Most articles lacked consistency and methodological rigor in measuring quality of life among laryngectomized patients. The relationship between quality of life and laryngectomy also fell far short of the multidimensional approach of the quality of life construct as suggested by the WHO/QOL (World Health Organization/Quality of Life) group.

Laryngectomy; Quality of Life; Evaluation

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