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Quality of life according to self-perceived weight, weight control behaviors, and gender among adolescent university students in Mexico

The aim of this study was to analyze quality of life (QoL) according to self-perceived weight and weight control behaviors, by gender. The sample consisted of 2,401 adolescent students (17-19 years of age) enrolled from 2007 to 2009 at a Mexican university; 61.9% were women, 19.4% worked, and 99.2% were single. An online self-administered questionnaire was used that included the perceptual module of the YQOL-R and seven items on body weight, adapted from YRBS 2007. RESULTS: 52% of women and 31.7% of men were attempting to lose weight. The highest QoL scores were in students who felt they were near the right weight, those who were attempting to maintain the same weight, and those who exercised. Lowest QoL was reported by those who considered themselves overweight, were trying to lose weight, were eating less, were skipping meals, or were using unsupervised dieting, vomiting, or laxatives. In women, QoL differed between those maintaining the same weight, gaining weight, and losing weight, while QoL in men only differed for those attempting to gain weight. The findings could be useful in educational processes, preventive programs, and assessment of interventions.

Quality of Life; Diet; Obesity; Adolescent

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