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French de and en as expressions of the genitive case: a unified analysis within LFG and computational implementation in XLE 1 1 . We are grateful to Xerox's PARC researchers John Maxwell and Daniel Bobrow for granting this paper’s first author a non-commercial XLE license. We thank Valeria de Paiva for acting as intermediary in this process. Thanks are due to Bernard Fradin, Fiammetta Namer, and Florence Villoing for their acceptability judgments. We are also indebted to Harro Stammerjohann, Jessé de Sousa Mourão, and the two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments and suggestions on earlier drafts of this paper, although any remaining errors are our own.

As formas de e en do francês como expressões do caso genitivo: uma análise unificada no quadro da LFG e implementação computacional no XLE


The French clitic pro-form en represents a wide range of heterogeneous constituents: de-PP complements and adjuncts, partitive objects, and prepositionless objects of cardinals. The main goal of this paper is to formalize this relationship computationally in terms of genitive case. This is apparently the first non-transformational counterpart to Kayne (1975KAYNE, Richard. 1975. French syntax: The transformational cycle. Cambridge: MIT Press .)’s unified analysis, which derives en from a deep structure with de by means of syntactic transformations. Transformational grammars are problematic from the parsing perspective. In order to test our analysis automatically on a large amount of data, we implemented it in a computational grammar of French in the Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG) formalism using the XLE system. This non-transformational framework is particularly fit for expressing systematic relationships between heterogeneous structures and has successfully been used for the implementation of natural language grammars since the 1980s. We tested the implementation on 320 grammatical sentences and on an equal number of ungrammatical examples. It analyzed all grammatical examples and blocked almost 95% of the ungrammatical ones, showing a high empirical adequacy of the grammar.

genitive case; prepositions; pronominal clitics; computational linguistics

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP PUC-SP - LAEL, Rua Monte Alegre 984, 4B-02, São Paulo, SP 05014-001, Brasil, Tel.: +55 11 3670-8374 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil