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The use of markers as dental landmark in Frontal Cephalometric Radiography: method proposal

AIM: to evaluate the reliability in the identification of the markers observed in frontal Cephalometric x-rays. METHODS: in 3 dry humans skull were adapted expansor appliances, in which markers were attached at orthodontics brackets and tubes. RESULTS: the statistical comparison of the 27 postero-anterior cephalograms revealed that the angular measures showed small variations; however the smallest error were for the lineal measures among the markers. CONCLUSION: the markers demonstrated its reliability for the use in longitudinal researches with frontal cephalometric x-rays.

Frontal cephalometric radiography; Frontal cephalometric; Maxillary expansion

Dental Press Editora Av. Euclides da Cunha nº. 1718 - Zona 5, 87015-180 Maringá-PR-Brasil, Tel.: (44) 3031-9818, Fax: (44) 3262-2425 - Maringá - PR - Brazil