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Analysis of the factors that induce adult patients to search for orthodontic treatment

AIM: The purpose of this article was to determine the main reasons that motivate adult patients to seek for orthodontic treatment. METHODS: The sample comprised 70 adult individuals (44 females and 26 males) that were asked to answer a questionnaire with a list of possible complaints. Descriptive statistics were obtained. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The findings showed that esthetics related to malpositioning of the upper incisors is the reason mostly associated to the search for orthodontic treatment. Only a few patients (7% of the sample) indicated skeletal discrepancies as reason for treatment. Symptoms of TMJ appeared as the second reason.

Orthodontics; Adults; Motivation; Esthetics

Dental Press Editora Av. Euclides da Cunha nº. 1718 - Zona 5, 87015-180 Maringá-PR-Brasil, Tel.: (44) 3031-9818, Fax: (44) 3262-2425 - Maringá - PR - Brazil