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Classificações de universidades mundiais, "Xangai" e outras

The increasing importance, in the international debate on Universities, of the so-called "Shanghai ranking" encouraged us to look at it more closely, to analyse how it works, and to transfer its results to a world map, in order to reveal the geography of world universities, its points of concentration (three three megalopolis) and its weak points (the rest of the world, save a few exceptions). In reaction to the insufficiencies and skews of this classification, other rankings have been devised, three of them are also analysed and mapped.

Universities; Classifications; Megalopolis

Instituto de Estudos Avançados da Universidade de São Paulo Rua da Reitoria,109 - Cidade Universitária, 05508-900 São Paulo SP - Brasil, Tel: (55 11) 3091-1675/3091-1676, Fax: (55 11) 3091-4306 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil