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Performance of a water heater by biogas

Studies had been developed to project and to adapt the injector of the main burner of water heater accumulated type of 75 L. The diameter of the injector was project in function of the pressure of service of 100 mm H2O and inferior calorific power of biogas of 21,600 kJ m-3 n, having guaranteed the maintenance of the calorific power of the equipment of 20,900 of kJ h-1 .The results had demonstrated that the adapted burner to operate with biogas operated adequately with a steady flame. The average efficiency of the heater was of 68%, for a thermal profit of 36.7 ºC, corresponding the final temperature of the water of 62.7 ºC being consumed 0.796 m³ n of biogas, heating 75 L of water in 72 minutes.

biogas; calorific power; anaerobic digestion

Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola SBEA - Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola, Departamento de Engenharia e Ciências Exatas FCAV/UNESP, Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane, km 5, 14884.900 | Jaboticabal - SP, Tel./Fax: +55 16 3209 7619 - Jaboticabal - SP - Brazil