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Regional development in the state of Pará (Brazil) continues to be limited by lack of access to energy. This is a problem that is widespread in several rural communities and agricultural regions. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the potential use of palm oil and cocoa processing waste biomass, which are abundant in the state and whose energy capacities can be used to generate electricity in biomass gasification plants. To do so, a literature review on elementary and calorific value analysis of palm oil (empty fruit bunches, fibers, kernel shell and cake, trunks, and others) and cocoa (pod husks) were conducted. The findings have shown that both waste biomass materials have satisfactory energetic characteristics for use in gasification plants. Thus, palm oil and cocoa processing waste biomasses are alternative energy sources for producers of these fruits in upstate Pará, enabling the development of the region.

biomass gasification; biomass waste; palm oil waste; cocoa waste; energy production


Energy, in its various forms and sources, plays an increasingly important role in society and is configured as an indispensable consumer good. Reliance on electric power to achieve sustainable development has been increasing (Philippi Junior & Reis, 2016). The use of biomass for energy purposes has stimulated the agricultural economy and provided an increase in local development ( Goldemberg et al., 2008)Goldemberg J, Coelho S, Guardabassi P (2008) The sustainability of ethanol production from sugarcane. Energy Policy 36:2086-2097. .

Biomass refers to any organic substance from which some type of energy can be obtained, such as mechanical, electrical, or thermal, using agricultural, industrial, forestry, or even urban wastes. Brazil has an excellent capacity to extract organic compounds as a fuel source from biomass materials, which allows a top value in the national scenario ( Sousa & Vieira, 2014Sousa ACD, Vieira PJC (2014) Estudo Experimental da gaseificação do caroço de açaí. Trabalho de conclusão de curso, Universidade de Brasília. ).

Most energy generation in the Brazilian electricity matrix comes from renewable sources. According to Ben (2021)Ben (2021) Relatório Síntese/Ano Base 2020. Ministério de Minas e Energia. Pg. 38. Rio de Janeiro, RJ. , about 56.8% of internal electricity supply comes from hydraulic sources and 8.2% from biomass materials. Although it occupies fourth place in the electricity generation scenario, most of agribusiness biomass wastes have a purpose other than conversion into electricity. In this line, Atnaw et al. (2014)Atnaw SM, Kueh SC, Sulaiman SA (2014) Study on Tar Generated from Downdraft Gasification of Oil Palm Fronds. The Scientific World Journal 2014:497830. reported that part of palm oil waste is currently naturally discarded into the soil for decomposition and fertilization purposes. Moreover, Silva (2018)Silva RDO (2018) Utilização dos Resíduos Sólidos da Indústria Cacaueira para a Produção de Etanol. Dissertação (Mestrado). Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Ciências Agrárias e Engenharias. mentioned that one of cocoa residues is used to feed cattle, pigs, poultry, and even fish as dry meal or ensiled.

The use of renewable energy sources is based on a sustainable disposal of organic waste from the agricultural industry. According to Ribeiro et al. (2007)Ribeiro RS, Lima RDC, Pinto AS, Veras CAG (2007) Gaseificação de biomassa na geração de eletricidade em pequena escala. In: Congresso de Inovação Tecnológica em Engenharia Elétrica. Araxá, Proceedings... , production of agricultural residues in Brazil has been constantly increasing, mainly due to the growth of the sector, reaching millions of tons annually. The use of such wastes for energy production has been a convenient alternative, solving the environmental problem of waste disposal and on-site power supply ( Ribeiro et al., 2007Ribeiro RS, Lima RDC, Pinto AS, Veras CAG (2007) Gaseificação de biomassa na geração de eletricidade em pequena escala. In: Congresso de Inovação Tecnológica em Engenharia Elétrica. Araxá, Proceedings... ).

According to Coelho & Garcilasso (2018)Coelho ST, Garcilasso VP (2018) Geração de eletricidade em comunidades isoladas a partir de resíduos de biomassa: uma opção para a região amazônica. Inclusão Social 12(1):208-212. , in most cases, electricity generation systems in agricultural communities consist of diesel generators. A major disadvantage is the price of diesel that has risen in the current Brazilian scenario, increasing transport costs to remote areas. Therefore, small-scale power generation systems that use biomass as a regional fuel source are viable alternatives for local and agricultural development.

Situmorang et. al. (2020) performed a literature review on small power generation systems (<200 kW) in the world and concluded that such technology is promising in North and South Americas due to the amount of waste generated therein. In the north and northeast of Brazil, most communities have no access to an electricity distribution grid. Figure 1 illustrates the isolated electrical systems currently existing in the northern region of the country ( EPE, 2022)EPE (2022) Mapa dos sistemas isolados de energia elétrica na região amazônica do Brasil. Amazônia Brasileira. Adaptado. Available: . Accessed Aug 23, 2022.
. In this region, the state of Pará has always attracted attention of producers due to its enormous potential for agricultural plantations. Trade in the state is almost exclusively concentrated in the primary sector of industry; however, cocoa and palm oil productions have recently gained prominence, making the state the largest national producer in 2020 ( IBGE, 2020)IBGE (2020) Produção de cacau no estado do Pará. In: IBGE- Instituto Brasileiro de pesquisa e estatística. Available: Produção de Cacau no Pará | IBGE .

Map identifying isolated electricity systems in the Amazon region of Brazil.

According to Marçal (2015)Marçal ADF (2015) Obtenção de açúcares através de tratamento hidrotérmico dos cachos sem frutos (efb – empty fruit bunch) da indústria do dendê. Dissertação (Mestrado) Universidade Federal do Pará, Instituto de Tecnologia. , palm oil processing generates various by-products such as fibers, bark, almonds, cakes, bunches, and effluents, besides its trunks and oil palm frond can be used as biomass for energy generation. In this sense, the cocoa bean processing industry also produces a significant amount of waste materials. Silva (2018)Silva RDO (2018) Utilização dos Resíduos Sólidos da Indústria Cacaueira para a Produção de Etanol. Dissertação (Mestrado). Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Ciências Agrárias e Engenharias. reported that eight tons of fresh husk are produced for each ton of almond produced in the cocoa industry. Nonetheless, in both cases, most outputs are by-products that are normally discarded.

Kilama et al. (2019)Kilama G, Lating P, Byaruhanga J, Biira S (2019) Quantification and characterization of cocoa pod husks for electricity generation in Uganda. Energy, Sustainability and Society 9: Article number: 22 reported that several studies have focused on converting cocoa pod husks (CPH) into new products, such as animal feed manufacturing, potassium extraction, and biomaterials for the food industry. However, the authors stated that only few studies had been published on CPH use as raw material for energy generation until then, citing the works of Syamsiro et al. (2012)Syamsiro M, Saptoadi H, Tambunan BH, Pambudi NAA (2012) Preliminary study on use of cocoa pod husk as a renewable source of energy in Indonesia. Energy for Sustainable Development 16(1)74–77. , Martínez-Ángel et al. (2015)Martínez-Ángel JD, Villamizar-Gallardo RA, Ortiz-Rodríguez OO (2015) Characterization and evaluation of cocoa (Theobroma Cacao L.) Pod husk as a renewable energy source. Agrociencia 49:329-345. , and Maleka (2016)Maleka D (2016) Assessment of the implementation of alternative process technologies for rural heat and power production from cocoa pod husks. PhD Thesis, KTH School of Industrial Engineering and Management, Department of Energy Technology, Royal Institute of Technology. . Kilama et al. (2019)Kilama G, Lating P, Byaruhanga J, Biira S (2019) Quantification and characterization of cocoa pod husks for electricity generation in Uganda. Energy, Sustainability and Society 9: Article number: 22 also quantified and characterized CPH for electricity generation in remote areas of Uganda with no access to electricity; they confirmed the viability of direct combustion technology and potential of CPH as a raw material for a thermochemical conversion process. Likewise, Dahunsi et al. (2019)Dahunsi SO, Osuekec CO, Olayanju TMA, Lawal AI (2019) Co-digestion of Theobroma cacao (Cocoa) pod husk and poultry manure for energy generation: Effects of pretreatment methods. Bioresource Technology 283:229-241 investigated the potential of CPH as sources of energy production by anaerobic mono-fermentation to find the best biomass treatment for biogas production.

The British University of Nottingham developed a project to evaluate electricity generation from discarded CPH to benefit farming communities in Ghana (the world’s second-largest cocoa producer) with little or no access to grid power. According to the findings, CPH has an energetic potential (from 15.32 to 19.21 MJ/kg) comparable to firewood (about 18 MJ/kg). The CPH content investigated in the study proved to be adequate for thermochemical conversions, such as combustion, gasification, and pyrolysis. Even if combustion, gasification, and pyrolysis are necessary procedures, high ash contents (11.52% on average) can be a barrier to be managed to reduce plant maintenance costs and improve CPH fuel quality and performance ( Worall et al., 2020Worall M, Darkwa J, Adjei E, Calautit J, Kemausuor F, Ahiekpor J, Nelson N, Mokaya RA (2020) Small-scale gasifier-generator fueled by cocoa pod husk for rural communities in Ghana. International Conference on Applied Energy, Bangkok, Thailand. ; Nelson et al., 2021Nelson N, Darkwa J, Calautit J, Worall M, Mokaya R, Adjei E, Kemausuor F, Ahiekpor J (2021) Potential of Bioenergy in Rural Ghana. Sustainability 13:381. ).

Zinla et al. (2021)Zinla BTD, Gbaha P, Koffi PME, Koua BK (2021) Characterization of rice, coffee and cocoa crops residues as fuel of thermal power plant in Côte d’Ivoire. Fuel 283:119250–119250. showed that the CPH produced in Ivory Coast (the largest cocoa producer in the world) has a good energy performance and high calorific value (13.7 MJ/kg), Moisture (12.3%), and ash contents (10.8%). However, it has not yet been used for energy purposes in the country. The authors also highlighted a high potassium content (72.05–77.53%) in CPH ashes. Therefore, ashes, which could be an obstacle to the use of CPH for energy generation by gasification, can generate a new co-product for the production of fertilizers, from potassium recovered from ash from thermochemical processing. More recently, Zinla et al. (2022)Zinla BTD, Koua BK, Gbaha P, Koffi PME (2022) Life cycle assessment of power generation using cocoa pod husk in Côte d’Ivoire. Indian Journal of Science and Technology 15(19): 914-922. used life cycle assessment (LCA) to evaluate global warming potential due to electricity production from a biomass plant using CPH from Ivory Coast. The study showed that greenhouse gas (GHE) emissions from electricity generation using CPH are lower than those of generations using fossil fuels.

Given the above, CPH has a high potential for electricity generation by thermochemical conversions such as combustion, gasification, or pyrolysis. In addition to bringing electricity to isolated or poorly connected communities, CPH promotes environmental benefits such as the use of wastes currently discarded in nature, reducing the risk of diseases. Its use in electricity generation also reduces more GHE emissions than fossil fuels. Tailings from the use of CPH, the ashes, can also be used to generate fertilizers, which are now an indispensable raw material for agriculture, an important production sector in Brazil.

Among energy production processes, gasification stands out as a viable alternative for palm oil and cocoa residues in isolated agricultural regions. It converts these organic compounds into a gas mixture rich in carbon oxide and hydrogen. Therefore, biomass gasification is a technological option for palm oil and cocoa producers, as it contributes to social inclusion, the environment, and regional economic development.

Situmorang et. al (2020) summarized biomass gasification systems installed around the world. The authors highlighted that Asian countries, such as China, sell small-scale biomass-gasification power generation systems with capacities from 10 to 160 kW for sawdust and rice husk. In Thailand, they reported that fourteen 5.4-MW biomass gasification plants had been built until 2020. In India, they mentioned one 20-kW generation system in Maharashtra to provide electricity to school and hostel with total 1200 students, two 10-kW gasifiers at the village of Kandhal to provide electricity to 150 people, and one 10-kW system to electrify 100 houses in Thakurwadi. In South America, they noted that despite having great biomass production potential, the countries have a very limited use of this source in small power generation plants with gasifiers. Among them, some small projects are reported in Chile, Argentina, Colombia, and Ecuador, with the latter two building 10-kW prototype projects for biomass gasification. In Argentina, a pilot project for biomass gasification with a capacity of 380 kVA was found. Lastly, gasification, in addition to being a more efficient biomass-gas conversion process than biodigestion, it provides greater thermal efficiency and the gas produced can be used to drive an internal combustion engine.

Mesquita et al. (2022)Mesquita ALA, Ferreira E M, Silveira ALBD, Bandeira FJS, Mesquita ALA, Torres EA, Girundi RC (2022) Operação e atualização de processo de uma miniusina de extração de óleo de palma. In: Congresso Nacional de Engenharia Mecânica - CONEM, ABCM, Proceedings... emphasized the importance of local processing to reuse residues from the extraction of agricultural products in other applications. Among the applications, the authors highlighted energy generation, benefiting the agro-industrial plant, and modernizing the agricultural sector in isolated regions. Therefore, the current study aimed to perform a bibliographic survey on the capacity and potential of cocoa and palm oil waste biomass in gasification systems to produce electricity for consumption by farmers in isolated regions of Pará State, Brazil.


Palm oil agroindustry in the state of Pará

Oil palm is a plant that generates large and heavy bunches filled with small red fruits, from which two oil types are extracted: one (palm oil), which is orange in color, is extracted from fruit pulp; and the other from chestnuts, the so-called palm kernel oil. The first is used in food production (margarine, bread, and ice cream), other industrial applications (soaps, detergents, and natural dyes), and biodiesel production. The second is also used in food manufacture, especially special meals such as biscuits and chocolates, in addition to the cosmetics market ( Embrapa, 2014Embrapa (2014) Agroenergético – Informativo da Embrapa Agroenergia. Edição n° 58. Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento. Brasil. ).

According to Embrapa (2015)Embrapa (2015) Projeto quer valorizar a cadeia produtiva do dendê. Available:> . Accessed May 18, 2022.
, each ton of palm oil bunches generates about 250 kg of oil, remaining about 220 kg of empty bunches, 120 kg of fibers, 50 kg of barks as residual by-products. These residues are currently used as fertilizers or burned in boilers to generate energy or, as mentioned by Atnaw et al. (2014)Atnaw SM, Kueh SC, Sulaiman SA (2014) Study on Tar Generated from Downdraft Gasification of Oil Palm Fronds. The Scientific World Journal 2014:497830. , naturally discarded into the soil for decomposition and further organic fertilization. Figure 2 illustrates a palm oil plant, its bunches, and fruits.

Palm oil.

Source: Liderama (2022)Liderama (2022) Dendê. In: Líder Agronomia. Available: . Accessed Aug 28, 2022.

Expansion of palm oil planting in the Amazon could be an alternative for occupying deforested areas. Therefore, as palm biomass can be a source of energy resources, plantations will promote agricultural and family development, as well as local and regional growth. Embrapa (2022)Embrapa (2022) Pará e parte das regiões norte e nordeste: Zoneamento agroecológico cultura da palma de óleo nas áreas desmatadas da Amazônia Legal. Pará: Embrapa Solos, 2010. mapped the areas with greater suitability for palm oil cultivation, which may cover 28.93 million hectares in the state of Pará. Figure 3 illustrates the zoning of land suitability for palm oil cultivation, wherein the regions highlighted in dark green, brown, and yellow and gray (as in the legend) represent more suitable areas, regular areas, and unsuitable areas, respectively.

Areas with aptitude for palm oil cultivation.

Pará is a biofuel production hub based on palm oil monocrops. Figure 4 shows the palm oil cultivation areas in northeastern Pará ( Silva & Navegantes-Alves, 2017Silva EMD, Navegantes-Alves L (2017) A ocupação do espaço pela dendeicultura e seus efeitos na produção agrícola familiar na Amazônia Oriental. Confin 30. ).

Oil plantations in the state of Pará.

According to Carvalho (2015)Carvalho CMD (2015) A expansão sustentável do cultivo da palma para a produção de biodiesel no Brasil: o caso do estado do Pará. PhD Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, COPPE Programa de Planejamento Energético. , the main producing municipalities are Moju and Tailândia, which have the largest planted areas. Moju has about 68,070 inhabitants, with about 60% of them living in rural areas ( Carvalho 2015Carvalho CMD (2015) A expansão sustentável do cultivo da palma para a produção de biodiesel no Brasil: o caso do estado do Pará. PhD Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, COPPE Programa de Planejamento Energético. ). Palm oil cultivation in both municipalities is deemed excellent as source of employment and income, because in addition to biodiesel, palm oil is also used for food and cosmetic purposes.

According to Gutiérrez et al. (2009)Gutiérrez LF, Sánchez ÓJ, Cardona CA (2009) Process integration possibilities for biodiesel production from palm oil using ethanol obtained from lignocellulosic residues of oil palm industry. Bioresource Technology 100(3): 1227–1237. , products, by-products, and biomass of palm oil can be reused. The authors emphasized that bunches are residues at greater quantities and, due to their high Moisture, have been used as fertilizer through composting. Palm kernel cake is a residue from oil extraction produced after chestnut cracking. In addition, fiber from press cake separation, with lower moisture and part of the oil retained, makes it a good solid fuel. Palm kernel shell is another residue generated at a smaller amount than bunches and fiber during palm oil extraction; however, it is a material with high energy value and difficult-to-decompose residue. Figure 5 displays the by-products of palm oil, namely: palm kernel shell and cake, Fibers, and empty bunches.

By-products from palm oil processing: (a) Fibers [Source: Piglet et. al (2012)], (b) empty bunches [Source: Benchekchou & Zinebi (2022)], (c) palm kernel cake [Source: Monterrey (2022)Monterrey (2022) Torta de palmiste. Available: . Accessed Nov 29, 2022.
], and (d) palm kernel shell [Source: Beston (2022)Beston (2022) Máquina para fabricação de carvão vegetal Palm Kernel Shell. Available: . Accessed Nov 29, 2022.

Carvalho (2009)Carvalho LG (2009) Produção de biocombustíveis a partir da biomassa de dendê (Elaeis guinaeensis). Dissertação (Mestrado), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Escola de Química. described several by-products from palm oil processing that can be used as fuel, such as biodiesel, bio-gasoline, and kerosene, or even used in food, such as cake (for animal feed) and heart of palm oil (cooking). Figure 6 shows the by-products from palm oil processing. Solid residues, such as palm kernel shell and cake, Fibers, and empty bunches, have high energy power and can be used as a source for gasification processes.

Processes arising from the palm.

EFB: Bunches of Empty Fruits; PPF - Fibers; PKC - Palmiste cake; PKS - Palm kernel shell; Gasification, Pyr: Pyrolysis, Fpyr: Rapid Pyrolysis, Comp.: Composting, SSF: Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation, SRf: Steam Reform, WGS: Gas-Water Displacement Reaction, FTS: Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, PT: Pretreatment, CH: Cellulose Hydrolysis, Fm: Fermentation, Trans: Transesterification, CC: Catalytic Cracking, HAS: Higher Alcohol Synthesis.

Cocoa agroindustry in the state of Pará

Cocoa is highly used in the food industry in Brazil and worldwide, generating a large amount of waste with great potential as raw material for energy generation.

According to SENAR (2020)Senar (2020) Dia do Cacau: Pará é o maior produtor do país. Conheça os benefícios do fruto. Available: . Accessed Aug 20, 2022.
, area cultivated with cocoa in the state of Pará is 149,918 hectares, and its production is 145,000 tons of seeds. Also, according to the same source, the main cocoa-producing municipalities in Pará State are: Medicilândia, Uruará, Altamira, Placas, Anapu, Brasil Novo, and Novo Repartimento, which make up the trans-Amazon region; Vale do Xingu and Tucumã, which make up the southern state; and finally, Tomé-Açu, northeastern. Figure 7 illustrates the producing regions with their respective cocoa production hubs in the state of Pará.

Cocoa plantation centers per region in the state of Pará.

Cocoa seed processing generates several by-products that are commonly discarded. If a suitable technology is applied, such waste can be processed into other products of economic importance. Among these residues are CPH, which are broken for seed removal and constitute about 81% of cocoa fruits ( Kilama et al., 2019Kilama G, Lating P, Byaruhanga J, Biira S (2019) Quantification and characterization of cocoa pod husks for electricity generation in Uganda. Energy, Sustainability and Society 9: Article number: 22 ).

According to Figures 3 and 7, palm oil and cocoa have large areas of cultivation. Thus, to process palm oil and cocoa seeds, a large amount of energy is required by boilers, pumps, threshers, macerators, seed and husk dryers, and other processing machine equipment. Therefore, clean energy sources that could be generated from waste of the production chain itself with gasification systems are fundamental.

In addition to palm oil and cocoa, small-scale generation units can be used with other biomasses from agricultural products produced in the regions of Pará. Costa (2018)Costa JSD (2018) Biomassa residual para uso energético no estado do Pará. Dissertação (Mestrado), Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia. carried out a study highlighting the energy potential of açai seed, coconut shell, corn cob, palm bunch biomasses per region, which can be viable alternatives between harvests, in addition to storing waste pellets for use in gasifiers. Figure 8 illustrates the producing areas of açai seed, coconut shell, corn cob, palm bunch per region by Costa (2018)Costa JSD (2018) Biomassa residual para uso energético no estado do Pará. Dissertação (Mestrado), Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia. .

Spatial distribution map of açai, cocoa, coconut, palm, and corn residues in the state of Pará in 2016.


Gasification process consists of partial thermal oxidation, producing a gas composed of various components such as carbon monoxide and dioxide, methane, hydrogen, nitrogen, and hydrocarbons, plus small amounts of coal, ash, and condensable components (e.g., tar and oils). Gas mixture consisting basically of carbon monoxide and hydrogen is generally called synthesis gas, and can be applied for direct burning and hence electricity generation ( Balat & Kirtay, 2010Balat H, Kirtay E (2010) Hydrogen from biomass - Present scenario and future prospects. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35(14): 7416-7426. ).

Figure 9 shows that the gas produced from gasification process can be used as an electricity source in gas turbines, machines, or boilers, besides being reused in the production of chemical products and ammonia.

Gasification process. Source:

Adapted from Lazarinos (2007)Lazarinos JGC (2007) Tratamento de revestimentos gastos de cuba eletrolítica da indústria do alumínio. Dissertação (Mestrado), Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. .

According to Ribeiro et al. (2007)Ribeiro RS, Lima RDC, Pinto AS, Veras CAG (2007) Gaseificação de biomassa na geração de eletricidade em pequena escala. In: Congresso de Inovação Tecnológica em Engenharia Elétrica. Araxá, Proceedings... and Kirubakaran et al. (2009)Kirubakaran V, Sivaramakrishnan V, Shanmugapriya S, Premalatha M, Subramanian P (2009) Autocatalytic Kinetics and Mechanism of Biogas Generation. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 31(19):1700–1707. , performance of gasification units depends on the type of biomass, mainly chemical composition, shape, size, and moisture content. Also, according to Ribeiro et al. (2007)Ribeiro RS, Lima RDC, Pinto AS, Veras CAG (2007) Gaseificação de biomassa na geração de eletricidade em pequena escala. In: Congresso de Inovação Tecnológica em Engenharia Elétrica. Araxá, Proceedings... , synthesis gas produced by the gasifier is an attractive product for the operation of generator sets in small isolated communities.

A gasifier can be considered a reactor that thermochemically converts biomass in to biogas. The literature highlights two main types of gasifiers, namely: fixed and fluidized bed gasifiers. Lazarinos (2007)Lazarinos JGC (2007) Tratamento de revestimentos gastos de cuba eletrolítica da indústria do alumínio. Dissertação (Mestrado), Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. highlighted the main differences between two gasification reactors ( Table 1 ).

Main differences between gasifiers.

Gasification is currently the main technology for converting biomass into energy and a very attractive option for disposing of solid waste from the agroindustry. Fixed bed gasifiers are more suitable for reuse of agro-industry residues, as they maximize use due to large particle sizes and tar-free gases. Figueiredo (2019)Figueiredo GPD (2019) Geração de Energia Elétrica e Água Potável a partir dos Resíduos da Produção de Açaí. Projeto Final de Graduação, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. studied energy generation by gasification of açai waste in a producing community of Ilha das Cinzas, Gurupá/PA; they observed that the energy generated is enough to meet the demands of the village, thus small generation units can be used in isolated communities. Clean energy production to supply local communities in the Amazon region has become a reality due to biomass gasification. Therefore, energy potential of biomasses must be evaluated in order to replace fossil fuels with renewable sources.


Several authors in the literature, such as Fernandes et al. (2013)Fernandes ERK, Maragoni C, Souza O, Sellin N (2013) Thermochemical characterization of banana leaves as a potential energy source. Energy conversion and management 75(2013): 603-608. DOI:
, Protásio (2014)Protásio TP (2014) Biomassa residual do coco babaçu: potencial de uso bioenergético nas regiões norte e nordeste do Brasil. Dissertação (Mestrado). Universidade Federal de Lavras. , and Costa (2018)Costa JSD (2018) Biomassa residual para uso energético no estado do Pará. Dissertação (Mestrado), Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia. , have stated that the main characteristics to be mapped in fuels for energy use are: moisture content; calorific value; ash content; volatile materials; fixed carbon; and elemental compositions of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O).

For Costa (2018)Costa JSD (2018) Biomassa residual para uso energético no estado do Pará. Dissertação (Mestrado), Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia. , moisture content plays a major role in the type of biomass to be used, as it represents the amount of water in material that can be used in thermal conversion such as in gasification. Therefore, low moisture content materials are preferred since a higher moisture may affect combustion, causing low ignition and negatively affecting overall energy balance. Calorific value is another factor and represents the amount of energy in biomass; for Fernandes et al. (2013)Fernandes ERK, Maragoni C, Souza O, Sellin N (2013) Thermochemical characterization of banana leaves as a potential energy source. Energy conversion and management 75(2013): 603-608. DOI:
, it is fundamental for biomass selection, as it directly interferes with energy yield. Regarding volatile materials, Costa (2018)Costa JSD (2018) Biomassa residual para uso energético no estado do Pará. Dissertação (Mestrado), Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia. mentioned that it represents the amount of material departing biomass in the form of gas, directly influencing combustion. For Werther et al. (2000)Werther J, Saenger M, Hartge EU, Ogada T, Siagi Z (2000) Combustion of agricultural residues. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 26(1):1-27. , the higher the levels of volatile materials in a fuel, the greater the reactivity, and the easier ignition and burning start. Thus, fixed carbon comprises fuel fraction free of volatile materials, ash, and moisture; therefore, for energy use, biomass should have high levels of fixed carbon. As for ashes, high concentrations reduce biomass calorific value ( Costa, 2018Costa JSD (2018) Biomassa residual para uso energético no estado do Pará. Dissertação (Mestrado), Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia. ). Finally, biomass elementary composition should be analyzed to characterize a biomass for energy use. The analysis consists of determining percentages, in dry mass, of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), and nitrogen (N). Protásio et al. (2013)Protásio TP, Bufalino L, Tonoli GHD, Júnior MG, Trugilho PF, Mendes LM (2013) Brazilian lignocellulosic wastes for bioenergy production: characterization and comparison with fóssil fuels. BioResonrces 8(1):1166-1185. stated that high concentrations of C and H favor energy production since these elements are correlated with calorific value.

Analysis of cocoa energy potential

According to Olayanju et al. (2020)Olayanju TMA, Dairo OU, Sobukola O, Odebiyi O, Dahunsi SO (2020) Development of small-scale downdraft gasifiers for biomass gasification. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 445:012056. , biomass gasification is a process by which agricultural waste is subjected to partial combustion so that biomass undergoes a chemical process to release its gaseous components (e.g., hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane) and ashes. Pranolo et al. (2019)Pranolo SH, Waluyo j, Prasetiyo J, Hanif MI (2019) Application of recycle system on a cocoa pod husks gasification in a fixed-bed downdraft gasifier to produce low tar fuel gas. Journal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan 14(2):120-129. , Martínez-Ángel et al. (2015)Martínez-Ángel JD, Villamizar-Gallardo RA, Ortiz-Rodríguez OO (2015) Characterization and evaluation of cocoa (Theobroma Cacao L.) Pod husk as a renewable energy source. Agrociencia 49:329-345. , Titiloye et al. (2013)Titiloye JO, Bakar MSA, Odetoye TE (2013) Thermochemical characterization of agricultural wastes from West Africa. Industria Crops and Products 47:199-203. , Van der Drift et al. (2001)Van der Drift A, van Doorn J, Vermeulen JW (2001) Ten residual biomass fuels for circulating fluidized-bed gasification. Biomass Bioenerg. 20: 45-56. , Kitani et al. (1989)Kitani O, Hall CW, Wagener K (1989) Biomass Handbook. New York, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers. 993 p , and Syamsiro et al. (2012)Syamsiro M, Saptoadi H, Tambunan BH, Pambudi NAA (2012) Preliminary study on use of cocoa pod husk as a renewable source of energy in Indonesia. Energy for Sustainable Development 16(1)74–77. performed analyses in CPH for moisture contents, volatile materials, ashes, and fixed carbon, as seen in Table 2 . It shows that CPH has contents of volatile materials above 56%, fixed carbon from 10.43 to 32.50%, and ashes between 1.50 and 16.10%.

Results of moisture, volatile materials, ashes, and fixed carbon analyses for Cocoa pod husks reported in the literature.

Pranolo et al. (2019)Pranolo SH, Waluyo j, Prasetiyo J, Hanif MI (2019) Application of recycle system on a cocoa pod husks gasification in a fixed-bed downdraft gasifier to produce low tar fuel gas. Journal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan 14(2):120-129. , Martínez-Ángel et al. (2015)Martínez-Ángel JD, Villamizar-Gallardo RA, Ortiz-Rodríguez OO (2015) Characterization and evaluation of cocoa (Theobroma Cacao L.) Pod husk as a renewable energy source. Agrociencia 49:329-345. , Titiloye et al. (2013)Titiloye JO, Bakar MSA, Odetoye TE (2013) Thermochemical characterization of agricultural wastes from West Africa. Industria Crops and Products 47:199-203. , and Van der Drift et al. (2001)Van der Drift A, van Doorn J, Vermeulen JW (2001) Ten residual biomass fuels for circulating fluidized-bed gasification. Biomass Bioenerg. 20: 45-56. determined the contents of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen in CPH ( Table 3 ). These authors observed that carbon (C) and oxygen (O) contents in CPH are the highest and may range from 39.87 to 53.00% and from 37.60 to 50.80%, respectively, whereas the contents of hydrogen (H) and nitrogen (N) varied from 5.10 to 6.00% and from 0.50 to 2.20%, respectively.

Contents of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N), and oxygen (O) in the composition of cocoa biomasses reported in the literature.

All authors shown in Tables 2 and 3 presented values referring to an immediate and elementary analysis of CPH. When compared to other biomasses widely used in gasification, such as rice husk, wood, coal, coconut husk, or açai pit, their results showed to be close. Thus, CPH has good conditions to be transformed into biofuel. Moreover, Pereira (2013)Pereira IO (2013) Viabilidade da utilização da casca de cacau como combustível no aquecimento de ar para secagem de amêndoas de cacau. PhD Thesis, Universidade Federal de Viçosa. emphasized that ashes from thermochemical processes, such as gasification, can be used as mineral fertilizers to the soil due to their concentrations of minerals, especially potassium (K).

Pranolo et al. (2019)Pranolo SH, Waluyo j, Prasetiyo J, Hanif MI (2019) Application of recycle system on a cocoa pod husks gasification in a fixed-bed downdraft gasifier to produce low tar fuel gas. Journal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan 14(2):120-129. , Van de Drift et al. (2001), and Gunasekaran et al. (2021)Gunasekaran AP, Chockalingam MP, Padmavathy SR, Santhappan JS (2021) Numerical and experimental investigation on the thermochemical gasification potential of Cocoa pod husk (Theobroma Cacoa) in an open-core gasifier. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 23(5):1603-1615. reported in the literature the averages of calorific value and compositions of gases generated by CPH gasification. Table 4 shows the compositions of C, H, N and O in the CPH biomasses.

Calorific values and compositions of gases from cocoa biomass gasification.

The calorific values and composition of gases from CPH in Table 4 are similar to those of other biomasses already used in gasification. This similarity, added to the similarity of findings in the literature and reports in Tables 2, 3, and 4, makes CPH a biomass with potential use for energy generation from gasification.

Analysis of palm oil energy potential

As for palm oil, several residues from products and by-products can be used as power generation sources. Rosa et al. (2016)Rosa AA, Anjos ARD, Montenegro AL, Pighinelli T, Evaristo RBW, Machado F, Gambetta R (2016) Caracterização química e gaseificação em leito fluidizado borbulhante de bagaço de cana e engaço de dendê. In: III Encontro de Pesquisa e Inovação da Embrapa Agroenergia. , Ariffin et al. (2016)Ariffin MA, Mahmood WMFW, Harun Z, Mohamed, R (2016) Medium-scale gasification of oil palm empty fruit bunch for power generation. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 19(3): 1244-1252. , Lahijani & Zainal (2011)Lahijani P, Zainal ZA (2011) Gasification of palm empty fruit bunch in a bubbling fluidized bed: a performance and agglomeration study. Bioresource Technology 102:2068–2076. , Costa (2018)Costa JSD (2018) Biomassa residual para uso energético no estado do Pará. Dissertação (Mestrado), Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia. , and Idris et al. (2010)Idris SS, Rahman NA. Ismail K, Alias AB, Rashid ZA, Aris MJ (2010) Investigation on thermochemical behaviour of low rank Malaysian coal, oil palm biomass and their blends during pyrolysis via thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Bioresource Technology 101:4584-4592. conducted studies in which they considered empty bunches of palm oil as potential biomasses to be used for energy generation. Figure 10 illustrates the empty bunches and fragments used by Ariffin et al. (2016)Ariffin MA, Mahmood WMFW, Harun Z, Mohamed, R (2016) Medium-scale gasification of oil palm empty fruit bunch for power generation. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 19(3): 1244-1252. in a gasifier.

Empty bunch (a) and respective fragmentation (b) used in gasifier for energy production.

Rosa et al. (2016)Rosa AA, Anjos ARD, Montenegro AL, Pighinelli T, Evaristo RBW, Machado F, Gambetta R (2016) Caracterização química e gaseificação em leito fluidizado borbulhante de bagaço de cana e engaço de dendê. In: III Encontro de Pesquisa e Inovação da Embrapa Agroenergia. , Ariffin et al. (2016)Ariffin MA, Mahmood WMFW, Harun Z, Mohamed, R (2016) Medium-scale gasification of oil palm empty fruit bunch for power generation. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 19(3): 1244-1252. , Ariffin et al. (2015)Ariffin MA, Mahmood WMFW, Mohamed R, Nor MTM (2015) Performance of oil palm frond gasification using medium-scale downdraft gasification for electricity generation. IET Renewable Power Generation 9(3):228-235. , Guangul et al. (2012)Guangul FM, Sulaiman SA, Ramli A (2012) Gasifier selection, design and gasification of oil palm fronds with preheated and unheated gasifying air, Bioresource Technology 126:224–232. DOI:
, Lahijani & Zainal (2011)Lahijani P, Zainal ZA (2011) Gasification of palm empty fruit bunch in a bubbling fluidized bed: a performance and agglomeration study. Bioresource Technology 102:2068–2076. , Costa (2018)Costa JSD (2018) Biomassa residual para uso energético no estado do Pará. Dissertação (Mestrado), Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia. , Oliveira (2012)Oliveira ALPCD (2012) Termoconversão da fibra do dendê (elaeis sp.) empregando etanol supercrítico. Dissertação (Mestrado), Universidade Tiradentes. , Idris et al. (2010)Idris SS, Rahman NA. Ismail K, Alias AB, Rashid ZA, Aris MJ (2010) Investigation on thermochemical behaviour of low rank Malaysian coal, oil palm biomass and their blends during pyrolysis via thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Bioresource Technology 101:4584-4592. , and Wilson et al. (2011)Wilson L, Yang W, Blasiak W, John GR, Mhilu CF (2011) Thermal characterization of tropical biomass feedstocks. Energy Conversion and Management 52:191–198. analyzed moisture content, volatile materials, ashes, and fixed carbon in various residues from palm oil processing (bunches, palm, oil palm frond, trunk, and fibers). All authors observed promising results for using such biomasses in terms of volatile materials (68.80 and 83.50%) and fixed carbon (9 and 18.83%), as seen in Table 5 . However, distribution of these elements varies greatly depending on the residue used and palm oil species, as well as the method employed.

Results of moisture, volatile materials, ashes, and fixed carbon analyses for palm oil residues reported in the literature.

The compositions of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), and nitrogen (N) in palm oil residues biomasses were reported in the literature by Ariffin et al. (2016)Ariffin MA, Mahmood WMFW, Harun Z, Mohamed, R (2016) Medium-scale gasification of oil palm empty fruit bunch for power generation. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 19(3): 1244-1252. , Ariffin et al. (2015)Ariffin MA, Mahmood WMFW, Mohamed R, Nor MTM (2015) Performance of oil palm frond gasification using medium-scale downdraft gasification for electricity generation. IET Renewable Power Generation 9(3):228-235. , Guangul et al. (2012)Guangul FM, Sulaiman SA, Ramli A (2012) Gasifier selection, design and gasification of oil palm fronds with preheated and unheated gasifying air, Bioresource Technology 126:224–232. DOI:
, Lahijani & Zainal (2011)Lahijani P, Zainal ZA (2011) Gasification of palm empty fruit bunch in a bubbling fluidized bed: a performance and agglomeration study. Bioresource Technology 102:2068–2076. , Nyakuma et al. (2014)Nyakuma BB, Oladokun OA, Johari A, Ahmad A, Abdulah TAT (2014) A simplified model for gasification of oil palm empty fruit bunch briquettes. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 69(2):7–9. , Costa (2018)Costa JSD (2018) Biomassa residual para uso energético no estado do Pará. Dissertação (Mestrado), Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia. , Oliveira (2012)Oliveira ALPCD (2012) Termoconversão da fibra do dendê (elaeis sp.) empregando etanol supercrítico. Dissertação (Mestrado), Universidade Tiradentes. , Wilson et al. (2011)Wilson L, Yang W, Blasiak W, John GR, Mhilu CF (2011) Thermal characterization of tropical biomass feedstocks. Energy Conversion and Management 52:191–198. , Idris et al. (2010)Idris SS, Rahman NA. Ismail K, Alias AB, Rashid ZA, Aris MJ (2010) Investigation on thermochemical behaviour of low rank Malaysian coal, oil palm biomass and their blends during pyrolysis via thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Bioresource Technology 101:4584-4592. , Luangkiattikhun et al. (2008)Luangkiattikhun P, Tangsathitkulchai C, Tangsathiikulchai M (2008) Non-isothermal thermogravimetric analysis of oil-palm solid wastes. Bioresource Technology 99: 986-997. , as expressed in Table 6 . As for carbon, bunches had contents between 41.33 and 48.99%, oil palm frond between 42.88 and 45.60%, fibers between 43.00 and 52.20%, barks 41.33%, and trunks 47.50%. Therefore, regardless of the plant material, C contents in residues were similar in most of the studies cited.

Contents of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N), and oxygen (O) in the composition of palm oil residue biomasses reported in the literature.

According to Andrade (2007)Andrade RV (2007) Gaseificação de Biomassa: Uma Análise Teórica e Experimental. PhD Thesis, Universidade Federal de Itajubá, Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica. , the composition of gases generated by palm oil gasification changes with operating conditions (pressure and temperature) and with biomass characteristics (moisture, composition, and oxygen content). CO, H2, and CH4 are the main combustible gas components in the gasification gas, as they determine its calorific value. Table 7 shows the compositions of gases generated by gasification of different palm oil residues.

Composition of gases generated by gasification of different palm oil residues.

As for the energy capacity of palm oil and cocoa, the elemental and immediate analysis, as well as composition of gases generated and calorific value results were compatible with other materials already used in gasification, such as sawdust, coal, rice husk, sugarcane bagasse, among others. Therefore, biomass from both products can be used as a source of energy in small isolated communities located in upstate of Pará (Brazil).


Both palm oil and cocoa pod husk biomasses are alternative sources for energy generation in the agricultural sector, as such biomasses have energy capacity and can be used in gasification process for conversion into electrical energy. Biomass gasification is the most efficient to convert palm oil and cocoa pod husk biomasses into electricity, as their elemental compositions are close to other materials already used in this technology. Thus, pilot plants can be made feasible, since the use of these biomasses to generate electricity is justified by their potential for gas generation and their potassium-rich ashes, which can be used to fertilize the soil in the region, in addition to other potential benefits, as generation of jobs and income in rural areas.

In palm oil farms, in addition to processing bunches in mini oil production plants, energy can be generated from wastes (such as oil palm frond, bunches, barks, and trunks), which have been commonly discarded in the vicinity of the rural production area. This energy generation can thus provide local and regional development, modernizing and improving palm oil productivity. Likewise, cocoa producers have cocoa pod husk as an important source of energy generation, adding modernization and development to farms.

Energy generation from agricultural by-products reduces consumption of fossil fuels and emerges as a sustainable alternative with the least ecological impact. In this context, the residues from palm oil and cocoa agro-industries have physical-chemical characteristics with great potential for energy production through gasification process. As reported in the literature, the chemical and gas compositions generated from those residues, together with their amounts generated per year in the state of Pará, make gasification a feasible method for energy production in rural agro-producing areas.


The present study was carried out with the support of the National Academic Cooperation Program in the Amazon (PROCAD/Amazon) and Brazilian Coordination for Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES/Brazil).


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Edited by

Area Editor: Henrique Vieira de Mendonça

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    20 Mar 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    31 Aug 2022
  • Accepted
    6 Dec 2022
Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola SBEA - Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola, Departamento de Engenharia e Ciências Exatas FCAV/UNESP, Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane, km 5, 14884.900 | Jaboticabal - SP, Tel./Fax: +55 16 3209 7619 - Jaboticabal - SP - Brazil