The present study investigated intensive dairy livestock farming activities, classified them into production processes and converted into energy values using a "Flow Energy Value Map" (FEVM). A study on production energetic flows was made in a farm in Córrego Fundo, MG; being the whole system divided into corn silage production, herd feeding, milking, animal health, animal care management, and yield control processes. All data from directly and indirectly energy employment from 2011 in production processes were tabulated. The energetic unit value used to produce one liter of milk was 7.42 MJ kg-1 with 34.56% of energy efficiency. By the stated Energy Flow Value Map (EFVM) was possible to visualize the energy share in each production process, enabling to implement planning and control of production actions directed to the best economic, environmental and social efficiency.
energy indicators; energy flows; energy efficiency; cattle; farm buildings