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Public university libraries on YouTube: channel metrics


It analyzes federal and state university libraries with regard to the development of new forms of interaction and communication with their communities, based on YouTube viewing metrics. It is characterized as an exploratory and descriptive research, with a mixed approach with the application of bibliographic and documentary research techniques. For the identification of Brazilian federal and state universities, the E-mec platform was used, in which the following filters were applied in the search: considering all federative units, selecting only federal and state public universities, totaling 110 universities. Based on the listed institutions, the websites of the universities were accessed and, subsequently, the tabs entitled Library and or Library System were located. In the libraries tab, information about social networks, tutorials and YouTube channel was located. When this information was not found, we searched directly on YouTube for the abbreviation of the university, associating it with library or library system. Thus, 57 library channels were located, the channels being delimited from 1,000 subscribers, leaving 14 of them linked to the 14 universities. University libraries in the south and southeast regions consolidate their practices and services in the channels, and the greater flow of publications and views in the channels corresponded to the period of social distancing, inferring that university libraries used the platform as a communication resource. The recurring themes in the 70 videos listed focus on the Lattes Curriculum, the standardization of academic works (citation, reference), the use of information sources and research in databases, the use of bibliographic managers (Mendeley, EndNote, Zotero), the construction of academic works, research design and scientific articles (writing), academic plagiarism, use of Canva, Excel, Open Journal Systems.

academic library; innovation; video; digital information and communication Technologies

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2705, sala 519 , CEP: 90035-007., Fone: +55 (51) 3308- 2141 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil