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Public policies for undergraduate Education: Brazilian scientific production in international circulation


This studey sought to understand the Brazilian scientific production, from 2000 to 2022, in international circulation on public policies in Higher Education. The results indicated 68 Brazilian articles located on Web of Science, which were analyzed according to the bibliometric methodology and using the software VOSviewer. In addition to the quantitative indicators, a qualitative analysis of the scientific production was carried out, organized into five categories: influences of neoliberalism in Brazilian education; education for sustainable development; nuances of the expansion of Distance Education; continuing Education of teachers; and inclusive education in Higher Education. There were gaps in annual productivity, few citations of Brazilian studies and a strong concern with the neoliberal effects on Brazilian educational policies.

Educational policies; College Education; Internationalization; Scientific production

Fundação CESGRANRIO Revista Ensaio, Rua Santa Alexandrina 1011, Rio Comprido, 20261-903 , Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: + 55 21 2103 9600 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil