Open-access The right to diversity in the route of interculturality in the school curriculum

O direito à diversidade na via da interculturalidade no currículo escolar

El derecho a la diversidad en la via de la interculturalidad en el currículo escolar


In this text, we discuss the right to diversity in the curriculum, considering it as a course of identity formation and guarantee of rights, through practices that dialogue with equality and difference through interculturality. The dialectical method is based on the establishment of the dialogical relationship among traces of theoretical studies, public policies and perceptions of curriculum subjects in the perspective of cultural studies. With this in mind, we bring together the voices of students and teachers on one of the traces of diversity, the religiosity. Historically, it is about a theme that has been the source of fierce disputes, even if the purpose of that debate was conciliation. The results point out to the permanence of the challenge of implementing the right to diversity in the curriculum, whose overcoming requires a fight for democratic principles with the support of interculturality, which can promote participation and recognition of equality and difference. Therefore, the right to diversity requires the practice of a type of pedagogy which favors access to borders in the challenged terrain of the curriculum, through fair cultural negotiations.

Curriculum; Cultural diversity; Interculturality; Guarantee of rights; Basic education

Fundação CESGRANRIO Revista Ensaio, Rua Santa Alexandrina 1011, Rio Comprido, 20261-903 , Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: + 55 21 2103 9600 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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