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Educative practice as an activity of disaccord between subjects

Broadly speaking, educators assume that the educative practice is something that takes place in the transmission of knowledges that emerges out of an encounter between subjects. However, in the relations established between the subjects, and especially in what concerns the field of the use of words, one experiences what can be described as a "misunderstanding", for we say what we do not think, and hear what has not been said. In the educative field we therefore have the profound conviction that the relations are of encounter between subjects, when, paradoxically and to the educators' despair, we actually have an activity of disaccord between subjects. In this article, we seek to analyze educative practices in the dynamics of the disaccord between subjects. It is this disaccord that in a certain sense reveals the chink in the pedagogical knowledge, and evinces the fragility of these educational knowledges. We assume the Freudian perspective put forward in the preface to the book by August Aichhorn (1925), in which we find the statement that there are three impossible professions: educating, curing, and governing. Our hypothesis is that the educative practice is the accomplishment of a task that requires from the educators a permanent deconstruction of the pedagogical principles that "thingify" the subject/educated - the desolation of not knowing how to educate.

Education; Education and psychoanalysis; Pedagogy

Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo Av. da Universidade, 308 - Biblioteca, 1º andar 05508-040 - São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel./Fax.: (55 11) 30913520 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil