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Parental Social Educational Skills and behavior of preschoolers

The study had for objectives, from the reports of 20 mothers of children with behavior problems (Clinical group) and 20 mothers of children without behavior problems (Non-clinical group): a) compare the frequencies of social skills and behavior problems of children; b) describe the situations where the children had behavior problems and social skills; c) describe the behaviors of mothers face behaviors of the children; d) describe the behaviors of children ahead of maternal behaviors. Pre-school they were selected age by teachers who responded to a scale and who were collected through interview and scale with the mothers. The results indicated that children of Non-clinical group had more social skills and fewer externalizing behavior problems than children of the Clinical group. The mothers in the Non-clinical group reported more Parental Social Educational Skills expression of feelings and coping and Communication and less negative parenting practices, than mothers of children with behavior problems.

parental social educational skills; social skills; behavior problems

Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia e do Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicobiologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Caixa Postal 1622, 59078-970 Natal RN Brazil, Tel.: +55 84 3342-2236(5) - Natal - RN - Brazil