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Models generation of regionalization of maximum, medium and minimum of seven days flow rates for the Carmo river basin, Minas Gerais

In a watershed, the water resources are limited. That fact and the increase of the demand due to the several uses and impelled by the economic development requests the adoption of administration approaches that minimizes the conflicts for the use of water. For an appropriate administration, it is necessary to know the different segments of the hydrologic cycle, mainly the rain and the flow. Considered the importance of these data in the areas with absence or shortage of streamflow gaging data, the present study was developed for the construction of regional regression equation for estimating flow characteristics for streams in Carmo River basin. For that, the series of annual total rain, total of the rainiest semester, maximum daily rain and maximum, medium and minimum flow rates were built. The punctual rains were transformed in rains in the area according to Thiessen method. Models of probability were adjusted starting from maximum, medium and minimum flow rates, and allowing to extrapolate historical data. The different parameters that characterize the basin were quantified to research the influence of the relief on the hydrologic variables. Finally, the regional flow rates equations were generated.

Hydrologic regionalization; stream discharge; surface water resources; watershed

Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental - ABES Av. Beira Mar, 216 - 13º Andar - Castelo, 20021-060 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil