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Contribution to cost analysis in water treatment using fuzzy linear programming: a model for the supply management in the city of Campos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Water is one of the essential natural resources for human survival, but it has undergone problems such as: use overload at global level; unequally distribution; and scarcity that contributes negatively to the availability of the resource, thus evidencing a water crisis. Thus, there is a need to effectively manage this important resource, which presents strong components of uncertainties. An important management object is the chemical treatment through which raw water passes in order to be treated and then appropriate for consumption, because it corresponds to the second largest cost in water treatment plants, only after expenses involving human resources, materials, and services. Thus, the present work proposes a linear programming model that incorporates the fuzzy logic, which is an efficient tool in models with uncertainties to assist in any water supply management, considering costs with chemicals used in the treatment of this resource in the city of Campos dos Goytacazes, Brazil. This model was solved using the Rstudio environment and presented a 9.8% cost reduction compared with the standard linear programming model prepared for the system. In conclusion, the developed work serves as a starting point for a more detailed analysis of the impact of the costs of treated water allocation in the municipality and contributes positively to the raw water rationalization.

cost management; water treatment; linear programming; fuzzy optimization in R

Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental - ABES Av. Beira Mar, 216 - 13º Andar - Castelo, 20021-060 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil