Based on a study of the literature, this work analyzes questions related to the family-school relationship. It offers a definition of the family, its different compositions and its specific function; it deals with the specifics of school and the existing interdependence between both systems. Concepts concerning this relationship are explored, which are divided into a sociological and a psychological approach. Researches involving the family-school relationship are presented, according to special treatment to the views of the various players involved in the relationship. The reflections from a study of the literature suggest a relationship punctuated by situations with some kind of problem, by the school's actions in teaching the parents about how to be parents and by the decreased participation of parents in school activities as the child progresses through school. Given the present situation with family-school relationships, the challenge is to develop new research and help to transform this relationship through the appreciation of the positive aspects related to the educational process.
Parent-school relationship; School psychology; Education