Open-access Construction and validation of the community health workers perception questionnaire on conditions amenable to physiotherapy in primary health care


Introduction  Community health workers, like the physiotherapist, perform essential functions in primary health care, being an important element in the transformation of public policies. There are no reported studies investigating the knowledge of community health workers about health conditions amenable to physiotherapy intervention in primary health care.

Objective  To construct a questionnaire to investigate the perception of community health workers about health conditions that could be remedied by physiotherapy intervention in primary health care.

Methods  This was a methodological study in which it was initially an analysis matrix with the aim of encompassing the ideas contemplated in the questionnaire. To construct the instrument, a literature review was carried out, and health conditions treatable with physiotherapy in primary health care were chosen. To validate the content and appearance of the items, twelve physiotherapists specialized in primary health care judged the suitability of the items contained. The content validity index was used to determine the degree of agreement during the response analysis process. Subsequently, a semantic analysis was carried out through the understanding of the items by 15 community health workers. In the validation stage, two rounds of evaluation were carried out. Adjustments were made to 17 questions.

Results  The study investigated a questionnaire with 20 questions containing hypothetical situations of home visits, in which the resident's situation could or could not constitute a health risk amenable to physiotherapeutic intervention.

Conclusion  The community health workers perception instrument on health conditions amenable to physiotherapy intervention in primary health care proved to be valid for use in this context. The use of the instrument may contribute to the development of community health worker training programs, with the aim of facilitating team communication.

Community health workers; Knowledge; Perception; Physiotherapy; Primary health care


Introdução  O Agente Comunitário de Saúde (ACS), assim como o fisioterapeuta, desencadeia funções fundamentais na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS), sendo ele-mento importante na transformação de políticas públicas. Inexistem estudos que investiguem o conhecimento dos ACS sobre as condições de saúde sensíveis à inter-venção da fisioterapia na APS.

Objetivo  Construir um questionário de investigação da percepção dos ACS sobre as condições de saúde sensíveis à intervenção da fisioterapia na APS.

Métodos  Trata-se de um estudo metodológico no qual, inicialmente, construiu-se uma matriz de análise com o intuito de englobar as ideias contempladas no questionário. Para a construção do instrumento, realizou-se uma revisão da literatura, sendo eleitas condições de saúde sensíveis à intervenção da fisioterapia na APS. Para a validação de conteúdo e aparente dos itens, 12 fisioterapeutas especialistas em APS julgaram a adequação dos itens contidos. Utilizou-se o índice de validade de conteúdo para verificar o grau de concordância durante o processo de análise das respos-tas. Posteriormente, realizou-se análise semântica por meio da compreensão dos itens por 15 ACS. Na etapa de validação, foram realizadas duas rodadas de avaliação. Foram feitos ajustes em 17 questões.

Resultados  O estudo resultou em um questionário com 20 questões contendo situações hipotéticas de visitas domiciliares, cuja situação do morador poderia ou não configurar um risco à saúde sensível à intervenção fisioterapêutica.

Conclusão  O instrumento de percepção dos ACS sobre as condições de saúde sensíveis à intervenção da fisioterapia na APS mostrou-se válido para ser utilizado no contexto da APS. A utilização do instrumento poderá contribuir na elaboração de programas de capacitação dos ACS, com o intuito de facilitar a comunicação da equipe.

Agentes comunitários de saúde; Conhecimento; Percepção; Fisioterapia; Atenção Primária à Saúde


In 2020, in Brazil, there were around 260 thousand community health workers (CHWs), who contributed to the process of expansion, qualification and consolidation of primary health care (PHC).1 The CHA is responsible for monitoring families, their registration, guidance and development of health promotion and disease prevention actions. Focusing on educational activities in health, in homes and communities, it contributes to expanding the population's access to health actions and services, from the perspective of social promotion and protection of citizenship,2 and is recognized as an important element in the transformation of health policies.3 Because of the closeness of the CHW with families, they become the main professional capable of assessing the need for care and carrying out the referral appropriately.4

According to Law No. 13.595, which regulates the profession to act as an CHW, the professional must have completed secondary education and must attend an initial training course offered by the Unified Health System (SUS) or by the State secretariats, with a minimum workload of 40 hours, attend improvement courses every two years and take the technical course offered by the Ministry of Health.5 Furthermore, professionals are guaranteed time for training and technical improvement to consider the health needs of the population and problematize them.5

The CHW training recommended by the Ministries of Health and Education covers topics related to the policy of health care networks, lines of care in psychosocial care, chronic diseases, maternal, neonatal and infant health and urgency and emergency.5However, it is still clear that whether there is a need for greater knowledge about issues related to disability, activity, participation, barriers and facilitators. In a qualitative study, Ribeiro et al.6 analyzed the possibility of integrating CHW into physiotherapeutic care in PHC. The difficulties encountered in the work of the CHW were addressed, one of which was the lack of knowledge about problems related to disability and the practices suggested by the physiotherapist.6

The physiotherapist's responsibilities in PHC are to provide assistance to the user, participating in the promotion, treatment and recovery of their health and in community assistance programs,7 acting in a specific and integrated way with the team.8 Effective communication between the physiotherapist and the CHW makes the professional's work viable, as contact with the user at home is a feature that facilitates the relationship between the professional and the user, as it enables the acquisition of more reliable information on everyday life, making the intervention more effective.7

Studies were found in the literature investigating CHW knowledge on some topics, such as the care of older individuals,9 pulmonary tuberculosis,10 oral health11 and speech therapy problems.12,13 It was also investigated in a non-validated study carried out in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul,14 knowledge about the role of physiotherapy in PHC, carried out with closed questions about what the physiotherapist can or cannot do or specific situations in which physiotherapy could be indicated.

In this context, it is important to reflect on the difference between the concepts of knowledge and perception. Knowledge is defined as the act of understanding, comprehending, apprehending something. Perception, on the other hand, is a relationship between a person and an object or event, which cannot be reduced to sensation, as it involves a complex set of events such as cognitive activity and different types of experiences.15 Therefore, for the agent to understand the health conditions of users in their area of coverage, it is necessary that they have previous experience and knowledge involving the work of physiotherapy.

It is noteworthy that no studies were found with hypothetical questions simulating home visits that investigate the perception of CHWs about health conditions am to physiotherapy intervention in PHC. Furthermore, after searching the literature, there appears to be no validated and standardized instruments for this investigation. It is believed, therefore, that the creation of a questionnaire is useful to qualify the CHW's perception of the physiotherapist’s role in PHC, enabling the implementation of matrix physiotherapy support for reference teams in PHC. Therefore, the objective of the present study is to construct a questionnaire to investigate the perception of CHA professionals about health conditions amenable to physiotherapy intervention in PHC, as well as to evaluate this perception among these professionals.


This is an observational cross-sectional study, approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Vales do Jequitinhonha and Mucuri (CAAE protocol 46298821.8.0000.5108), of construction and validation of a questionnaire.

Twelve physiotherapists with at least two years of experience in public health/primary health care par-ticipated in the content and apparent validation phase of the questionnaire. For the semantic analysis of the questionnaire, fifteen CHWs were invited, from different Basic Health Units, who work in the municipalities of Diamantina, Itabirito and Presidente Kubitschek, in the state of Minas Gerais, so that they could reproduce the questions present in the questionnaire.

A structured analysis matrix was constructed, where scientific evidence of the physiotherapist's role in PHC was considered. The matrix gave rise to the variables that were included in the questionnaire. The questionnaire investigated the CHA's perception of health conditions amenable to physiotherapy intervention in PHC in situations of home visits carried out by the CHA in their work routine. The situations were hypothesized by the authors. The questions began with the expression “upon arriving at home”, followed by the characteristics of the home environment and the situation of the resident that could constitute a health risk, sensitive or not to physiotherapy intervention in PHC.

The questionnaire consisted of 20 objective ques-tions, including: 14 questions simulating conditions that pose a risk to the user's health, with the problem being able to be resolved in PHC; two questions simulating conditions that pose a risk to the user's health, which are routinely not resolved in PHC; and four questions simulating situations with no risk to the user's health. After reading the wording of the questions, the CHA could choose between the following answer options: a) I do not perceive any risks in the health conditions of the resident(s), as this is a normal situation; b) I perceive risks in the health conditions of the resident(s), which are not routinely resolved in PHC; c) I perceive risks in the health conditions of the resident(s), which can be resolved at PHC, and I will take the case to the team.

For content validation, expert judges (physiothera-pists) were invited to participate through an explanatory invitation sent by email. The judges assessed the suitability of the items in light of the attributes of the theoretical construction and the experience of physiotherapists in PHC. The content validity index (CVI) was used to verify the degree of agreement between experts during the response analysis process. The CVI measures the percentage of judges who are in agreement on certain aspects of the instrument. This method uses a Likert scale, with scores from one to four. To assess relevance, responses included the following options: 1 = non-relevant or non-representative item; 2 = item needs major revision to be representative; 3 = item needs minor revision to be representative; 4 = relevant or representative item. The CVI score was calculated by summing the agreement of the items that were marked “3” or “4” by the experts divided by the total number of responses. Simultaneously with content validation, apparent validity was carried out, which concerns the language, understanding and suitability of the items. Finally, semantic analysis was carried out, which aimed to determine whether all items were understandable for the population for which the instrument was intended. Each item was presented to three groups of five CHWs and they were asked to reproduce the questionnaire questions in other words. The CHA’s perception of the sensitive health conditions of the physiotherapist's role in PHC was investigated after approval from the local health department and contact with the managing nurses of each basic health unit (UBS).

The data collected in the questionnaire were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS, version 22.0). A descriptive analysis of categorical variables and measures of central tendency and dispersion of numerical variables was carried out. In the validation stage, the agreement index between the judges was calculated. This index made it possible to analyze each item individually and then the instrument as a whole. The decision criterion adopted was an agreement between the judges above 80% (CVI = 0.8).


Twelve physiotherapists with experience in PHC participated in the content and apparent validation of the questionnaire. Three judges were male and nine were female, with an average length of service in PHC of 12 years, four judges being masters, six doctors and two specialists. Two rounds of evaluation were required. In the first round, 12 judges participated and in the second, six participated.

Table 1 shows the evaluations of the instrument’s judges regarding the objectives (purposes, goals and purposes), structure and presentation of the instrument. In the semantic analysis conducted with the CHW, suggestions were made regarding the questionnaire response options and the wording of five questions. In Chart 1, both versions of the questionnaire are presented. On the basis of the suggestions provided by the evaluators, small adjustments were made to 14 questions in the presentation of the content and the suitability of the language, three questions underwent major revisions, and one question was replaced by another involving the topic “respiratory diseases in children”, which was suggested by three judges. After the revisions were carried out, the final version was prepared (Chart 2).

Table 1
Distribution of content items of validation instrument according to the percentage of agreement of expert judges

Chart 1
Pre- and post-validation questionnaires from judges, semantic analysis and content validity index (CVI)

Chart 2
Final version of the questionnaire investigating the knowledge and perception of community health workers (CHWs) about health conditions amenable to physiotherapy intervention in primary health care (PHC)


The present study presented a proposal to inves-tigate the perception of the CHA, based on home visits, which constitute integration actions between the health professional and the local population in PHC.16 However, such an investigation should be preceded by the creation and validation of an instrument to measure this “perception of CHWs” in their work routines, as no questionnaires with this purpose were found in the literature.17 Therefore, previous studies have sought to identify the health conditions that are prevalent and amenable to physiotherapy intervention in PHC.18,19Subsequently, questions were hypothesized based on the reference found and, finally, it was assessed whether each question in the instrument was relevant and representative.

In the instrument validation stage, experienced judges in PHC made adjustments to the language and content,17 as well as proposing replacements of entire questions and the insertion of a question with the topic “respiratory diseases in children”, an important cause of illness in children up to five years of age and responsible for high morbidity and mortality in childhood, particularly in developing countries.20

During the semantic assessment, it was possible to notice that some changes related to language were necessary for the understanding of the CHW. The instrument met the minimum prerequisites for structuring, as all items were understandable to the CHWs who participated in this phase of the study. The CHW sample contained a heterogeneous level of education (high school, technical secondary and postgraduate) for accuracy, with three groups of five professionals in three different municipalities.21 In addition to evaluating the understanding of the wording of the questions, the CHW considered the answer options and suggested the inclusion of the word “routinely” in answer option B of the instrument, which was accepted by the researchers, since the answer options in the questionnaire are linked to their attitudinal skills in their work routine.22

In PHC, the preferred gateway to the SUS health care network, physiotherapists have sought new meanings in their practices, considering users in their biopsychosocial model to promote comprehensive care with a focus on human functionality. Although physiotherapeutic work in PHC is well described in the literature,23-31 a challenge in this class is raising awareness about the importance of professionals on the PHC health team, through the identification of physiotherapeutic care needs. To achieve this, it is necessary for other professionals working in PHC to obtain knowledge about physiotherapeutic activities, so that user care can be provided. Accordingly, after the creation and validation of the instrument, we sought to investigate the perception and knowledge of CHWs about conditions amenable to physiotherapy intervention in PHC, which was done in phase two of the present study.

The importance of the presence of the physio-therapist in PHC has been widely discussed in the literature,7,18,19 but the team needs to have knowledge about the potential of physiotherapy so that user care can be addressed in a more fruitful way, contributing to the reach of comprehensive care, a doctrinal principle of the SUS. With this, the study created an important instrument for evaluating the perception of CHWs about the sensitive conditions of physiotherapy in PHC, so that it can be applied throughout the country.


The CHW perception instrument on health conditions amenable to physiotherapy intervention in PHC is valid for use with CHWs in the PHC context. The use of the instrument may contribute to the development of training programs for CHWs, with the aim of facilitating team communication and improving the effectiveness of physiotherapists in PHC.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    15 Jan 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    15 May 2023
  • Reviewed
    5 Sept 2023
  • Accepted
    31 Oct 2023
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