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RNP-world: The ultimate essence of life is a ribonucleoprotein process


The fundamental essence of life is based on process of interaction between nucleic acids and proteins. In a prebiotic world, amino acids, peptides, ions, and other metabolites acted in protobiotic routes at the same time on which RNAs performed catalysis and self-replication. Nevertheless, it was only when nucleic acids and peptides started to interact together in an organized process that life emerged. First, the ignition was sparked with the formation of a Peptidyl Transferase Center (PTC), possibly by concatenation of proto-tRNAs. This molecule that would become the catalytic site of ribosomes started a process of self-organization that gave origin to a protoorganism named FUCA, a ribonucleic ribosomal-like apparatus capable to polymerize amino acids. In that sense, we review hypotheses about the origin and early evolution of the genetic code. Next, populations of open biological systems named progenotes were capable of accumulating and exchanging genetic material, producing the first genomes. Progenotes then evolved in two paths: some presented their own ribosomes and others used available ribosomes in the medium to translate their encoded information. At some point, two different types of organisms emerged from populations of progenotes: the ribosome-encoding organisms (cells) and the capsid-encoding organisms (viruses).

Ribosome; tRNAs; origin of life; gene origin; FUCA


The origin of life is one of the most important questions regarding the place of humans and living beings in the cosmos. Every human culture presents its own idea about how life was created in the old ages. Although this myriad of histories forms a rich cultural aspect of society, it is the origin of life as unraveled by modern science that is capable to integrate, unite and produce a trustworthy model that allow us to glimpse what actually happened in the past so that life could be originated and started to evolve. Therefore, it is under the scrutiny of scientific thought that those ancient questions can acquire a more elegant costume based both on observed facts and the accurate use of reason, logics and, of course, creativity.

The year 1953 can be considered a milestone in studies on the origin of biological systems, since both (i) the discovery of the DNA structure, by Watson and Crick, and (ii) the modern simulation of a prebiotic environment, by Stanley Miller, were published (Miller, 1953Miller SL (1953) A production of amino acids under possible primitive earth conditions. Science 117:528-529.; Watson and Crick, 1953Watson JD and Crick FH (1953) Molecular structure of nucleic acids: A structure for deoxyribose nucleic acid. Nature 171:737-738.). Miller produced an ingenious apparatus capable to simulate the conditions of early Earth, in which he added the gases present at that time, being capable to observe the synthesis of biological molecules from simpler compounds. Previously, the hypotheses for the origin of life focused on the origin of organisms, and, since Miller, it was clear that the origin of life should have started from chemistry, focusing on the origin of the first biological molecules. With the advance of molecular biology along the late 1960s, the proposition that RNAs should have been the first informational molecule of biological systems came along (Woese, 1965Woese CR (1965) On the evolution of the genetic code. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 54:1546-1552. ; Crick, 1968Crick FHC (1968) The origin of the genetic code. J Mol Biol 38:367-379. ; Orgel, 1968Orgel LE (1968) Evolution of the genetic apparatus. J Mol Biol 38:381-393.). About a decade later, in the early 1980s, a new step was taken with the proposition of a world dominated by those molecules of RNA. At that period, it was discovered that RNAs could present catalytic activity, a characteristic that was only known for proteins (Kruger et al., 1982Kruger K, Grabowski PJ, Zaug AJ, Sands J, Gottschling DE and Cech TR (1982) Self-splicing RNA: Autoexcision and autocyclization of the ribosomal RNA intervening sequence of Tetrahymena. Cell 31:147-157.; Guerrier-Takada et al., 1983Guerrier-Takada C, Gardiner K, Marsh T, Pace N and Altman S (1983) The RNA moiety of ribonuclease P is the catalytic subunit of the enzyme. Cell 35:849-857.). In 1986, this knowledge about the multiple functions performed by RNAs led the American biochemist and Nobel laureated Walter Gilbert to propose the RNA World model for the origin of biological systems (Gilbert, 1986Gilbert W (1986) Origin of life: The RNA world. Nature 319:618. ). In the years that followed this proposal, several groups carried out experiments on the actual possibility of an RNA World, helping to advance the conceptual structuring of the model (Gilbert, 1986Gilbert W (1986) Origin of life: The RNA world. Nature 319:618. ; Schwartz, 1995Schwartz AW (1995) The RNA world and its origins. Planet Space Sci 43:161-165.; Dworkin et al., 2003Dworkin JP, Lazcano A and Miller SL (2003) The roads to and from the RNA world. J Theor Biol 222:127-134.; Robertson and Joyce, 2012Robertson MP and Joyce GF (2012) The origins of the RNA world. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 4:a003608.). In general terms, the idea of an RNA world suggested that early biological systems were composed of RNAs capable of performing the two main characteristics of this molecule: self-replication and catalysis. It would be in this context that the first metabolic routes were probably assembled, as well as the first system to store genetic information. The model suggested that the catalytic functions initially performed by RNAs would have been gradually replaced by peptides or proteins (Cech, 2009Cech TR (2009) Crawling out of the RNA world. Cell 136:599-602. ). Proteins are often accepted to be the more efficient catalysts because they are polymers formed by a chemically diverse set of 20 amino acids that allows them to present sophisticated tridimensional structures capable to interact much better with other molecules. Thus, biological systems would leave a world initially dominated by RNAs to establish a new world composed of RNAs and proteins, that is, a ribonucleoprotein (RNP) world.

Despite its great explanatory power and its wide acceptance in the scientific community, many criticisms have been made to the idea of an RNA world over the years. The main criticism to the model is related to the problem of producing the basic components for nucleotide formation in prebiotic contexts (Le Vay and Mutschler, 2019Le Vay K and Mutschler H (2019) The difficult case of an RNA-only origin of life. Emerg Top Life Sci 3:469-475.). Although there is still no consensus, it is possible that the existence of some prebiotic chemical refuges, containing abundance of certain atoms and molecules, facilitated the formation of nucleotides on early Earth. Mainly due to these reasons, new models have been proposed as alternative scenarios for the origin of biological systems.

First, we must acknowledge that it is a consensus among the specialists that the RNA molecules were the first informational molecules of life and that DNA appeared later. On that matters, many researchers are suggesting a late appearance of DNA at quasi-cellular stage on which most of the biochemical pathways were already assembled (Forterre, 2005Forterre P (2005) The two ages of the RNA world, and the transition to the DNA world: A story of viruses and cells. Biochimie 87:793-803. ; Do Ó et al., 2020Do Ó IJB, Rêgo TG, Jose M and Farias ST (2020) The structural proteome for the primordial glycolysis/gluconeogenesis. Genet Mol Res 19:18699. ; Farias et al., 2021Farias ST, Rêgo TG and José MV (2021b) Origin of the 16S ribosomal molecule from ancestor tRNAs. J Mol Evol 89:249-256. b; Di Giulio, 2021Di Giulio M (2021b) The late appearance of DNA, the nature of the LUCA and ancestors of the domains of life. Biosystems 202:104330. b). Two main facts strengthened the idea of the RNP world over the RNA world: (i) the abundance of amino acids in simulations of prebiotic environments and (ii) the understanding of the origin, importance, and evolution of ribosomes (Belousoff et al., 2010Belousoff MJ, Davidovich C, Zimmerman E, Caspi Y, Wekselman I, Rozenszajn L, Shapira T, Sade-Falk O, Taha L, Bashan A et al. (2010) Ancient machinery embedded in the contemporary ribosome. Biochem Soc Trans 38:422-427. ; Farias et al., 2014Farias ST, Rêgo TG and José MV (2014) Origin and evolution of the peptidyl transferase center from proto-tRNAs. FEBS Open Bio 4:175-178.; Petrov et al., 2015Petrov AS, Gulen B, Norris AM, Kovacs NA, Bernier CR, Lanier KA, Fox GE, Harvey SC, Wartell RM, Hud NV et al. (2015) History of the ribosome and the origin of translation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112:15396-15401.; Farias and José, 2020Farias ST and José MV (2020) Transfer RNA: The molecular demiurge in the origin of biological systems. Prog Biophys Mol Biol 153:28-34. ).

In this review, we will address the main advances about the origin of biological systems from a ribonucleoprotein point of view. Such ideas range from the conceptual formulation of what life is to recent data explaining how the symbiotic, chemical interaction between RNAs and proteins were established on early Earth (Box 1).

Box 1-
Some authors and important ideas for modeling an RNP world.

Life: A conceptual problem

Before analyzing any model for the origin of life, we must consider how we should conceptualize this amazing phenomenon. Different concepts of life are related to different characteristics considered important during the transition from an abiotic world to a biotic world. Thus, different processes can be considered essential, bringing to different approaches. At this point, it is worth emphasizing the importance of relying on strong concepts that allow the identification of unique and exclusive characteristics, capable of distinguishing biological systems from other natural systems, either physical or chemical. In the specialized literature, more than one hundred different propositions of life concepts exist. Those concepts can be often separated and classified in three great groups based on their approach to biological systems as either (a) physical, (b) cellular, or (c) molecular concepts (Farias et al., 2021aFarias ST, Prosdocimi F and Caponi G (2021a) Organic codes: A unifying concept for life. Acta Biotheor 69:769-782. ).

Concepts based on (a) the physical approaches often use some characteristics to define life, such as: (i) the decrease in entropy, and (ii) the distance from thermodynamic equilibrium. When observing biological systems, we can identify that they indeed present these characteristics indicated by the physical approach. However, we need to understand that these characteristics are not unique to biological systems and, therefore, cannot be used to draw a clear distinction between the living and the non-living.

Regarding the concepts based on the (b) cellular approach, we can consider them as the most hegemonic nowadays, often describing general principles as (i) autonomy and (ii) the capacity for evolution. They indicate the need for a system to be compartmentalized and to present both informational molecules and metabolism (Ruiz-Mirazo et al., 2004Ruiz-Mirazo K, Peretó J and Moreno A (2004) A universal definition of life: Autonomy and open-ended evolution. Orig Life Evol Biosph 34:323-346. ). By autonomy, we understand the ability of an entity to maintain itself and reproduce independently. By the ability to evolve, we understand the possibility of genetic modification and the establishment of lineages. As a thought experiment, it is worth looking briefly at the role of viruses in this context. In the cellular approach, viruses have been excluded from the scope of life, since they do not present autonomy, even if they have evolutionary capacity. This exclusion of viruses from the scope of life, by itself, does not represent a conceptual problem. On the other hand, when analyzing the issue of autonomy, we can describe examples of organisms uncapable to establish lineages that are nevertheless alive according to the cellular approach (Prosdocimi and Farias, 2019Prosdocimi F and Farias S (2019) A emergência dos sistemas biológicos: Uma visão molecular sobre a origem da vida. 1st edition. ArtecomCiencia, Rio de Janeiro.). A classic example of this controversial issue are the infertile hybrids, such as the mule. Although mules are clearly alive, they are not targets of the evolutionary process because they are infertile and cannot pass genetic information ahead on their lineages. Thus, those pilar concepts that build the cellular approach to define life also fail to establish a set of unique and universal characteristics for living organisms (Farias et al., 2021aFarias ST, Prosdocimi F and Caponi G (2021a) Organic codes: A unifying concept for life. Acta Biotheor 69:769-782. ). The viruses and the mules are clear counterexamples that demonstrate how autonomy and evolutionary capacity fail to be bona fide concepts to define life.

Finally, concepts related to (c) the molecular approach suggest that life should be understood as a self-sustaining chemical system that presents evolutionary capacity. Such as we observed with the cellular approach, there is a presumption of autonomy and evolutionary capacity. Thus, many authors argue that these two characteristics were already present in an RNA world (Joyce, 1994Joyce GF (1994) The RNA world: Life before DNA and protein. In: Zuckerman B and Hart M (eds) Extraterrestrials- where are they? 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp 139-151.). RNAs indeed may have replicative and catalytic capacities and they could establish molecular lineages. For us, the main problem with concepts based on the molecular approach is that they assume that the emergence of replication and catalysis is sufficient to make a clear distinction between biological systems and other natural systems. However, both replication and catalysis can be found in chemical and/or physical systems. Thus, it is impossible to make a clear distinction between an abiotic world and a biotic world based only on replication and catalysis (Prosdocimi et al., 2018Prosdocimi F, Jheeta S and Farias ST (2018) Conceptual challenges for the emergence of the biological system: Cell theory and self-replication. Med Hypotheses 119:79-83.).

When we observe the conceptual structure of those three different approaches presented above, we identify the use of typological characteristics as elements of distinction between the living and the non-living. Alternatively, it has been proposed that we should understand life as a process; and living beings should be seen as the materialization of this process (Farias et al., 2021aFarias ST, Prosdocimi F and Caponi G (2021a) Organic codes: A unifying concept for life. Acta Biotheor 69:769-782. ). Dupré and Nicholson (2018Dupré J and Nicholson D (2018) A manisfesto for a processual philosophy of biology. In: Nicholson DJ and Dupré J (eds) Everything flows: Towards a processual philosophy of biology. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp 3-45.) argue that material entities should be understood as specific temporal stages based on stable processes. Thus, the stability and persistence of entities should be better understood as processes of spatial-temporal organization that presents causal and temporal relationship with other processes and entities. In line with these thoughts, Simons (2018Simons P (2018) Process and precipitates. In: Nicholson DJ and Dupré J (eds) Everything flows: Towards a processual phylosophy of biology. Oxford University Press, Oxford , pp 49-60.) suggested that material entities should be understood as a sort of precipitation of the processes that maintain and stabilize them. Farias et al. (2021aFarias ST, Prosdocimi F and Caponi G (2021a) Organic codes: A unifying concept for life. Acta Biotheor 69:769-782. ), when analyzing the various processes that occur in biological systems, suggested that the processing of encoding information is unique and exclusive to living beings, being therefore a necessary and sufficient characteristic capable to distinguish the living from the non-living. In this way, these authors point to the emergence of the first encoded information system as the most important transitional feature between an abiotic world and a biotic world. Thus, it seems reasonable to focus our discussion and attention on the origin of the most basal coding system present in living organisms. This coding system is represented by the genetic code and therefore the most adequate approach to tackle the origin of life is understanding it from a ribonucleoprotein perspective related to the origin of the Translation system (Figure 1) (Prosdocimi and Farias, 2021Prosdocimi F and Farias ST (2021) Life and living beings under the perspective of organic macrocodes. Biosystems 206:104445.). In this context, we should neither eliminate the idea of an RNA world nor deny the existence of protometabolic pathways at a certain stage in the history of Earth, but we should position these events as having occurred in a prebiotic era.

Figure 1-
“Life as Matter” versus “Life as Process” scenarios: Central ideas and consequences for the main approaches to the concept of life.

Ribozymes, cofactors and the ancient relationship between nucleic acids and peptides

As we shall see, the idea that biological systems originated and evolved from a ribonucleoprotein core assumes that a chemical symbiosis between nucleic acids and proteins was necessary for the organization of life (Prosdocimi et al., 2021aProsdocimi F, Farias ST, Cortines J and José M (2021a) The misleading history of viruses. Preprints 2021040743.). As we discussed earlier, the idea of an RNA world has been widely discussed in the scientific community due to the multiple functions of storing information and acting as catalysts found in RNA molecules (Gilbert, 1986Gilbert W (1986) Origin of life: The RNA world. Nature 319:618. ). However, recent works indicated that the current ribozymes found in contemporary biological systems always contain a protein component assisting in their functions (Le Vay and Mutschler, 2019Le Vay K and Mutschler H (2019) The difficult case of an RNA-only origin of life. Emerg Top Life Sci 3:469-475.). This feature suggests that the association between proteins and nucleic acids is ancestral and that peptides probably aided in the RNA stability and functionality since long (Le Vay and Mutschler, 2019Le Vay K and Mutschler H (2019) The difficult case of an RNA-only origin of life. Emerg Top Life Sci 3:469-475.).

This scenario invites us to consider the relevance of cofactors to the catalytic processes. Cofactors are often divided into two groups, the first formed by (i) inorganic ions, and the second formed by (ii) organic molecules, also known as coenzymes. The group of inorganic ion cofactors uses either molecules or single atoms that represent the first “catalytic agents” before the emergence of enzymes. In 2014, Keller and collaborators have shown that Fe2+ could be used to aid the synthesis of all intermediates of the glycolytic pathway and the pentose pathways under prebiotic conditions (Keller et al., 2014Keller MA, Turchyn AV and Ralser M (2014) Non-enzymatic glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathway-like reactions in a plausible Archean ocean. Mol Syst Biol 10:725. ). Second, most non-protein components of coenzymes are originated from nucleic acid molecules. The most significant example is Acetyl-CoA, a molecule often considered as pivotal to the cell metabolism, acting as intermediate in the biosynthesis of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. These facts corroborate the idea that a close relationship between nucleic acids and proteins happened at an earlier time than is currently assumed. Concerning this issue, the Italian researcher Massimo Di Giulio presented a model for the emergence of the coenzyme-enzyme interaction in 1997Di Giulio M (1997) On the RNA world: Evidence in favor of an early ribonucleopeptide world. J Mol Evol 45:571-578.. According to this recognized researcher, the nucleotidic component of the coenzymes was already associated with amino acids. Only from this initial relationship a progression in the synthesis of both the nucleotide component and the protein component was possible. Then, at the end of this molecular evolutionary process, the nucleotide would lose its interaction with the protein and leave only the coenzyme component to assist the catalytic function (Di Giulio, 1997Di Giulio M (1997) On the RNA world: Evidence in favor of an early ribonucleopeptide world. J Mol Evol 45:571-578.). Curiously, Di Giulio suggests that RNAs and peptides were probably linked by covalent bonds at that time, a binding only observed today in peptidyl tRNAs. In a recent article, the author suggested that this interaction between peptides and tRNAs were probably the trigger that initiated the process of encoding biological information, followed by the formation of proto-mRNAs and the organization of the genetic code (Di Giulio, 2021aDi Giulio M (2021a) The evolutionary stages of the complexity of biological catalysts mark and clarify the phases of the origin of the genetic code: A model for the origin of the reading frame with codons from proto-mRNAs with different frames. Biosystems 207:104449.). Under those assumptions, it is even possible to consider the existence of protein synthesis without the presence of ribosomes. It is interesting to note that many coenzymes are derived from nucleotides, some of which are made up of either ribonucleosides or entire ribonucleotides. These components may have helped in the complexification of peptides into small proteins. Thus, it has been suggested that the domains of globular proteins were selected for their ability to bind to these types of cofactors. This suggestion comes from the fact that their most ancestral protein domains were shown to be exactly the ones capable to bind to the nucleotide derived cofactors (Fried et al., 2022Fried SD, Fujishima K, Makarov M, Cherepashuk I and Hlouchova K (2022) Peptides before and during the nucleotide world: An origins story emphasizing cooperation between proteins and nucleic acids. J R Soc Interface 19:20210641.). The model presented by both Di Giulio (1997Di Giulio M (1997) On the RNA world: Evidence in favor of an early ribonucleopeptide world. J Mol Evol 45:571-578., 2021bDi Giulio M (2021b) The late appearance of DNA, the nature of the LUCA and ancestors of the domains of life. Biosystems 202:104330. ) and Fried et al. (2022Fried SD, Fujishima K, Makarov M, Cherepashuk I and Hlouchova K (2022) Peptides before and during the nucleotide world: An origins story emphasizing cooperation between proteins and nucleic acids. J R Soc Interface 19:20210641.) is compatible with the data observed in modern organisms. This fact implies that the ribonucleoprotein world cannot be understood as a transitory stage, but as the essence of life itself, that comes since the primordial organization of life and endured until today, as observed in contemporary organisms. Therefore, we saw that ribozymes cannot function well without associated amino acids or peptides and that many proteins are aided by the existence of nucleotide-derived cofactors. Both facts are evidence of the intimate relationship between these key macromolecules that constitutes the ultimate essence of life.

Chemical symbiosis theory: From FUCA to LUCA

In 2021, Prosdocimi and colleagues suggested the theory of chemical symbiosis based on a Margulian view of the biotic world (Prosdocimi et al., 2021aProsdocimi F, Farias ST, Cortines J and José M (2021a) The misleading history of viruses. Preprints 2021040743.). In their model, it is proposed that biological systems were initially established through a collaboration between peptides and nucleic acids, where neither of the two macromolecules would have been able to produce life without the aid of the other. Thus, the authors identified the origin of the ribosome, as well as the origin of the whole translation system, as the founding event of life. The process of establishing a symbiosis relationship between nucleic acids and peptides led to the emergence of a “First Universal Common Ancestor” (FUCA) (Prosdocimi et al., 2019Prosdocimi F, José M and Farias S (2019) The first Universal Common Ancestor (FUCA) as the Earliest Ancestor of LUCA’s (Last UCA) lineage. In: Pontarotti P (ed) Evolution, origin of life, concepts and methods. 1st edition. Springer, pp 43-54. ). In this context, the emergence of FUCA is directly linked to the first steps that led to the formation of the genetic code, and its maturation was achieved with the completion of the first chemically encoded information system.

The term FUCA describes a very early period in the organization of biological systems and complements the concept of LUCA, which has its meaning associated with the emergence of the first biological systems that were cellular. FUCA is, therefore, the earliest ancestor of LUCA. Thus, it is suggested that the initial organization of biological systems would have taken place in a semi-open environment, with intense exchange of information between the subsystems. There, in that primitive open environment, the translation system would have emerged and evolved with the origin of the first metabolic pathways (Prosdocimi and Farias, 2021Prosdocimi F and Farias ST (2021) Life and living beings under the perspective of organic macrocodes. Biosystems 206:104445.). At that point in the evolution of life on Earth, organisms as we know them today were absent, but there existed molecular biological systems capable to process and metabolize information encoded in nucleic acids. We call this era as “the age of progenotes”, when recycling a term originally proposed by Carl Woese to describe this moment before the emergence of viruses and cells, that is, before the emergence of organisms as individuals (Woese, 1998Woese C (1998) The universal ancestor. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 95:6854-6859.). Thus, it is proposed that we should divide living organisms into two groups that could be considered as (i) ribosome-encoding entities, and (ii) capsid-encoding entities (Forterre and Prangishvili, 2009Forterre P and Prangishvili D (2009) The origin of viruses. Res Microbiol 160:466-472. ). This way of looking at organisms is in accordance to the model of a biological world that was open at its origins. In that period, the ribosome was at the center and was responsible to process the information contained in the different subsystems. As there was no compartmentalization yet, all open systems could access free ribosomes available in the medium (Prosdocimi et al., 2021bProsdocimi F, José MV and Farias ST (2021b) The theory of chemical symbiosis: A margulian view for the emergence of biological systems (origin of life). Acta Biotheor 69:67-78.). The maturation of these open biological systems or progenotes would then have led to the compartmentalization of subsystems. Thus, those systems that encapsulated themselves together with ribosomes established lineages we know now as cellular. On the other hand, those systems which encapsulated without ribosomes would establish viral lineages (Figure 2). Under the current proposal, as we shall see, the membrane will evolve from proteins capable to bind lipids (Sojo, 2019Sojo V (2019) Why the lipid divide? Membrane proteins as drivers of the split between the lipids of the three domains of life. Bioessays 41:e1800251.). Farias et al. (2019Farias ST, Jheeta S and Prosdocimi F (2019) Viruses as a survival strategy in the armory of life. Hist Philos Life Sci 41:45. ) suggested that organisms should be understood as stable life strategies and that the relationship between viruses and cells should be understood as a relic from the era of progenotes. In this sense, in their primordial relationship, viruses would not need cells to replicate, but ribosomes, which were necessary to process their information encoded in nucleic acids into protein (Prosdocimi and Farias, 2021Prosdocimi F and Farias ST (2021) Life and living beings under the perspective of organic macrocodes. Biosystems 206:104445.). Encapsulation in cellular and viral systems would have inaugurated a new era in biological systems, the era of organisms and would have finally given rise to what we have come to know as the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA), the progenitor line of all cellular diversity found today (Farias et al., 2021aFarias ST, Prosdocimi F and Caponi G (2021a) Organic codes: A unifying concept for life. Acta Biotheor 69:769-782. ).

Figure 2 -
The chemical symbiosis model: a RiboNucleoProtein scenario for the origin of biological systems. The ages and their most conspicuous features are highlighted in the balloons. Previously to the origin of cells, reticulated evolution operated by lateral transference of genetic material (red lines).

The origin of ribosomes and the organization of FUCA

Coming back along the argumentation for a while, we must make clear that the translation system should therefore be considered as the heart of biological systems. This is important because, along this process, an organized conversation has taken place between the information contained in the nucleic acids and the manufacture of peptides and proteins. The establishment of this informational correspondence was carried out by the genetic code, which is considered the first truly biological code to emerge (Barbieri, 2018Barbieri M (2018) What is code biology? Bio Systems 164:1-10. ; Prosdocimi and Farias, 2021Prosdocimi F and Farias ST (2021) Life and living beings under the perspective of organic macrocodes. Biosystems 206:104445.). The most important evidence for the RNP world is the understanding that the heart of the translation system is the ribosome, i. e., a macromolecular complex composed of RNAs and proteins.

The first observations of the ribosomal complex were made in the 1950s (Palade, 1955Palade GE (1955) A small particulate component of the cytoplasm. J Biophys Biochem Cytol 1:59-68.). However, it was only in the early 2000s that its structure was elucidated at the molecular level (Ban et al., 2000Ban N, Nissen P, Hansen J, Moore PB and Steitz TA (2000) The complete atomic structure of the large ribosomal subunit at 2.4 A resolution. Science 289:905-920. ; Schluenzen et al., 2000Schluenzen F, Tocilj A, Zarivach R, Harms J, Gluehmann M, Janell D, Bashan A, Bartels H, Agmon I, Franceschi F et al. (2000) Structure of functionally activated small ribosomal subunit at 3.3 angstroms resolution. Cell 102:615-623.; Wimberly et al., 2000Wimberly BT, Brodersen DE, Clemons WM Jr, Morgan-Warren RJ, Carter, AP, Vonrhein C, Hartsch T and Ramakrishnan V (2000) Structure of the 30S ribosomal subunit. Nature 407:327-339.). These studies demonstrated that, despite the ribosomes being constituted by RNAs and proteins, in their catalytic site there is no protein enzyme, but rather, the catalytic reaction is carried out by a ribozyme. The characterization of the catalytic activity of ribosomes as an activity carried out by a ribozyme gave extra support and allowed this molecule to be repositioned with more certainty at the origin of the biological systems (Belousoff et al., 2010Belousoff MJ, Davidovich C, Zimmerman E, Caspi Y, Wekselman I, Rozenszajn L, Shapira T, Sade-Falk O, Taha L, Bashan A et al. (2010) Ancient machinery embedded in the contemporary ribosome. Biochem Soc Trans 38:422-427. ; Fox, 2010Fox GE (2010) Origin and evolution of the ribosome. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2:a003483. ; Tirumalai et al., 2021Tirumalai MR, Rivas M, Tran Q and Fox GE (2021) The peptidyl transferase center: A window to the past. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 85:e0010421.). This fact also paved a new way to consider seriously that the origin of life would have happened in a ribonucleoprotein world.

Some studies that tried to reconstruct the genome of the last common ancestor have shown that the components of the translation system are the most conserved and abundant (Koonin, 2003Koonin EV (2003) Comparative genomics, minimal gene-sets and the last universal common ancestor. Nat Rev Microbiol 1:127-136. ; Delaye et al., 2005Delaye L, Becerra A and Lazcano A (2005) The last common ancestor: What’s in a name? Orig Life Evol Biosph 35:537-554. ; Ouzounis et al., 2006Ouzounis CA, Kunin V, Darzentas N and Goldovsky L (2006) A minimal estimate for the gene content of the last universal common ancestor--exobiology from a terrestrial perspective. Res Microbiol 157:57-68.; Weiss et al., 2016Weiss MC, Sousa FL, Mrnjavac N, Neukirchen S, Roettger M, Nelson-Sathi S and Martin WF (2016) The physiology and habitat of the last universal common ancestor. Nat Microbiol 1:16116.), supporting the antiquity of this process in biological systems. Comparative studies that analyzed the structural evolution of the larger ribosomal subunit demonstrated the conservation of its catalytic structure (Davidovich et al., 2009Davidovich C, Belousoff M, Bashan A and Yonath A (2009) The evolving ribosome: From non-coded peptide bond formation to sophisticated translation machinery. Res Microbiol 160:487-492. ; Petrov et al., 2014Petrov AS, Bernier CR, Hsiao C, Norris AM, Kovacs NA, Waterbury CC, Stepanov VG, Harvey SC, Fox GE, Wartell RM et al. (2014) Evolution of the ribosome at atomic resolution. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111:10251-10256.; Farias et al., 2014Farias ST, Rêgo TG and José MV (2014) Origin and evolution of the peptidyl transferase center from proto-tRNAs. FEBS Open Bio 4:175-178.; Bowman et al., 2020Bowman JC, Petrov AS, Frenkel-Pinter M, Penev PI and Williams LD (2020) Root of the Tree: The significance, evolution, and origins of the ribosome. Chem Rev 120:4848-4878. ). In these studies, it has been suggested that the peptidyl transferase (PTC) center was probably the first part of the ribosome to self-organize. Farias et al. (2014Farias ST, Rêgo TG and José MV (2014) Origin and evolution of the peptidyl transferase center from proto-tRNAs. FEBS Open Bio 4:175-178.) and Root-Bernstein and Root-Bernstein (2015Root-Bernstein M and Root-Bernstein R (2015) The ribosome as a missing link in the evolution of life. J Theor Biol 367:130-158. ), when performing comparative analyses between tRNA and rRNA molecules, observed that there were similarities between these molecules and suggested that the PTC and tRNAs have a common origin. Caetano-Anollés and Caetano-Anollés (2016Caetano-Anollés D and Caetano-Anollés G (2016) Piecemeal buildup of the genetic code, ribosomes, and genomes from primordial tRNA building blocks. Life (Basel) 6:43. ) analyzed the data from Root-Bernstein and Root-Bernstein (2015Root-Bernstein M and Root-Bernstein R (2015) The ribosome as a missing link in the evolution of life. J Theor Biol 367:130-158. ) and proposed a chronology between the assembly of the genetic code and the structuring of ribosomes. In their study, they demonstrate that cognate tRNAs for the first amino acids are homologous to older regions of the ribosome. Historical data indicated a similarity between tRNAs and rRNAs molecules since the 1980s, but the lack of information in databases limited these studies (Bloch et al., 1984Bloch D, Mcarthur B, Widdowson R, Spector D, Guimaraes R C and Smith J (1984) tRNA-rRNA sequence homologies: A model for the origin of a common ancestral molecule, and prospects for its reconstruction. Orig Life 14:571-578. , 1989Bloch DP, McArthur B, Guimarães RC, Smith J and Staves MP (1989) tRNA-rRNA sequence matches from inter- and intraspecies comparisons suggest common origins for the two RNAs. Braz J Med Biol Res 22:931-944.). Farias et al. (2017Farias ST, Dos Santos Junior AP, Rêgo TG and José MV (2017) Origin and Evolution of RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase. Front Genet 8:125. ) modeled the three-dimensional structure of the ancestral PTC from ancestral tRNA sequences and observed a structural similarity of 92% when compared to the PTC of Thermus thermophilus. Using molecular docking experiments, it has been demonstrated that the ancestral PTC already had the ability to bind to tRNA molecules in a similar way to what we observe in modern organisms. This study also confirmed that the site where the nascent peptides leave the ribosome towards the cytosol, named the “exit tunnel”, already existed in the early ribosomal complex. Prosdocimi et al. (2020Prosdocimi F, Zamudio GS, Palacios-Pérez M, Farias ST and José MV (2020) The ancient history of peptidyl transferase center formation as told by conservation and information analyses. Life (Basel) 10:134.) analyzed the identity elements of PTC and identified the participation of tRNAs in the secondary structuring of this molecule. In this sense, it was suggested that the PTC initially worked by synthesizing peptides quasi-randomly, without the need for a genetic code, though respecting the availability of amino acids in the medium. Davidovich et al. (2009Davidovich C, Belousoff M, Bashan A and Yonath A (2009) The evolving ribosome: From non-coded peptide bond formation to sophisticated translation machinery. Res Microbiol 160:487-492. ) analyzed the structure of PTC and identified two symmetrical structures together with a structure similar to tRNAs, suggesting that the PTC evolved by duplication. Bose et al. (2022Bose T, Fridkin G, Davidovich C, Krupkin M, Dinger N, Falkovich AH, Peleg Y, Agmon I, Bashan A and Yonath A (2022) Origin of life: Protoribosome forms peptide bonds and links RNA and protein dominated worlds. Nucleic Acids Res 50:1815-1828. ) synthesized proto-rRNAs (proto-PTC) based on T. thermophilus rRNA and confirmed the catalytic ability to form peptide bonds randomly. In this context, it is interesting to notice that the proto-rRNAs that showed catalytic activity were similar to the same portions that showed similarities with tRNAs in the studies by Farias et al. (2014Farias ST, Rêgo TG and José MV (2014) Origin and evolution of the peptidyl transferase center from proto-tRNAs. FEBS Open Bio 4:175-178.) and Root-Bernstein and Root-Bernstein (2015Root-Bernstein M and Root-Bernstein R (2015) The ribosome as a missing link in the evolution of life. J Theor Biol 367:130-158. ). Based on the data presented above, a common origin has been proposed between tRNA molecules and the catalytic site of the ribosome, which may have been formed by the concatenation of proto-tRNAs (Farias et al., 2014Farias ST, Rêgo TG and José MV (2014) Origin and evolution of the peptidyl transferase center from proto-tRNAs. FEBS Open Bio 4:175-178.; Prosdocimi et al., 2020Prosdocimi F, Zamudio GS, Palacios-Pérez M, Farias ST and José MV (2020) The ancient history of peptidyl transferase center formation as told by conservation and information analyses. Life (Basel) 10:134.).

Farias et al. (2021bFarias ST, Rêgo TG and José MV (2021b) Origin of the 16S ribosomal molecule from ancestor tRNAs. J Mol Evol 89:249-256. ) performed a comparative analysis between ancestral tRNAs and the 16S ribosomal molecule and found similarities between these molecules at the 3’ Upper domain, a similar result to that found earlier by Root-Bernstein and Root-Bernstein (2015Root-Bernstein M and Root-Bernstein R (2015) The ribosome as a missing link in the evolution of life. J Theor Biol 367:130-158. ). Harish and Caetano-Anollés (2012Harish A and Caetano-Anollés G (2012) Ribosomal history reveals origins of modern protein synthesis. PLoS One 7:e32776. ) suggested that the smaller subunit of the ribosome is the oldest portion of this molecule. Farias et al. (2021bFarias ST, Rêgo TG and José MV (2021b) Origin of the 16S ribosomal molecule from ancestor tRNAs. J Mol Evol 89:249-256. ) modeled the three-dimensional structure of the ancestral 16S rRNA and performed a comparative analysis with the homologous portion of T. thermophilus, Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium smegmatis, observing a similarity in structure at the level of 94%, 90% and 86%, respectively. It is interesting to note that the “decoding site” is found at the 16S rRNA molecule, at the position on which the interaction with the mRNA occurs. Thus, we can see that the 3’ Upper domain is part of the decoding site by structuring both the peptidyl site (P) and the aminoacyl site (A) along the translation process. It is known that the universally conserved G530, A1492 and A1493 of 16S ribosomal RNA, critical for tRNA binding in the A site, actively monitor cognate tRNA, and that recognition of the correct codon-anticodon duplex induces an overall ribosome conformational change (domain closure) (Demeshkina et al., 2012Demeshkina N, Jenner L, Westhof E, Yusupov M and Yusupova G (2012) A new understanding of the decoding principle on the ribosome. Nature 21:256-259.). Demongeot and Seligmann (2019Demongeot J and Seligmann H (2019) Evolution of tRNA into rRNA secondary structure. Gene Rep 17:100483.) analyzed the secondary structure of tRNAs and 16S rRNAs and suggested that the structure observed in 16S rRNA derived probably from ancestral tRNAs. All these data together have reinforced a ribonucleoprotein scenario for the beginning of biological systems and positioning of tRNAs as central molecules in the initial organization of biological systems.

The origin of the first genes and the structuring of metabolism

The origin of the biological information system is a crucial point in understanding the formation of a ribonucleoprotein world (Prosdocimi and Farias, 2019Prosdocimi F, José M and Farias S (2019) The first Universal Common Ancestor (FUCA) as the Earliest Ancestor of LUCA’s (Last UCA) lineage. In: Pontarotti P (ed) Evolution, origin of life, concepts and methods. 1st edition. Springer, pp 43-54. ). Evidently, when we talk about the origin of biological information, we must keep in mind the formation of the correspondence system between nucleic acids and peptides, that is, the genetic code. The understanding about the origin and organization of the genetic code is still a major challenge for researchers around the world, especially when we seek to understand the steps for the formation of this decoding information structure (Kuhn and Waser, 1994Kuhn H and Waser J (1994) On the origin of the genetic code. FEBS Lett 352:259-264.; Hartman, 1995Hartman H (1995) Speculations on the origin of the genetic code. J Mol Evol 40:541-544. ; Di Giulio, 2005Di Giulio M (2005) The origin of the genetic code: Theories and their relationships, a review. BioSystems 80:175 184. ; Farias et al., 2007Farias ST, Moreira CH and Guimarães RC (2007) Structure of the genetic code suggested by the hydropathy correlation between anticodons and amino acid residues. Orig Life Evol Biosph 37:83-103. ; Guimarães et al., 2008Guimarães RC, Moreira CH and de Farias ST (2008) A self-referential model for the formation of the genetic code. Theory Biosci 127:249-70. ; Rodin and Rodin, 2008Rodin SN and Rodin AS (2008) On the origin of the genetic code: Signatures of its primordial complementarity in tRNAs and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. Heredity (Edinb) 100:341-355.; Trifonov, 2009Trifonov EN (2009) The origin of the genetic code and of the earliest oligopeptides. Res Microbiol 160:481-486.; Guimarães, 2014Guimarães RC (2014) Essentials in the life process indicated by the self-referential genetic code. Orig Life Evol Biosph 44:269-277. ; Koonin and Novozhilov, 2017Koonin EV and Novozhilov AS (2017) Origin and evolution of the universal genetic code. Annu Rev Genet 51:45-62.; Yarus, 2021Yarus M (2021) Evolution of the Standard Genetic Code. J Mol Evol 89:19-44.). Although we still do not have a definitive model that satisfactorily explains how the formation of the genetic code occurred, some general models are guidelines for further investigations. Among these models, it is worth mentioning (a) the stereochemical model and (b) the model of co-evolution between metabolic pathways and the genetic code.

In (a) the stereochemical model, it is suggested that the establishment of the correlation between amino acids and their codons has taken place by chemical affinity. In this sense, we can observe that there is a correlation of hydropathy between the charged amino acid in its cognate tRNA and the main dinucleotide of the anticodon (Farias et al., 2007Farias ST, Moreira CH and Guimarães RC (2007) Structure of the genetic code suggested by the hydropathy correlation between anticodons and amino acid residues. Orig Life Evol Biosph 37:83-103. ; Guimarães, 2014Guimarães RC (2014) Essentials in the life process indicated by the self-referential genetic code. Orig Life Evol Biosph 44:269-277. ). An interesting fact to notice is that, in modern organisms, the acceptor arm of the tRNA and the anticodon loop is separated by about 75 Angstroms and interact with distinct portions of the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, the enzymes responsible for charging activated amino acids to their cognate tRNAs. Some studies have also demonstrated that tRNAs having only the acceptor arm can be specifically linked by their corresponding aminoacyl tRNA synthetases. This observation led to the proposition that the genetic code was preceded by a sort of “operational code” and that it was only later that the tRNA molecule matured and the anticodon arm was incorporated (Schimmel et al., 1993Schimmel P, Giegé R, Moras D and Yokoyama S (1993) An operational RNA code for amino acids and possible relationship to genetic code. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 90:8763-8768.; Hipps et al., 1995Hipps D, Shiba K, Henderson B and Schimmel P (1995) Operational RNA code for amino acids: Species-specific aminoacylation of minihelices switched by a single nucleotide. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 92:5550-5552. ). Interestingly, Shimizu (1995Shimizu M (1995) Specific aminoacylation of C4N hairpin RNAs with the cognate aminoacyl-adenylates in the presence of a dipeptide: Origin of the genetic code. J Biochem 117:23-26.) carried out experiments with only the anticodon loop and found that this portion also has the ability to bind its amino acid in a specific way. A solution for this apparent impasse was provided by Dantas et al. (2021Dantas P, José MV and Farias ST (2021) Structural computational analysis of the natural history of class I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases suggests their role in establishing the genetic code. J Mol Evol 89:611-617. ) in a study on which ancestral sequences and structures for the class I aminoacyl tRNA synthetase were reconstructed. The researchers conducted molecular docking experiments between (i) the acceptor arm and (i’) the anticodon loop with the ancestral structures of the cognate aminoacyl tRNA synthetases. The results suggested that, at the origin of biological systems, these two portions of the tRNA would act independently and would bind in the same region of the enzyme: the modern catalytic site of the enzyme. Thus, it was only with the maturation of the aminoacyl tRNA synthetases that these portions of the tRNA would have modified their points of interaction and acquired the structure that we can observe today in modern organisms. These data also explain why we observed a hydropathic correlation between amino acids and the major dinucleotide of their cognate anticodons (Guimarães et al., 2008Guimarães RC, Moreira CH and de Farias ST (2008) A self-referential model for the formation of the genetic code. Theory Biosci 127:249-70. ; Dantas et al., 2021Dantas P, José MV and Farias ST (2021) Structural computational analysis of the natural history of class I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases suggests their role in establishing the genetic code. J Mol Evol 89:611-617. ).

In the (b) coevolution model, it is suggested that the amino acid synthesis pathways and the establishment of the genetic code co-evolved, and it is assumed that the amino acids were incorporated into the coding system as their synthesis pathways were established. Guimarães (2017Guimarães RC (2017) Self-referential encoding on modules of anticodon pairs-roots of the biological flow system. Life (Basel) 7:16. ) suggests that the amino acid synthesis pathways and the entire basal metabolism have been structured from the Glycine and Serine synthesis pathways. These pathways, after being structured, would have provided compounds for the formation of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, which enabled the development of pathways for the synthesis of other amino acids later incorporated into the genetic code. Evidently, both the stereochemical model and the coevolution model cannot be seen as mutually exclusive since they may represent different phases of the same process.

Although it is extremely important to understand how the genetic code was structured, this information alone cannot explain where the first sequences (that had the potential to produce peptides when read by the genetic code) came from. In the quest to understand how the first genes appeared, a historical work by Eigen and Winkler-Oswatitsch (1981Eigen M and Winkler-Oswatitsch R (1981) Transfer-RNA, an early gene? Naturwissenschaften 68:282-292. ) suggested, based on the characteristics presented by tRNAs, that these molecules could have given rise to the first genes during the initial organization of biological systems. Based on these ideas, Farias et al. (2016aFarias ST, Rêgo TG and José MV (2016a) A proposal of the proteome before the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA). Int J Astrobiol 15:27-31.) reconstructed the ancestral sequences for the tRNAs and built concatamers consisting of three ancestral tRNAs in every possible combination. Such concatamers were aligned against the entire modern protein database (nr). In their results, it was possible to observe that, when translated, the ancestral tRNA concatamers showed similarities with several modern proteins. Many of those proteins were shown to operate in pathways considered to be essential and/or basal, such as: glycolysis, pentose pathway, translation proteins, amino acid synthesis, nucleotide synthesis, and lipid synthesis (Farias et al., 2016aFarias ST, Rêgo TG and José MV (2016a) A proposal of the proteome before the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA). Int J Astrobiol 15:27-31.). Among the various proteins that had similarity to ancestral tRNAs was an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase capable of replicating RNA molecules (Farias et al., 2017Farias ST, Dos Santos Junior AP, Rêgo TG and José MV (2017) Origin and Evolution of RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase. Front Genet 8:125. ). Root-Bernstein and Root-Bernstein (2015Root-Bernstein M and Root-Bernstein R (2015) The ribosome as a missing link in the evolution of life. J Theor Biol 367:130-158. , 2016Root-Bernstein R and Root-Bernstein M (2016) The ribosome as a missing link in prebiotic evolution II: Ribosomes encode ribosomal proteins that bind to common regions of their own mRNAs and rRNAs. J Theor Biol 397:115-127., 2019Root-Bernstein R and Root-Bernstein M (2019) The ribosome as a missing link in prebiotic evolution III: Over-representation of tRNA- and rRNA-Like sequences and plieofunctionality of ribosome-related molecules argues for the evolution of primitive genomes from ribosomal RNA modules. Int J Mol Sci 20:140. ), when analyzing the similarity between tRNA molecules and modern genes, obtained similar results to those found by Farias et al. (2016aFarias ST, Rêgo TG and José MV (2016a) A proposal of the proteome before the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA). Int J Astrobiol 15:27-31.). In their studies, these authors propose that the ribosome may have acted as a primitive genome, in the early days of the biological system (Root-Bernstein and Root-Bernstein, 2015Root-Bernstein M and Root-Bernstein R (2015) The ribosome as a missing link in the evolution of life. J Theor Biol 367:130-158. ; 2016Root-Bernstein R and Root-Bernstein M (2016) The ribosome as a missing link in prebiotic evolution II: Ribosomes encode ribosomal proteins that bind to common regions of their own mRNAs and rRNAs. J Theor Biol 397:115-127., 2019Root-Bernstein R and Root-Bernstein M (2019) The ribosome as a missing link in prebiotic evolution III: Over-representation of tRNA- and rRNA-Like sequences and plieofunctionality of ribosome-related molecules argues for the evolution of primitive genomes from ribosomal RNA modules. Int J Mol Sci 20:140. ). Faure and Barthélémy (2018Faure E and Barthélémy R (2018) True mitochondrial tRNA punctuation and initiation using overlapping stop and start codons at specific and conserved positions. In: Seligmann H (ed) Mitochondrial DNA - new insights. IntechOpen, London, pp 3-29.) analyzed mitochondrial genomes and identified that tRNA genes had a high frequency of translation start and stop signals. Additionally, Farias et al. (2017Farias ST, Rêgo TG and José MV (2017) Peptidyl Transferase Center and the Emergence of the Translation System. Life (Basel) 7:21.) reconstructed the three-dimensional structure of the protein sequence derived from the junction of tRNAs that had similarity to RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. The researchers observed that this part of the protein had structural similarity to the catalytic domain of modern structures and the ability to bind magnesium. In this study, a structural distance tree was constructed, and the results indicated that ancestral structures were more similar to proteins found in ancestral families of viruses. Do Ó et al. (2020Do Ó IJB, Rêgo TG, Jose M and Farias ST (2020) The structural proteome for the primordial glycolysis/gluconeogenesis. Genet Mol Res 19:18699. ) reconstructed the structure of translated proteins from ancestral tRNAs and observed similarities to proteins of the glycolytic pathway. The results presented by them indicated that the catalytic site must have been the first part to be structured. However, searches for possible ligands indicated that those ancestral peptides should not act, in principle, as catalysts but rather as RNA stabilizers. Thus, they would have been co-opted later into the metabolic functions observed in modern organisms, in a clear example of what Stephen Jay Gould called exaptation (Gould and Vrba, 1982Gould SJ and Vrba ES (1982) Exaptation - a missing term in the science of form. Paleobiology 8:4-15.).

Furthermore, several studies of protobiotic chemistry have shown that pathways such as glycolysis, the pentose pathway, the citric acid cycle and others could occur in a prebiotic environment without the presence of biological catalysts (Keller et al., 2014Keller MA, Turchyn AV and Ralser M (2014) Non-enzymatic glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathway-like reactions in a plausible Archean ocean. Mol Syst Biol 10:725. ; Muchowska et al., 2019aMuchowska KB, Chevallot-Beroux E and Moran J (2019a) Recreating ancient metabolic pathways before enzymes. Bioorg Med Chem 27:2292-2297.,bMuchowska KB, Varma SJ and Moran J (2019b) Synthesis and breakdown of universal metabolic precursors promoted by iron. Nature 569:104-107.). These data suggest that, during the process of formation of biological systems, proteins replaced functions previously occupied by chemical catalysts, such as Iron (Fe2+) and other metallic ions (Keller et al., 2014Keller MA, Turchyn AV and Ralser M (2014) Non-enzymatic glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathway-like reactions in a plausible Archean ocean. Mol Syst Biol 10:725. ). In that work, Keller and collaborators present evidence that iron and other ions could act as catalysts previously to the existence of enzymes. In this sense, it is worth noticing that the pathways of amino acid synthesis derive either from the glycolytic pathway or from the citric acid cycle in modern organisms. Thus, the entry of biological catalysts in these processes must have increased the efficiency of the process and contributed to the increase in amino acid synthesis. This increase would supply the maturing translation system. Based on evidence of similarity between ancestral tRNAs, rRNAs and mRNAs, Farias et al. (2016bFarias ST, Rêgo TG and José MV (2016b) tRNA core hypothesis for the transition from the RNA world to the ribonucleoprotein world. Life (Basel) 6:15. ) proposed the model called “tRNA core hypothesis”. In this model, it is suggested that tRNAs or proto-tRNAs would function as organizers of the primitive translation system, giving rise to the catalytic site of the ribosome and the decoding site. They must also have functioned as the first informational molecules. In this way, the translation system clearly functioned as an attractor for the emergence and evolution of the first biological systems. In its origin, the entire biological system was selected to supply the process of translation of biological information and provide the molecules necessary for this process to occur optimally. These data reinforce the idea proposed by Eigen and Winkler-Oswatitsch (1981Eigen M and Winkler-Oswatitsch R (1981) Transfer-RNA, an early gene? Naturwissenschaften 68:282-292. ) about the relationship between tRNAs and the origin of the first genes, as well as the notion of a ribonucleoprotein world for the origin of biological systems. Thus, the translation process, together with all its main elements, was the protagonist at the initial organization of biological systems.

Final Considerations

In science, explanatory models are built from the set of available evidence on a particular field of knowledge. Evidently, increasing knowledge about a given phenomenon can either strengthen or weaken an existing model or else allow the emergence of alternative models. After the discovery of the structure of the DNA molecule and the deepening of knowledge about the molecular functioning of organisms, the RNA molecule gained prominence in explanatory models about the origin of biological systems. This emphasis was not given by chance, but rather because of a solid body of evidence that indicated its importance at this early stage of life (Woese, 1965Woese CR (1965) On the evolution of the genetic code. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 54:1546-1552. ; Crick, 1968Crick FHC (1968) The origin of the genetic code. J Mol Biol 38:367-379. ; Orgel, 1968Orgel LE (1968) Evolution of the genetic apparatus. J Mol Biol 38:381-393.; Kruger et al., 1982Kruger K, Grabowski PJ, Zaug AJ, Sands J, Gottschling DE and Cech TR (1982) Self-splicing RNA: Autoexcision and autocyclization of the ribosomal RNA intervening sequence of Tetrahymena. Cell 31:147-157.; Guerrier-Takada et al., 1983Guerrier-Takada C, Gardiner K, Marsh T, Pace N and Altman S (1983) The RNA moiety of ribonuclease P is the catalytic subunit of the enzyme. Cell 35:849-857.). In this context, the idea of an RNA world to represent the beginning of biological systems has taken shape and has been strengthened in the last 30 years (Gilbert, 1986Gilbert W (1986) Origin of life: The RNA world. Nature 319:618. ; Schwartz, 1995Schwartz AW (1995) The RNA world and its origins. Planet Space Sci 43:161-165.; Dworkin et al., 2003Dworkin JP, Lazcano A and Miller SL (2003) The roads to and from the RNA world. J Theor Biol 222:127-134.; Robertson and Joyce, 2012Robertson MP and Joyce GF (2012) The origins of the RNA world. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 4:a003608.). However, from the beginning of the 2000s, with the elucidation of the ribosomal structure, together with new conceptual views on the biological systems have been strengthening a ribonucleoprotein view for the emergence of biological systems. These new models do not rule out the RNA molecule as the first informational molecule but place these molecules working in symbiosis with protein molecules since the origin of what we know as life.

Here, we review the proposal that the transition from an abiotic world to a biotic world took place through the establishment of the most basal language used by biological systems. Our contributions, amongst many others, suggest that the capacity to communicate the information contained in nucleic acids to the information contained in proteins, that is, the genetic code, was the pivotal event that allowed life to emerge (Farias et al., 2021aFarias ST, Prosdocimi F and Caponi G (2021a) Organic codes: A unifying concept for life. Acta Biotheor 69:769-782. ). The emergence of the genetic code allowed the emergence of a first proto-organism named FUCA, which was initially structured as a semi-open system, on which the primitive translation system acted as an attractor for structuring the entire biological system (Prosdocimi et al., 2019Prosdocimi F, José M and Farias S (2019) The first Universal Common Ancestor (FUCA) as the Earliest Ancestor of LUCA’s (Last UCA) lineage. In: Pontarotti P (ed) Evolution, origin of life, concepts and methods. 1st edition. Springer, pp 43-54. ). After a first stage of genetic code maturation, the whole translation system has been established. Then, the first metabolic pathways were assembled by collaboration between the open-systems called progenotes. These systems functioned initially in a semi-open way accessing free ribosomes in the medium and translating their encoded information. This further allowed encapsulation of proteins that fit together and then inaugurated the era of organisms, possibly starting with virus-like structures. The age of organisms allowed the establishment of individual lineages and, in this way, allowed the emergence of the basic structures of life as we know it, namely: viruses, bacteria, and archaea. Although several aspects still need to be unveiled about the origin and initial evolution of biological systems, the current knowledge about the molecular functioning of these systems has been opening new perspectives and provided more and more the elaboration of complex and complete models on this fascinating question approached by virtually every human culture. However, although we have come a long way in recent years, the road is still long and full of surprises. Only with the perseverance in the study of nature will we be able to either validate current models or design new scenarios.


We would like to thank Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) fellowship number CNE E-26/202.780/2018 and the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPQ) for financing this work.


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Edited by

Associate Editor:

Carlos F.M. Menck

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    23 Sept 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    04 Apr 2022
  • Accepted
    03 June 2022
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