The development of approaches for research on supply chains is fairly recent, since they only began to be studied systematically in the late 1980's. This paper begins with an overview of the main assumptions of the Supply Chain Management (SCM) approach. Based on a partial review of the empirical literature on the automotive industry, the paper then examines whether these assumptions can be confirmed in practice. Since the reviewed literature does not indicate that the aforementioned SCM assumptions have been concretized in the automotive industry, we propose that an initial methodological step be developed to help researchers identify the structural and relational characteristics of the supply chain in question. To contribute to the development of this initial methodological step, a brief summary is made of three schools of thought that may provide the basis for analyzing the structural and relational characteristics of the supply chain: Network Theory, Resource Dependence Theory and Transaction Cost Economics. This analysis of structural and relational characteristics helps evaluate the context in which SCM principles and techniques can be proposed and implemented and, thus evaluate the results that may be achieved through the implementation of SCM.
supply chain management; supply chain management assumptions; automotive industry