The garlic behavior and possible variations among cultivars in response to fertilization with sulfur (S), not only in terms of productivity, but also on the characteristics of the bulb and plant development is still unknown. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of additional fertilization with elemental sulfur (Sº) on the bulb yield of three cultivars of garlic, and its effect on several traits of morphology and growth of the bulb and plant. The treatments were arranged in a factorial 3x3, comprising three cultivars (Roxo Pérola de Caçador, Quitéria and Roxo Caxiense) and three doses of Sº (0, 50 and 100 kg ha-1). The experimental design was randomized blocks with three replications. We evaluated the yield; number of leaves; plant height; fresh and dry mass of leaves, pseudostem, bulb and root system; root length; and levels of S and phosphorus (P) on leaves and bulbs. The fertilization with Sº induced increased yield of the three cultivars, especially the cultivar Roxo Pérola Caçador that presented the greatest increase. The increased yield was strongly related to plant vigor, such as height, leaf number and fresh and dry mass of leaves, pseudostem and roots.
Allium sativum; mineral nutrition; physiological response