Open-access Acibenzolar-S-Methyl (BTH) action isolate and in combination with fungicides in muskmelon gummy stem blight control

The better time and dosage of application of BTH were determined and the effect on gummy stem blight control in muskmelon plants, isolated and in combination with fungicides, was evaluated. Two BTH doses (2,5 and 5,0 g/100L) were applied at 11; 18; 22 and 24 days after transplanting of seedlings. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using a completely randomized design with eight replications in factorial scheme 2 x 4 (doses x application time). Subsequently used the better time and BTH dose application associated with fungicides: difenoconazole (30 mL of p.c./100L), azoxystrobin (16 mL of p.c./100L) alternated with chlorothalonil (250 g of p.c./100L) and chlorothalonil (250 g of p.c./100L). Isolated BTH and benomyl (70 g of p.c./100L) without BTH addition were also evaluated. The applications were done in seven-day intervals until 28 days after transplanting. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using a completely randomized design with six treatments in fifteen replications The severity of diseases was evaluated using scale of notes. The association between difenoconazole + BTH was the most efficient in disease control.

Cucumis melo var. reticulatus; Dydimella bryoniae

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