Logomarca do periódico: História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos

Open-access História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos

Publication of: Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
Area: Health Sciences, Human Sciences ISSN printed version: 0104-5970
ISSN online version: 1678-4758

Table of contents

História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos, Volume: 15, Issue: 3, Published: 2008

História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos, Volume: 15, Issue: 3, Published: 2008

Document list
Carta dos Editores Convidados
Guest editor's note Podgorny, Irina Lima, Nísia Trindade Schäffner, Wolfgang Sá, Dominichi Miranda de

Portable antiquities: transportation, ruins, and communications in nineteenth-century archeology Podgorny, Irina

Abstract in Spanish:

En este trabajo presentamos un problema de la arqueología del siglo XIX: la transformación de las ruinas de la antigüedad americana en evidencia científica. Tomando el caso de la exploración arqueológica de Palenque luego de la independencia centroamericana y mexicana, analizaremos los intentos por hacer portátil las ruinas de una ciudad hallada en la selva a fines del siglo XVIII, analizando algunos de los medios creados y utilizados para resolver su transporte.

Abstract in English:

The article addresses an issue in nineteenth-century archeology: the transformation of ancient American ruins into scientific evidence. It focuses specifically on the case of Palenque, a city discovered in the jungle in the late eighteenth century. The archeological exploration of this find, which occurred shortly after Central American and Mexican independence, entailed efforts to make these ruins portable. The article analyzes some of the means devised and used in their transportation.
Field science in the Railroad Era: the tools of knowledge empire in the American West, 1869-1916 Vetter, Jeremy

Abstract in Portuguese:

Ao analisar pesquisas de campo realizadas no final do século XIX e início do XX, o artigo mostra como as estradas de ferro foram instrumentos do império dos conhecimentos no Oeste dos Estados Unidos. A economia política da região foi modelada pela ascensão do populismo e pelo desenvolvimento do capitalismo com o apoio dos governos estaduais e federal. Criaram-se assim as condições para a cooperação entre cientistas e companhias ferroviárias. Num primeiro momento, o deslocamento dos índios e sua concentração em reservas estiveram relacionados às pesquisas do Escritório de Etnologia, então dirigido por John Wesley Powell. As companhias ferroviárias tornaram-se importantes patrocinadoras de pesquisas de campo fornecendo passagens gratuitas ou a custos reduzidos para as viagens dos cientistas, desde aqueles ligados a universidades públicas que promoviam estudos sobre horticultura e engenharia da irrigação, até museus metropolitanos de história natural, cujos trabalhos de campo em paleontologia tinham valor simbólico ou cultural.

Abstract in English:

Focusing on the field sciences during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, this paper analyzes how railroads served as tools of knowledge empire in the American West. The political economy of this region, shaped by the rise of Populism and capitalist development with federal and state government support, provided the context for cooperation between field scientists and railroad companies. Early on, the displacement of American Indians and their concentration on reservations was intertwined with the research of the Bureau of Ethnology under John Wesley Powell. Later, railroad companies became important patrons of field research, primarily through their provision of free or reduced-fare passes for travel. This research ranged from state universities undertaking research in horticulture and irrigation engineering to metropolitan natural history museums whose field work in paleontology had cultural or symbolic value.
'Scenes from deep times': bones, travels, and memories in the cultures of nature in Brazil Lopes, Maria Margaret

Abstract in Portuguese:

Este artigo considera os diferentes papéis assumidos pelos naturalistas de campo e de gabinete na construção das culturas da natureza e na disputa para a construção de carreiras científicas no século XIX. A partir do conceito de 'experiência liminar', comenta aspectos ainda pouco considerados da obra paleontológica de Peter Wilhelm Lund (1801-1880) no Brasil e sua repercussão internacional.

Abstract in English:

This article examines the different roles played by field and non-field naturalists in constructing cultures of nature and in the dispute to construct scientific careers in the nineteenth century. Based on the concept of "threshold experience," it looks at little-explored aspects of Peter Wilhelm Lund's paleontological work (1801-1980) in Brazil and its international impact.

Pathways, science, and the State in Peru, 1850-1930 Contreras, Carlos Cueto, Marcos

Abstract in Spanish:

El objetivo de este estudio es brindar una visión panorámica de la relación entre el desarrollo de los estudios naturalistas con el control del territorio en el Perú desde mediados del siglo XIX hasta las primeras décadas del siglo XX. Durante esta etapa se produjo un notable desarrollo científico - tanto de investigadores como de instituciones académicas - que recibieron el respaldo del Estado peruano que empezaba a contar con mas recursos después del periodo de relativa inestabilidad que se sucedió a la Independencia en 1821. Aunque este desarrollo fue fragmentado y discontinuo permitió la elaboración de los primeros mapas, estudios geográficos y naturalistas, establecimiento de vías de comunicación y estuvo justificado por su potencial contribución a una economía de exportación y al prestigio cultural de elites civiles.

Abstract in English:

This study offers a panoramic view of the relation between the development of naturalist studies and the control of territory in Peru from the mid-nineteenth century through the first decades of the twentieth. Notable scientific development took place during this period, in terms of research and of academic institutions. Both research and academe enjoyed the support of the State, which had greater resources within its reach following the period of relative instability subsequent to Independence in 1821. Although this process of development was fragmented and discontinuous, it resulted in the first mapmaking work and geographic and naturalist studies, as well as the creation of communication pathways. Further, it was justified by its potential contribution to an export economy and to the cultural prestige of civilian elites.

The Argentina state railroad and its contribution to science Salerno, Elena

Abstract in Spanish:

En la Argentina, el Estado financió, construyó y operó los ferrocarriles estatales guiados por un criterio de subsidiariedad hasta el primer gobierno de Yrigoyen (1916-1922) en que se introdujeron cambios y se modificó parcialmente la orientación de la política ferroviaria. Los Ferrocarriles del Estado contribuyeron al desarrollo de la ciencia, su demanda de profesionales ayudó a la formación del campo profesional de los ingenieros y la conexión de las capitales de las provincias del centro y norte facilitó las comunicaciones y las tareas científicas, en particular aquellas que estudiaron las enfermedades endémicas del país.

Abstract in English:

In Argentina, the State financed, built, and ran government-own railroads based on recourse to subsidies until the first Yrigoyen administration (1916-1922), which introduced changes and shifted the direction of rail policy somewhat. The Ferrocarriles del Estado contributed to the development of science, created a demand for professionals which helped form the professional engineering field, and, by linking the capitals of central and northern provinces, facilitated both communications and scientific tasks themselves, especially research into diseases endemic to the country.

Transportation networks and means in the development of scientific expeditions in Argentina (1850-1910) Farro, Máximo E.

Abstract in Spanish:

Examina la relación entre el avance en las tecnologías del transporte y el desarrollo de las expediciones de carácter científico entre fines del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX en Argentina. Se muestra cómo la expansión a escala nacional de la red de ferrocarriles impactó en el desarrollo de las prácticas en el terreno, ampliando el acceso a sitios distantes de las instituciones científicas ubicadas en Córdoba, Buenos Aires y La Plata, simplificando el movimiento de equipamiento, colecciones y personal. Se toman como ejemplo las expedicións realizadas por Hermann Burmeister (1857-1860), por los científicos de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Córdoba y las exploraciones arqueológicas en las provincias del noroeste organizadas por instituciones científicas con sede en Buenos Aires y La Plata.

Abstract in English:

The article explores the relation between the advance of transportation technology and the development of scientific expeditions between the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in Argentina. Expansion of the railway network on a national scale impacted the development of the earth sciences by facilitating access to distant places by scientific institutions located in Córdoba, Buenos Aires, and La Plata and also by simplifying the movement of equipment, scientific collections, and personnel. Hermann Burmeister's expedition (1857-60), expeditions by scientists from the Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Córdoba, and archeological digs in the northwestern provinces, organized by scientific institutions headquartered in Buenos Aires and La Plata, serve as examples.

Local species, the market, and transportation in embryological research: the study of polyembryony in armadillos in the early twentieth century García, Susana V.

Abstract in Spanish:

Se examina en un caso concreto la afirmación general de la importancia de las redes de comunicación y la movilidad de las cosas para la ciencia. De qué forma esto jugó un papel relevante en las investigaciones sobre la embriología de ciertas especies de armadillos a principios del siglo XX? Como intentamos mostrar, el acceso a las hembras preñadas de esas especies silvestres y los tiempos en el transporte hasta el laboratorio fueron cuestiones substanciales en los inicios de esas investigaciones. Las estrategias para obtener muestras en el campo y la temporalidad de ciertos fenómenos, los circuitos comerciales en los que participan los organismos estudiados y su trasformación en el laboratorio permiten vislumbrar aspectos de cómo trabajaron y qué problemas enfrentaron esos científicos.

Abstract in English:

The article examines the general affirmation that communication networks and mobility are important to science by examining how these factors played a relevant role in one specific case, that is, research on the embryology of certain species of armadillos in the early twentieth century. As we show, access to pregnant females of the species and transport time from the wild to the laboratory were significant issues in the early days of such research. The strategies used to obtain field samples, the temporality of certain phenomena, the commercial circuits of which the organisms under study were a part, and the transformations they underwent in the laboratory all afford a glimpse at some aspects of how these scientists approached their work and what problems they faced in producing new knowledge.
Railroads, disease, and tropical medicine in Brazil under the First Republic Benchimol, Jaime Larry Silva, André Felipe Cândido da

Abstract in Portuguese:

Aborda o impacto da malária no âmbito da modernização republicana, basicamente nas ferrovias, que asssumiram então o papel de integrar o território e operar a expansão simbólica e material da nação brasileira. Os cientistas destacados para debelar os surtos epidêmicos não se limitaram a realizar as campanhas. Fizeram observações sobre aspectos da doença, inclusive suas relações com hospedeiros e ambientes, contribuindo com novos conhecimentos e com a institucionalização, no Brasil, de novo campo que então se estabelecia nas potências coloniais européias: a medicina tropical. O artigo articula essas inovações - especialmente a teoria da infecção domiciliária - com as campanhas em prol de ferrovias e com estágio subseqüente no enfrentamento da malária no Brasil, nos anos 1920.

Abstract in English:

The article explores the impact of malaria on infrastructure works - above all, railroads - under the republican drive towards modernization. Railways helped tie the territory together and foster the symbolic and material expansion of the Brazilian nation. The scientists entrusted with vanquishing such epidemic outbreaks did not just conduct campaigns; they also undertook painstaking observations of aspects of the disease, including its relations to hosts and the environment, thus contributing to the production of new knowledge of malaria and to the institutionalization of a new field in Brazil, then taking root in Europe's colonies: "tropical medicine." The article shows the ties between these innovations (especially the theory of domiciliary infection) and the sanitary campaigns that helped the railways, which in the 1920s were followed by a new phase in Brazil's anti-malaria efforts.
Trailblazers of science in the São Paulo territory: exploratory expeditions and the settlement of the São Paulo 'sertão' at the turn of the twentieth century Figueirôa, Silvia F. de M.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Este artigo apresenta e discute a participação da Comissão Geográfica e Geológica de São Paulo, fundada em 1886, na cartografia e nos levantamentos de recursos naturais do território paulista a fim de viabilizar sua exploração econômica e ocupação agrícola, industrial e urbana. Coube à ciência e à técnica uma participação decisiva nesse processo, em que se confirma o papel mediador entre ciência e sociedade das instituições de pesquisa, particularmente a aplicada. A ação da Comissão viabilizou a montagem de uma rede de comunicação viária, seja fluvial ou ferroviária, tanto simultaneamente aos levantamentos quanto a posteriori, em decorrência da abertura de frentes territoriais de ocupação geográfica.

Abstract in English:

Founded in 1886, the São Paulo Geographic and Geological Commission took part in cartographic studies and surveys of the region's natural resources that were essential to the economic exploitation of these resources and to agricultural, industrial, and urban settlement. Science and technology played a decisive role in this process, where research institutions -especially those in applied research - acted as intermediaries between science and society. The Commission's work made it possible to set up a communication network, including river and rail, both during and after the surveys, as new frontiers were being opened and settled.
Telegraphs and an inventory of the territory of Brazil: the scientific work of the Rondon Commission (1907-1915) Sá, Dominichi Miranda de Sá, Magali Romero Lima, Nísia Trindade

Abstract in Portuguese:

As atividades de construção de infra-estrutura de comunicações realizadas pela Comissão Rondon (1900-1930) notabilizaram-se por seus contatos com sociedades indígenas. Pouco conhecidas são as pesquisas científicas feitas por seus membros indissociáveis dos objetivos de modernização, ocupação e integração do interior do país por parte do então recém-instaurado regime republicano. Este artigo analisa o impacto das atividades científicas da Comissão em áreas como botânica, geologia e zoologia, assim como o inédito campo de trabalho que elas ofereceram para pesquisadores e naturalistas brasileiros crescentemente incorporados às suas diferentes viagens de exploração.

Abstract in English:

In its work to build communication infrastructure, the Rondon Commission (1900-30) became well known for its contacts with indigenous societies. Little, however, has been written about the scientific research conducted by its members, that was inseparable from the recently inaugurated republican regime's goals of modernization, settlement, and integration of the interior with the rest of Brazil. The article analyzes the impact of the Commission's scientific work in areas like botany, geology, and zoology, as well as its impact on the new field of work thus opened to Brazilian researchers and naturalists, who took part in these exploratory journeys in ever greater numbers.

Means of communication and the construction of territory in Latin America Schäffner, Wolfgang

Abstract in Spanish:

En este trabajo se analizan el impacto y las dificultades de la instalación de los medios de comunicación, en particular la telegrafía, a la que se le atribuyó la creación de un espacio comunicado a escala continental. Primero, se hará referencia a Domingo F. Sarmiento, como uno de los protagonistas de los proyectos de telegrafía y ferrocarril propios del Siglo XIX. En segundo lugar, aparecerá la expedición del ingeniero militar Candido Mariano da Silva Rondon quien, algunas décadas más tarde, con la colocación de una línea telegráfica en el sertão brasileño, marca, sin embargo, el fin del siglo de la telegrafía con hilos. Y finalmente, se volverá a la línea Rondon unos veinte años más tarde, cuando en 1938 Claude Lévi-Strauss viaja "sobre la línea" encontrando aquellos sistemas de comunicación precolombinos que pudieron haber existido entre ambas Américas.

Abstract in English:

The creation of a continental-scale communication space has been attributed to the telegraph in Latin America. The article analyzes the problems encountered in installing means of communication and their subsequent impact, focusing on the telegraph. The study begins by looking at Domingo F. Sarmiento, one of the protagonists of nineteenth-century telegraph and railroad projects. It next examines the expedition by military engineer Cândido Mariano da Silva Rondon, who put telegraph lines in place in the Brazilian sertão some decades later, at the end of the cycle of wired telegraphs. Lastly, it explores Claude Lévi-Strauss's 1938 trip along Rondon's line, where the French anthropologist found pre-Colombian communication systems that may have existed between the Americas.

Engineering and the State: the national road network and public works in Argentina, 1930-1943 Ballent, Anahi

Abstract in Spanish:

Analiza la acción de la Dirección Nacional de Vialidad (DNV) dentro del Ministerio de Obras Públicas de Argentina al inicio de su desarrollo, entre 1932 y 1943, enfatizando la formación de una burocracia técnica de ingenieros y las distintas representaciones, técnicas y políticas, construidas alrededor del ingeniero. La hipótesis considera que la constitución de la DNV marcó un momento culminante y un punto de inflexión en la injerencia de la ingeniería como campo científico y profesional en la estructura estatal de las obras públicas, dentro de una estrecha relación entre ingeniería y estado desarrollada desde las últimas décadas del siglo XIX.

Abstract in English:

The article analyzes the work of the Argentinean Public Works Ministry's National Road Department (Dirección Nacional de Vialidad) during its earliest years, from 1932 to 1943, with a focus on formation of a technical bureaucracy composed of engineers and on the technical and political representations constructed around the field of engineering. The hypothesis is that creation of the Department represented both a culmination and a turning point in engineering's role as a scientific and professional field in the government public works structure, within the framework of the close ties between engineering and the state that had developed from the final decades of the nineteenth century.
Notes on an expedition: Jean Massart and the Belgium biological mission to Brazil, 1922-1923 Heizer, Alda

Abstract in Portuguese:

Em 1922, chegou ao litoral brasileiro um grupo de naturalistas viajantes, liderados pelo belga Jean Massart. Registrada em imagens que integram a obra Une mission biologique belge au Brésil 1922-1923, a referida missão teve como objetivo coletar exemplares para o herbário de Bruxelas.

Abstract in English:

In 1922, a group of traveling naturalists reached the Brazilian coast, led by Jean Massart, a Belgium. The goal of this mission was to collect specimens for the Brussels herbarium, as recorded in images found in Une mission biologique belge au Brésil, 1922-1923.
Territory and health: Antônio Pimentel's study on the Central Plateau Vergara, Moema de Rezende

Abstract in Portuguese:

Apresenta o relatório de Antônio Pimentel, médico da Comissão Exploradora do Planalto Central de 1892. Analisa a parte final do relatório, intitulada Patologia, por tratar-se ali especificamente das relações entre saúde e ocupação do território nacional.

Abstract in English:

The article presents a report by Antônio Pimentel, physician with the 1892 Central Plateau Exploratory Commission, and analyzes its closing section, entitled "Pathology," which addresses the relations between health and the settlement of the Brazilian territory.
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