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História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos, Volume: 30 Supplement 1, Published: 2023

    Agostoni, Claudia; Ramacciotti, Karina; Paiva, Carlos Henrique; Cueto, Marcos
  • Socioeconomic inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean: the post-pandemic future for the training of health professionals Analysis

    Faria, Lina; Alvarez, Rocío Elizabeth Chavez; Santos, Luiz Antonio de Castro

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo A desigualdade é um problema global e estrutural que aflige com maior intensidade as populações dos países mais empobrecidos. A pandemia da covid-19 agravou esse problema histórico na América Latina e Caribe e aprofundou as incertezas relacionadas às necessidades humanas básicas. O estudo apresenta um painel sobre o tema produzido pelos relatórios oficiais de agências internacionais (Opas, OMS, Cepal) entre 2019 e 2022, e discute alguns caminhos para a formação profissional em saúde no Brasil, bem como as mudanças nas práticas em saúde que podem impulsionar a proteção social das populações vulneráveis, com base nas propostas de Paulo Freire e Edgar Morin, que colocam em evidência as problemáticas sociossanitárias atuais.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Inequality is a global, structural problem that is particularly marked in the world’s poorest countries. The covid-19 pandemic exacerbated this historic problem in Latin America and the Caribbean and deepened uncertainties in relation to basic human needs. This study presents an overview of the subject on the basis of official reports from international agencies (PAHO, WHO, ECLAC) between 2019 and 2022 and discusses some paths for the training of health professionals in Brazil. It also investigates how health practices could be changed to ensure greater social protection for vulnerable populations, based on the proposals of Paulo Freire and Edgar Morin, which highlight current social and health problems.
  • Between the personal and the political: life experiences during the covid-19 pandemic in Tucumán, Argentina, 2020-2022 Analysis

    Cordero, María Laura; Carter, Eric D.

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Resumen Este artículo analiza sentimientos, experiencias, prácticas y acciones que subyacen a los significados atribuidos a la pandemia por covid-19. A partir de un estudio de caso situado en la provincia de Tucumán (Argentina), se desarrolló una investigación mixta, interesada en captar experiencias de vida. Los discursos evidencian la resignificación de la propia vida, la valorización de los vínculos, el capital social comunitario, el Estado y la política. Desde lo personal o desde lo político, el marco interpretativo con el que las personas significan las experiencias de vida durante la pandemia por covid-19 configura sentimientos, experiencias, prácticas y acciones diferenciadas.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This article analyzes feelings, experiences, practices, and actions that underlie the meanings attributed to the covid-19 pandemic. Based on a case study located in the province of Tucumán (Argentina), a mixed-methods investigation was developed, interested in capturing life experiences. Discourse analysis show the resignification of life itself, the valorization of close ties, community social capital, the State and politics. From the personal to the political, the interpretive frames people use to signify life experiences during the covid-19 pandemic exhibit differentiated feelings, experiences, practices, and actions.
  • Impoverishment, hunger, and pandemic: Emergency Aid, the end of the Bolsa Família Benefit, and its replacement, Auxílio Brasil, 2019-2022 Análise

    Sordi, Denise De

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo O artigo aborda as escolhas políticas do governo brasileiro relacionadas aos programas sociais de transferência condicionada de renda feitas em meio à pandemia de covid-19. O objetivo é analisar como a implementação do Auxílio Emergencial, o fim do Programa Bolsa Família e a implementação do Auxílio Brasil estão relacionados ao rearranjo e ao desmanche da rede de proteção social brasileira diante da conjuntura de generalizado empobrecimento dos trabalhadores brasileiros. Espera-se não só apresentar um registro dessas ações, mas estabelecer chaves de leitura que, contextualizadas historicamente, permitam explicar a análise de tais ações em meio ao aprofundamento das políticas neoliberais no país.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This article addresses the political choices made by the Brazilian government concerning conditional cash transfer programs during the covid-19 pandemic. The aim is to analyze how the covid-related Emergency Aid (Auxílio Emergencial), the extinction of the Bolsa Família Program, and the implementation of its replacement, Auxílio Brasil, interacted in the rearrangement and dismantling of Brazil’s social protection network in a broader context of a generalized impoverishment of Brazilian workers. The article not only presents a record of these actions, but also offers an interpretative approach that, historically contextualized, can shed light on these actions, which ran parallel to the deepening entrenchment of neoliberal policies in the country.
  • The covid-19 pandemic and international mobility in Brazil: challenges for the health and social protection of international migrants in times of uncertainty Análise

    Granada, Daniel; Silveira, Cássio; Inoue, Silvia Regina Viodres; Matsue, Regina Yoshie; Martin, Denise

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo As relações entre saúde e migrações foram duramente afetadas durante a pandemia de covid-19. O presente artigo discute a produção sobre saúde e migrações e problematiza o agravamento da condição de vulnerabilidade social e econômica dos migrantes internacionais durante 2020 e 2021, no Brasil. A pesquisa vem sendo realizada por meio de revisão da literatura de matérias retiradas da imprensa nacional e internacional e busca abordar os impactos da covid-19 nos processos contemporâneos de mobilidade humana e quais suas consequências para as populações estigmatizadas. Os resultados apontam para a possibilidade de se compreender a pandemia como um momento-chave para repensar nacionalidade e fronteira.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract The relationship between health and migration was severely affected during the covid-19 pandemic. This article discusses the literature on health and migration, including the deteriorating levels of social and economic vulnerability of international migrants to Brazil in 2020 and 2021. The analysis was based on a review of articles published in the national and international press addressing the impacts of covid-19 on contemporary processes of human mobility and its consequences for stigmatized populations. The results point to the possibility of understanding the pandemic as a key moment for rethinking nationality and borders.
  • Management in tension: the Brazilian public health surveillance system and its response to the covid-19 pandemic Análise

    Kiss, Catalina; Paiva, Carlos Henrique Assunção; Teixeira, Luiz Antonio

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo O artigo aborda a resposta do governo brasileiro à pandemia da covid-19, enfatizando o sistema de vigilância em saúde e de inteligência epidemiológica. Retoma a evolução da vigilância em resposta às normas do Regulamento Sanitário Internacional, no contexto da saúde global. Analisa os atos do Executivo publicados no Diário Oficial da União e se detém nos atores e grupos formados para o enfrentamento da pandemia da covid-19 de janeiro de 2020 até março de 2022. Parte da premissa de que a inteligência epidemiológica deve estar a serviço da saúde pública. Constata-se que certo tensionamento burocrático e a transferência de protagonismo entre grupos marcam o desmonte dos mecanismos de inteligência.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This article addresses the Brazilian government’s response to the covid-19 pandemic, particularly the public health surveillance and epidemic intelligence system. It traces the evolution of disease surveillance as a response to the International Health Regulations in the context of global health. Executive orders published in the official gazette, Diário Oficial da União, are analyzed, as well as the actors and groups formed to tackle the pandemic between January 2020 and March 2022. The founding assumption is that epidemic intelligence must be placed at the service of public health. Bureaucratic tension and changes in protagonism among different groups can be observed as these intelligence mechanisms were dismantled.
  • The aftermath of the pandemic in a hospital: covid-19 and death in Buenos Aires, Argentina Análisis

    Gayol, Sandra; Fiqueprón, Maximiliano Ricardo

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Resumen El artículo explora las mutaciones en las prácticas de los profesionales de la salud en el contexto de la covid-19. Se centra en “el área covid” de un hospital de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, buscando conocer el reordenamiento del espacio y rutinas hospitalarias, y las formas de comunicar la muerte. En un período corto de tempo se observan ajustes en las prácticas profesionales e intentos de nuevas rutinas y rituales. En el vínculo médico/paciente y en la forma de comunicar una muerte se condensan tanto las acciones “excepcionales” (que vulneram rutinas) como intentos de recuperar técnicas de cuidado vinculados al paradigma de la medicina humanizada.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract The article explores the mutations in the practices of health professionals in the context of covid-19. It focuses on “the covid area” of a hospital in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, seeking to know the rearrangement of hospital space and routines, and the ways of communicating death. In a short period of time, adjustments in professional practices and attempts at new routines and rituals are observed. In the doctor/patient relationship and in the way of communicating a death, both “exceptional” actions (which violate routines) and attempts to recover care techniques linked to the paradigm of humanized medicine are condensed.
  • Creating Peru’s patient zero: pandemic narratives through traditional and social media Analysis

    Ruiz-León, Alejandra

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Resumen El coronavirus hizo que autoridades, periodistas y público designaran “paciente cero” al primer diagnosticado, aunque los especialistas calificaran al término como impreciso por equiparar el primer paciente infectado con el primero identificado. A pesar de esa inexactitud, pacientes cero se tornaron actores y fuentes de información relevante durante la pandemia. Fue el caso del paciente cero peruano, que participó en los medios de comunicación y abrió su Instagram para establecer un canal con el público. Conociendo la inexactitud del término, asimismo trató de dar su testimonio para aclarar la audiencia. El caso peruano muestra cómo pacientes cero responden al interés público y establecen sus acciones mediante los medios tradicionales y sociales.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract During the covid-19 pandemic, authorities, journalists, and the public used the term patient zero to refer to the first diagnosed patient. However, experts describe the term as imprecise because it equates the first infected patient with the first identified one. Although the term’s inaccuracy, patients zero became relevant actors and sources of information during the pandemic. This was the case with the Peruvian patient zero, who had public media participation and opened his Instagram to establish a communication channel with the public. Despite knowing the term’s inaccuracy, he felt responsible for the audience and sought to give his testimony. The Peruvian case shows how patients zero respond to the public interest and establish their agency through traditional and social media.
  • Conflicts and protests of Argentinean nursing during the covid-19 pandemic Analysis

    Ramacciotti, Karina; Valobra, Adriana María

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Resumen El interés de este artículo es estudiar cómo la pandemia de la covid-19, al intensificar rutinas laborales, potenció conflictos estructurales en el sector de enfermería en Argentina. Para ello, utilizamos una estrategia metodológica cuantitativa y cualitativa que nos permite comprender en profundidad las prácticas y las representaciones de enfermeros y enfermeras durante la pandemia a partir de la realización de una encuesta autoadministrada y entrevistas en profundidad. En primer lugar, analizamos los conflictos acontecidos por la sobrecarga laboral y la falta de insumos para la protección contra la covid-19. En segundo lugar, revisamos las estrategias de reclamos colectivos por medio de sindicatos y de movimientos autoconvocados.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract The interest of this article is to study how the covid-19 pandemic, by intensifying work routines, enhanced structural conflicts in the nursing sector of Argentina. For this purpose, we use a quantitative and qualitative methodological strategy that allows us to understand in depth the practices and representations of nurses during the pandemic by means of a self-administered survey and in-depth interviews. This proposal will have two axes. First, we will analyze the conflicts that occurred due to work overload and lack of supplies for protection against covid-19. Secondly, we will review the strategies of collective claims through unions and self-organized movements.
  • Traces of epidemics in the fringes of pain: memory of Spanish flu from a local history perspective, Botucatu (São Paulo state), 1918 Análise

    Ribeiro, Anna Cristina Rodopiano de Carvalho; Marques, Maria Cristina da Costa

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo O artigo perscruta sob a perspectiva da história local de que forma a memória do sofrimento que cercou a epidemia de gripe espanhola de 1918 em Botucatu (interior paulista) foi reconvocada, tensionada e transmutada ao longo do processo histórico, produzindo representações em estratégias e práticas, e apreensões como constituintes de uma realidade social que produz sentidos. Para essa operação historiográfica, coligiram-se vestígios históricos em diversos arquivos botucatuenses, entre setembro e outubro de 2021, buscando desvelar processos históricos aglutinados e depositados entre as fibras e fímbrias sociais e que, sob afecção da temporalidade, se movimentam, se reelaboram e trazem à tona a inefável marca da gripe espanhola.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This article takes a local history perspective to scrutinize how the memory of suffering that surrounded the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918 in Botucatu, São Paulo state, has been evoked, challenged, and transmuted over time, producing representations in strategies and practices, and understandings that end up constituting a meaning-making social reality. In this historiographic endeavor, historical vestiges were brought together from a variety of the city’s archives between September and October 2021 in a bid to reveal the historical processes that were accreted and deposited in the social fabric and fibers, and which, under the processes of time, were changed and reworked, bringing forth the ineffable mark of Spanish flu.
  • Covid-19 as an issue of memory, truth, and justice: an interview with Deisy Ventura Interview

    Ventura, Deisy; Paiva, Carlos Henrique Assunção; Agostoni, Claudia; Mannheimer, Vivian; Cueto, Marcos

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo Entrevista com Deisy Ventura, professora titular da Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo, que discute a dimensão política da pandemia de covid-19 no Brasil. A pesquisadora se tornou uma das principais referências no assunto por seu amplo conhecimento de direito internacional com foco em saúde. Na entrevista, ela apresenta reflexões relacionadas à saúde global, além de discutir a gestão da pandemia no país e suas implicações para os direitos humanos. De acordo com a pesquisadora, houve no Brasil uma política governamental sistemática de disseminação do vírus, e a pandemia deveria ser tratada como uma questão de memória, verdade e justiça.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This interview with Deisy Ventura, professor at the Faculty of Public Health of the Universidade de São Paulo, discusses the political dimension of the covid-19 pandemic in Brazil. She has become a leading reference on the subject due to her extensive knowledge of international law, with a focus on health. In this interview, Deisy Ventura offers some reflections on global health and discusses the handling of the pandemic in Brazil and its human rights implications. According to Ventura, the Brazilian government had a systematic policy for the spread of the virus, and the pandemic should be treated as a matter of memory, truth, and justice.
  • Panic, denial, and the search for “magic remedies:” the various social responses to covid-19 in Peru Research Note

    Lossio, Jorge

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Resumen Entre marzo de 2020 y marzo de 2022, más de 213.000 peruanos fallecieron por covid-19. En esta nota de investigación, identificaremos las diversas respuestas sociales a la covid-19 en Perú: negación, pánico, búsqueda de culpables, búsqueda de “remedios mágicos” y, en algunos sectores, escepticismo y desconfianza hacia el Estado y la ciencia. Argumentamos que estas respuestas sociales han sido comunes a lo largo de la historia, tanto en las pandemias anteriores al desarrollo de la era bacteriológica como en las más recientes. Pretendemos mostrar que en el Perú conviven ideas científicas en torno a la salud y la enfermedad con ideas religiosas, teorías conspirativas y saberes tradicionales.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Between March 2020 and March 2022, more than 213,000 Peruvians died of covid-19. In this research note, we will identify and analyze the various social responses to covid-19 in Peru: denial, panic, search for culprits, search for “magic remedies,” and, in some sectors, mistrust towards the State and science. We argue that these social responses have been common throughout history, both in pandemics prior to the development of the bacteriological era and in the most recent ones. We intend to show that, in Peru, scientific ideas around health and disease coexist with religious ideas, conspiracy theories and traditional knowledge.
  • When the present can help refine interpretations of the past: covid-19 in real time and the historiography of epidemics Nota De Investigación

    Armus, Diego

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Resumen Estas notas abordan la proliferación de discursos con enfoques improvisados, desinformados, apocalípticos y voluntaristas. Enfatizan cuestiones como la ignorancia sobre la historia de las epidemias, y también la incapacidad para lidiar con las incertidumbres que reinan durante las pandemias, así como los anuncios que este extraordinario evento sanitario produciría un profundo parteaguas en todos los órdenes de la vida y en todos los rincones del mundo. Finalmente, estas notas buscan señalar cómo el presente puede iluminar el estudio del pasado – o, de modo más personal, lo que creo haber aprendido como historiador en los tiempos de la pandemia de la covid-19.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract These notes address the proliferation of discourses with improvised, uninformed, apocalyptic and voluntarist approaches. They emphasize issues such as the widespread ignorance about the history of epidemics, and the inability to deal with the uncertainties that reign during pandemic times, as well as the announcements that this extraordinary health/sanitary event would produce a profound watershed in all walks of life and in all corners of the world. Finally, these notes seek to point out how the present can illuminate the study of the past – or, more personally, what I think I have learned as a historian in the times of the covid-19 pandemic.
  • Covid-19 and neoliberalism Reseñas

    Murillo, Juan Pablo
  • Past and present at times of pandemic Resenhas

    Weber, Beatriz Teixeira
  • History and the social sciences respond to the covid-19 pandemic Resenhas

    Cueto, Marcos
  • Let die: the tragic management of the covid-19 pandemic in Brazil Reseñas

    Agostoni, Claudia
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