We aim to reflect on the education in/for the SUS, as we stand at the crossroads between the health and education fields. In order to do so, we follow our own experiences with “Rede Cegonha” (Maternal care program called Stork Network), in the Ministry of Health, especially when it comes to monitoring the implementation of Support Centers for the Development of Good Practices in Management and in Obstetric and Neonatal Care. We think that health care improvement (in this particular case, for women and children) depends on experiencing an ethical-political-pedagogical framework, since we understand the health field as a teaching (pedagogic-body format) and learning field (experimentation of singular forms of health practices). Such framework unfolds into educational guidelines whose potential seems to lie on developmental way to make, know and produce education within SUS, and it means having work-education-intervention-management all together as inseparable actions.
Education; Public Health; Health Education; Continuing Education; Education-intervention