Open-access Production of meanings among adolescents about self care during the pregnancy

In prenatal care, professionals usually disregard the network of meaning-production in adolescents about the process of caring of themselves during pregnancy. The study aims to evidence this network in a specific situation, with focus in the sources and references of adolescents’ communities in poor areas of Cuiabá-MT, Brazil, as synthesized in a map. The qualitative study, was performed in 2014-2015, in 12 pregnant adolescents through focal groups, individual interviews, review of medical records and analysis based in the precepts and categories of Critical Discourse Analysis. The main discursive community of reference is the family, although health professionals, media and some acquaintances also mediate the construction of their discourses. Biomedical knowledge and care, expressed as risk control through preventive behavior practices, are respectively the most relevant source and voice among other options. The understanding of these particularities induces the professionals to search better ways of relating with adolescents and enlarging their autonomy.

Health communication; Map of symbolism; Pregnancy in adolescence; Prenatal care

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