Open-access Action research in interdisciplinary studies: analysis on criteria that can be revealed only through practice

This paper proposes a reflection on the criteria for the methodology of action research, with the aiming of contributing towards meeting the premises required for application and improvement of the quality of participatory research in socioenvironmental and healthcare contexts. To construct this approach structure, the results from analysis of dissertations and thesis on action research were used in an interdisciplinary manner, at the interfaces between the fields of health, education and the environment. Analysis on practical situations made it possible to identify elements favoring attainment of the objectives of action research and understanding of the organizational dynamics. The following criteria were established: methodological flexibility; combination of multiple research and intervention tools; and levels of cooperation and participation among subjects and researchers. Action research was shown to be an appropriate proposal in the light of the interdisciplinary challenges when applied taking into account the criteria studied here.

Action research; Interdisciplinarity; Participation; Health

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