Open-access Support research: participatory research and the Paideia method of institutional support

From reviewing the tradition of participatory research and its origins and types, this article suggests that intercession by means of the Paideia method should be used as a strategy for researchers’ interventions. This has been termed “support research”. This integration seeks to incorporate participation in the research process by the subjects investigated, and also envisages active involvement by researchers, with their offers and projects. The concepts of the Paideia method are presented, with its operating and dialogical framework. The “support research” methodology integrates participatory moments and interventions by the researchers, with construction of interpretive narratives. This analysis shows that the premises of the method highlight the efforts made towards reflection and knowledge production in three planes: the object or problem, sociability/institution (power relations) and self-analysis (researcher and subject investigated).

Qualitative research; Participatory research; Institutional support; Paideia

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