Open-access Managerial work in Basic Health Units of small municipalities in Parana, Brazil.

In order to understand how the organizational, political and relational dimensions affect the everyday managerial work in Basic Health Units of small municipalities in northern Paraná, a qualitative study was developed, using focus groups to gather the information. Nurses are the group that develops the majority of the managerial roles, even though in an informal fashion. The vertical and authoritarian management model prevails, in spite of the weakness of this function when confronting the autonomy and collegiality of professionals. In the political dimension, politically biased interests override the managerial decisions; and in the relational dimension, conflict is expressed with disrespect and disputes, but also collaboration with dialogue and teamwork. In these municipalities, the management processes are poorly developed, requiring professionalization and formalization of the managerial positions, in addition to the permanent education development.

Primary Health Care; Health services administration; Management; Health Manpower; Conflict

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