Open-access The healthcare model in training for nursing: experiences and perceptions

This study sought to identify, within training for nursing, how the healthcare model is expressed within the perceptions of students, teachers and primary care professionals. This was a qualitative study of case study type. The cases were five undergraduate courses at different institutions in the state of Santa Catarina. The results are presented in three categories: "Hegemony and counter-hegemony: the coexistence of two approaches within healthcare", "From theory to practice, how the healthcare model is expressed in two spheres of training" and "Interdisciplinarity... Advances or bias?" As a process, the care model requires continual focus on discussions between teaching and healthcare services. Planning and evaluation conducted conjointly have concrete consequences for the quality of care and for development of professional skills. Despite the limits, there has undeniably been progress towards consolidating the care model.

Higher education; Health care models; Primary health care; Interdisciplinarity

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