Open-access Adressing sex trafficking in women from the viewpoint of institutional agents of Brazil and Portugal

This paper proposes a reflection on the facilitators and obstacles in addressing sex trafficking. This is an exploratory qualitative study, that interviews representatives of governmental and nongovernmental institutions in Brazil and Portugal. A thematic analysis was performed on the collected material. Several obstacles were found, ranging from dubious legislation, stigmatization of women, delays in investigation, usual and accepted transgressive practices and lack of resources. On the other hand, we see advances such as the gradual visibility and social sensitivity to the subject; partnership actions between institutions and the search for dialogue and learning with representative groups of the victims. It is recommended the integration of actions, services, policies and sectors that deal with trafficking; the training of professionals with the participation of people who have suffered such an experience, and the inclusion of this issue in policies addressing violence against women.

Trafficking of women; Sexual exploitation; Public policies

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