Open-access Burnout syndrome and associated factors among Family Health Strategy professionals

This article aims to analyze the presence of burnout and related factors among Family Health Strategy professionals. A cross-sectional analytical study was carried out between February and April 2019, with a sample composed of 94 professionals. A form with sociodemographic variables was used, as well as the Scale of Ways of Coping with Problems (EMEP), the Resilience Scale and the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory. A 95% confidence interval was calculated to each variable. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Piauí under number 3.169.529. The profile was of professionals, the majority of whom were women, with average age of 40.9 years, 12 years of work in Primary Care, public service. Burnout prevalence was 38.3%; 59.6% for exhaustion and 47.9% for distancing. The results show high levels of burnout, a moderate score in the factors that compose resilience and low efficiency in the use of strategies to combat stressors.

Psychological exhaustion; Family Health Strategy; Workers Health; Cross-sectional studies

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